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Everything posted by voodew1

  1. I may have never met --- but we shouldn't forget send your support -- The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  2. I hope you mean C208 (Caravan) as a C206 is by no means a fast plane unless there is some mod I have never heard about. (520 engine) I jump a 206 almost every weekend (max load 6 jumpers) and 45 min to 12.5k with six jumpers in the summer time -- we don't breath O2 but we do inhale a lot of ASS Gas on the ride up. We have taken it to 15K before but that took forever and it was cold outside. All of my high alti loads have been super otters. I don't know of a 206 turbine conversion - there is a 207 but I hear its not a rocket ship either. Let me know if there is some sort of hotrod 206 around The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  3. They aren't fun to watch??????????? Have you seen what they will do for $1.00 The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  4. stems from back in the day of heavy beer drinkin' and stripper fuc'in. It was fun but glad it passed The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  5. 20 days in jail!!!!!!!!!! Luckily its summer time and won't interfere with her college classes she is putting herself thru. How about you get the whores to start paying taxes on their income like the rest of us --- she should be happy with 20 days it will help her kick the cocaine habit. They maybe be fun to watch but they happen to be the scum of the earth The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  6. I have seen in the past 1st hand where all of the RW record attempts full face masks were given out -- oh wait no those were tubes and nose cannulas. And we all sat around huffed O2 on the ground while we dirt dived the formations -- oh wait we started breathing O2 from a tube at about 8k. I am sure that all the people running these RW record attempts are just trying to kill us and save money on O2 and masks. Lighten up quit trying to scare people from having fun -- I have yet to see a high alti load where safety procautions weren't taken! It is in there best interest. I am sure in the military they do it differently, but we don't jump in that enviroment. Maybe if you turbine folks would spend a few hours flying around from 10k to 12.5k every weekend in a cessna 182 you would be used to no oxygen. You will be just fine with a tube or nose cannulas -- have a buddy with you that knows the signs of hypoxia --- As for going out and trying to max out and get 5 min flights in, well thats not the smartest manuever --remember you must have strenght at the end to pull and land. Edit to add**** have made around 12 jumps from 20k to 23.5k-- Wingsuit/fun jumps/& TSR 2004 150way attempts and have never used anything other than nose cannules or straight tube along with the other 150 jumpers -- DZ altitude was no higher than 700'MSL The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  7. At our DZ once you have done your 7 AFF jumps you are cleared for self supervision --- if you have your own gear which most do not at jump 8 it would cost you 19.00 to rent gear and make more than 3 jumps in a day it would cost you $35.00 per jump. That includes pack job, gear rental, and jump ticket Total cost of AFF if you pass all levels will be around $1100.00 The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  8. Last year my friends and I did a high alti jump from 22,500agl. This was done in Houston Texas (only matters that it is at about 100 ft above sea level). We were nervous about hypoxia and such so we did solos and didn't go for super max flight each of us got about 3 1/2 minute flights and non of us had a problem we range from 27 yr old some what healthy/ to 34 yr pot belly smoker/ to 60 ish pretty good shape man. I was not that tired during the flight but about 20 minutes after landing I was completely wiped out and I mean completely. I had to take a nap as I was drained of all energy (this might of had something to do with partying the night before and such) Hope this might help some of your questions --- remember our 22,500 agl was from 100 ft above sea level which might have major differences if you are taking off from 2,000 MSL The suit you choose might make a difference to as if an S3 makes your arms tired on a normal alti jump it will probably kick your ass on a high altitude jump (and remember you still have to pull when the flyin' over, so save a little strenght for that). I will more than likely do another high alti jump next month and shoot for 4 1/2 minutes or better -- we will have to see what the body can take. The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  9. Nice try but Houston in July even at midnight is like hell --- 200% humidity and 92 degrees. If your going to try for sympathy work the angle about the 6 lbs mosquitos that will pick your sleeping body up and carry it away at night. The mosquitos in Houston have been known to break windsheilds in cars on the highway. The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  10. ..........crawls back into a hole to nurse his badly busted balls and learn how to read the entire sentence more clearly............ The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  11. Maybe you should have bought some Classics as the S3s / S5 / PHI aren't really being hyped as your best all around student suits. You said that you have an S3 / and a GTI --- the GTI is the only suit that is even close for student use. I am asuming that I am misunderstanding your post -- don't mean to bust your balls. The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  12. Ask the DZ about there student program to become a licensed skydiver --- Static line, Accelerated Freefall, Tandem progression to AFF or others. Expect to pay a minimum of $1000.00 Than buy your own gear and you to can jump for $20ish per jump The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  13. So just ordered 3 suits and 1 is not even available yet! I am impressed The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  14. For all of those that are planning on attending and bringing an RV --- be warned if you have not reserved a slot you may need to bring a generator and park far a way from me. There are only limited plug ins and also bring garden hose to fill your holding tanks as the slots do not have water hook ups --- there is water available to fill your tanks just not at each slot. Hope this helps before it is too late The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  15. Wow that would really narrow down the responses --- as most of your regular responders belong to the statement above --- it would include BMCI's/BMI's/--PFI/E's and more than likely "Andymatter" but that is just a guess. Now this could be argued but they all have sales incenatives -- The best overall wingsuit will be released next year and when it has been released the next one to be released will be better yet --- I would hope anyway The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  16. You don't recall -- emergency procedures stay the same. Arch - look -reach - pull - arch The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  17. Ha --- down here in Texas flat spins are called Freestyle wingsuit flyin' or exit which ever you prefer. To do them properly (wingsuit freestyle maneuvers) you must start off with the sayin' to the pilot ---"hold my beer---this is gonna be cool!!!!" The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  18. I would like to know reasons why you should disconnect -- real reasons that could cause something bad to happen (such as entanglement with a camera helmet where the camera helmet must be released/jettisoned before the reserve canopy should be deployed) I don't really care to hear about "I can pull my own handles" or "because I heard about this one guy that one time had an RSL and............ Just real reasons as to why it would be important to disconnect an RSL for a wingsuit jump. So at this time there are nine votes for never have an RSL connected ---- LETS HEAR WHY!!!! The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  19. I have video of mine -- spinning mal with a wingsuit and the reserve opened just as it is designed to. In a spinning mal as you cut away you will be thrown away some what horizontally from the point you cutaway from -- the reserve will be deploying in the same manner - it doesn't care about body position just direction of the airflow. I hope you never find yourself low in a mal when an RSL could have saved your life -- but it is your decision - I simply stated mine. The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  20. I on the other hand use my RSL's on all 3 of my rigs and they range from highly loaded to mid load. The only time I will disconnect my RSL is if I have on a full camera setup -- side mount video only doesn't count for me.(added CReW) What would a wingsuit have to due with disconnecting the RSL???? The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  21. So when will you be able to say something -- maybe say the end of the month The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  22. I heard that they are having a grand reopening and charging $12 a jump from the Casa they bought from South America. The Casa will be there full time along with the Otter (being fitted for larger engines) and I heard that they will be bring in balloons and choppers every other weekend but they are going to charge $35 a jump for those. Also I heard that they are building a 2 story 5,000 sq ft bunk room building with 50" plasma TVs in every room. There will be free beer all the time and free pizza every night. The new owners have decided to install an air conditioned loading area and the planes will have strippers full time in the right seat to make sure we get extra altitude. The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  23. Eagle Flight Skydiving (Texas) will be hosting a Casa boogie the end of June --- any wingsuit flyers want to come play with us -- we will be arriving early Saturday morning and would love to have more flyers to play with. Right now I believe the number is 6 -- 3 are 100% commited 2 are a real possiblitiy and 1 is the DZO so I am not sure how much he will be able to fly with us. Come out and fly with us -- its a tailgate The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  24. Well the event is getting closer and just a little more info see attachments The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid
  25. Looks like our wingsuit flock is starting to grow as this event gets closer --- the more the better Come play The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid