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Everything posted by skyesspot

  1. {{{{{VIBES}}}} My condolences to you and her family. (((((HUGS))))) Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  2. I got to lay in the arms of man who loves me and snuggle!! Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  3. Hope your day started as well as mine!!! And if not here's a smile for you.
  4. I wish I could have my mom back (she died a few years back). Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  5. That is awesome. Such power for such a little one.
  6. okay they say the third time is a charm... lummy... lummy... lummy... lummy... hee hee Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  7. been there - done that {{{{{VIBES}}}}} Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  8. 1. I have no money 2. The wife/hubby won't let me go 3. Boss won't give me time off 4. I have an injury 5. I dont want to go 6. Not enough money 7. Other Dz's closer and "more?" fun 8. Want to spend the Holidays with family/friends 9. Friends are at other DZ's 10. Entertainment is better other places? 11. CO-ED Hot showers 12. "If Bo is at the same DZ he won't call me at 3 AM" 13. In a differnt country/ illegal alien... 14. School (during the holidays?) 15. Weather 16. No babysitter This is for me and Lummy, altho we are still trying. =) Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  9. (((((MAJOR VIKING TYPE HUGS))))) I am so sorry for all of your loses. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  10. I said I wanted Lummy way back on the first page. =) Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  11. {{{{{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}}}}}}} ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  12. {{{{{VIBES}}}}}} Good luck. You'll do great.
  13. skyesspot


    I love playing this game. Altho I think you are much better than I. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  14. k.. most of them were right no... You have little interest in your financial investments. You are not driven by material wealth and prefer to see where destiny takes you. Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy. Variety is the spice of life! You are comfortable in any crowd or situation, and always come away with new friends. {This is the one I don't agree with - I just thought that color would look good on it} You make sure that your possessions will boost your image, no matter whether it's a necessity or not. If one of your friends has it, you must have it as well. A good listener. You are comfortable allowing others to take the spotlight and share their adventures. You are protective about your friendship and ensure the best for your friends. You are very considerate. Friendship is the world to you, and you are friends with everyone. Be careful, as sometimes this works against you if you are too trusting. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  15. Okay, now to answer some of the questions... She can't jump in Cali until she is 18 Thanks... i was trying to tell myself i only had two more years... (kidding) We moved outta town. Her part of the car payment and insurance is $200 a month. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  16. First I would like to thank all of you for your advice.
  17. mumble mumble... he has FAR too much time on his hands... mumble... FINE... but if you get caught you don't know where you live... GOT IT!!! Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  18. The loan is in my name because she is a minor, so it's my credit. Same w/the insurance. Since she can't legally enter into a contract, she can't get her own insurance. And I do believe that as a parent I am responsible for her. She is the way she is partly because I have been too soft on her and now that is going to have to change. Bad-Ass Mama will be making an appearance!!! Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  19. HUNEY!!! Not a good idea. The landlord would just NOT understand. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  20. and r u going to do this when your daughter is going thru this??? I'm afraid you are right here. I'm going to start w/grounding her and see where that gets me. Two months of family time should be a good start. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  21. I wish I could but she has to go across a bridge to get to school. At least that is encouraging. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  22. My 16 year old daughter is at it again... let's see... 3 tickets in 3 months (she got her license in Feb): 1 for driving on a restricted license 1 for speeding 1 for running a red lite Didn't give me her car payment cuz she bought a snowboard with the money. Didn't give me her insurance money cuz she "forgot" to get a work permit so her work had to keep her off the schedule until she did (2 weeks) Has been cutting school and forging my name (I know this is a common one) Has dropped her GPA from about 3.8 to a 2.8 (which also means her car insurance rates are going to go up) Cut school today to go snowboarding which is bad enough BUT she took her paycheck w/her which I needed in order to make her car payment today. Sigh... please tell me she will still be a decent human being when she is done w/this dang teenage stage. p.s. I can't take her car away because we moved outta town and I can't get her to and from school. Altho she will be grounded whenever the brat gets home. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  23. Him's came and took me to lunch cuz I'm having a bad daughter day. Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.