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Everything posted by bigway

  1. Tight races. The last cup challenge was a disaster that we nearly did not put a team in this time around. We needed a sponsor with enough money, seems we got it. The americas cup is a huge event in New Zealand and one of the proudest moments to be a kiwi. Until we bring the world cup home in rugby. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  2. I think 'US' means the the people that know all the answers and expect everyone to fill out their profile. The profile means diddly squat. How does anyone know if a profile is correct or accurate? It means nothing. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  3. I dont know if Scott logs on to this site enough to see this question. I was on the course with him and his experience was zero. He was an active paraglider though. From what i hear Scott is now somewhere around 7000 jump numbers since the course finished late 2001. Scott was a good bloke who did not suck up to the directors or anything but he went in their to walk out with a career for himself and his family and it seems he has done exactly what his goals were. Scott if you read this, sorry i thought you would more than likely not see it. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  4. I owned a Sabre 2 150 a few years ago. Bought it brand new. I then demoed a Safire 2 139 after 80 jumps and loved it so much more that i purchased a safire 2 129. The sabre 2 was heavy, the safire 2 has lighter toggles and risers. So much more fun in the sky as well. I finally felt with the safire that i was flying the canopy and was not scared of canopy ride anymore. As far as I am concerned the Safire 2 is 100% better and more fun than the Sabre 2. Saying that though, I have never owned a pilot but this canopy is in the same league as a safire and sabre so is well worth a demo and consideration. With my sabre 2 i always had 180 to 360 degree off heading openings. With my safire it is perfect everytime. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  5. I dont think Tony dies. They would not do that to his family. Especially when AJ needs him the most. I think Tony gets arrested or goes into protective custody or leaves back to Italy. Everyone is expecting Tony to die so i very much doubt it will happen. I believe Paulie takes a bullet for Tony. Really sucks this show is ending. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  6. Haha... you shit yourself .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  7. it'll cost ya .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  8. They cost me too much to just give them away. They are for the team we are sponsoring and other Karnage Krew customers. The reason he gets one is because i stole his photo off and made it our logo i did get permission though.... a few weeks later. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  9. No worries mate. I just had them made and delivered last week. You asked for a red one for your daughter though i never got red because of the design. I have.. charcoal, Black, Army gtreen, carolina blue and white. You will notice the smiley logo on the hood is embroided or you can have one without the embroidery so let me know. I forget what colour you wanted for yourself. Please remind me .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  10. Does he stll mark his height in the doorway on each birthday or has he given up?? Happy birthday muppet. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  11. don´t downsize from 260 to 210 or 190. Don´t skip any step! And get advice from the instructors or experienced people that know your landing skills. I would not call going from a 260 to a 210 missing any steps. A 210/220 should be the next step at his sort of wingloading. You would be very hard to find any canopies in between a 260 AFF rig and a 220 sports rental at most dropzones. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  12. Mate you were waiting on hoddies. Hoddies have just been made. They arrived a couple of days ago. Here are the pictures. resend your address. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  13. I cant believe instructors do n to sit down each student and give a little lecture on this before signing you off. No offence to you, just seems more instructors should be doing this. Sounds like a 190 would be a pretty good size for you to buy. If you want to stay cautious though get yourself a 200-210 Make sure they are ZP canopies though as an old F1--1 190 will be like a 170 zp. My suggestion is demo 210 for a few jumps and think about buying a 190. A 190 210 are pretty big cvanopies but they may also seem small to you, however these are the canopies most will go to once off AFF unless of course you were extremley light that you may consider a 170 or 150 as a first canopy that you actually purchase. In your case a 190 sounds about right but do demo a 210 or even 220 for a few jumps to make sure that you will be okay on a 190. EVEN MORE SERIOUS ADVICE.. go and ask someone that knows you such as an instructor as we here can only guess what is right for you. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  14. still waiting on mine LEE! (shut up squeak.. its on it way) .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  15. Yeah, you wish! It's on now! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  16. What a shit movie that was from finch. Nothing happened in it, nothing was resolved and it went for ever and instead of an ending it had pages of text you had to read. Worst hyped movie of the year so far in my books. Dukes of Hazzard 2007 was better than that. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  17. how come you have started this thread when the same thread is going strong in the bonfire?? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  18. My girlfriend has always wanted me to take her to the theatre.... At last we have tickets to go and see a show at the Sydney Opera House. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  19. they just realeased the new update. It is about 500mb but is excelent. Shame it takes so long. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  20. Already?? Go the kiwis! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  21. The dornier from Weston. This G92 is what it is called??? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  22. c-182 c-170 c-185 c-206 c-402 porter cresco fletcher pac 750 nomad let 410 dornier skyvan casa king air twin otter dc-3 dc-9 jet balloon pits special beech 99 beech (arizona) helicopter islander caravan I am pretty sure there are a few more that i can not think of at the moment. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  23. Shower once a month even if i am clean. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  24. Guys, please have a look at I have played all the sites but this is the best there is. Let me know what you think. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  25. Mate... I play online every night. Never knew you guys had one. Can i make a suggestion please? Go to and have alook around. There is not a better website for poker. You actually see when people check their cards etc. This is an excellent site. Anyway, will sign up to pokerstars just so i can take your money .Karnage Krew Gear Store .