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Everything posted by bigway

  1. Dude, I just got the dog to quieten down and now you have to do this? Go to sleep it is 2:30am .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  2. FUCK YOU!!!! I was sleeping! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  3. ...Just dont quit that day job you find so boring.... Please dont! I am guessing this song is to have a country western style to it? Seriously.... That was just sad .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  4. Anyone downloaded from mininova the 'Debriefs' of each episode? I got one down and it seems like a bit more to the story. Never heard of these before. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  5. because they were all at the racetrack training for Formula1 Now that WAS funny!!! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  6. Do you think it is a good thing that one of the richest sports in the world finally had a black man win the race? This makes me remember when the springboks had a black winger. The only black guy on the team. He was so good that they now have many black men playing for the team. I think things like this open up more opportunities for a black man in the western world. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  7. Are you black Squeak? i thought you were more 'yellow' .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  8. Yo Ma Honkie! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  9. LMAO!! Well hell, why not. Will probably hire bouncers instead of Military to secure the grounds. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  10. I bet if a black man wins the presidents office in the states the whole world will be saying he is the first black president. It is an achievent for their race so there should be no problem with anyone commenting on it. Maybe if a black man becomes the president of the united states the national anthem maight get a new beat to it. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  11. Fuck, how did he manage to steal a Formula 1 car and win a race with it? On a serious note, It has always been one of those things said that a black guy would never win a forumla 1 grand prix so good on him. It ihas now been done and will no longer be said so i think that is an excellent thing. For people who want to bash me about my entry joke, It was a joke, same sort of joke i bet you hear Chris Tucker stand up on stage and joke about in the near future. It was a joke and i am not racist. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  12. I think i figured it out!! Okay bobby and tony saying 'do you see it coming'? Well the answer is NO! We the viewer who were watching the family have their dinner were killed. They did not kill a soprano, they killed the viewer. We sure as hell did not see it coming. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  13. Except for the part where you're wrong. It's a quick edit of him looking at an empty table, then a shot of him sitting down. Shirt is gray, with different colored sleeves that you don't see when he has his jacket on when he's standing up. I've frame-by-framed it. He wasn't shot, he wasn't looking at himself, no one in that entire scene sans family has ever been in The Sopranos before. Sorry. :) Sorry Agent Lead but Peter is correct here. It is all over the boards on but has been proven wrong. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  14. Well i think i just gave the ending away for you then for the black donnelleys. Now that was an excellent show. The webisodes were very good. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  15. is there a link to this video??? PLEASE! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  16. nah, if it was her the cat would have been back ages ago. I think she was reincarnated as a dose of heroin .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  17. That FUCKING SUCKED!!!!!! I get the ending, great, I get how it showed us where everyones life was heading, Meadow was getting married and becoming a lawyer to help people like Tony out, AJ is becoming part of the mafia, The wife was continuing her real estate dream, Chris was reincarnated as a cat. Tony showed his respect to uncle Junior but come on, What the fuck, they could of at least ruined the happy ending and killed the entire family while sitting at the restaurant. Some fucking closure please!!!! I thought the final 6 episodes were building up to a huge finale and because of that i accepted the final 6 episodes, Last weeks epsiod was brilliant but to now find out all those episodes that made everyone believe it was building up to something and then nothing.... Well it kind of fucked up an entire season. Ah well, I look forward to watching 'The Black Donelleys"... Oh thats right, they cancelled that too right when dockey shot the mother to bits. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  18. yeah that one. He also kills Meadow.. the one that grows grass .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  19. JUst kidding ya. The sopranos production team have not released or let anything slip for this finale. This is going to be an excellent hour of television at its finest. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  20. Damn, this is terrible. best wishes to him and his family. Terrible news. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  21. there is a video on my website of a tracking weekend over an island that was hired out it is the slipper island video. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  22. bigway

    Doctor Who

    The newer series starts soon. It is called "Torchwood". one of those jumbled words that means says "doctorwho". .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  23. Has anyone answered your question yet? Sure, there will be someone there and going by the cool staff at skydive chicago, i am sure it will only set you back the price of a slot. SDC is the greatest dropzone with the greatest staff and family. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  24. is this an incident or nearly an incident? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  25. bigway

    Hostel 2

    Dude, this is a terrible movie that is far too predictable. I can not believe that someone has good things to say about this. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .