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Everything posted by des

  1. just a note here. it is possible to throw the drogue in a drogue side down side spin,just takes a little timing,to find the gap.(done it 3 times now).i really believe this is a better option,as you still have the reserve if the drogue doesn't clear. the 4000' it took to stop the side spin, is putting you in the red,if you exit at 8000',still no guarantee that it will stop by then. as i said this is just my opinion,and it's worked for me. des
  2. dammit! i know you are right,but i get more enjoyment from a tandem now ,than any other skydive. wierd uh? des
  3. larsen and brusgaard's customer service is sensational. because of the service i've had,i will never change from dytter. des
  4. i wear one,but detest the fact that some asshole says i have to!i detest the fact that i can't smoke in a bar in ca. i can't even open a smokers bar!i detest the fact that to jump in some places i have to have a cypres! freedom! ha ha,wot a load of crap! freedom has no definition. des
  5. a combination of a s`hort bridle,worn p/c and a tight pack can also cause a p/c in tow. des
  6. a littleadvice here. i have at least 6 friends who stopped logging at 1000 jumps. all regret it ,and all but 1 have started logging again,although obviously re-started at a guess,(i'm sure all of them made an under estimation).all are now in the 4-7000 range,but don't really know.not that it's important,just that they regret it!. might as well log 'em,don't take that much time.have to admit tho ,none of mine are signed,but I KNOW it's accurate. again ,just my thoughts. des
  7. skymonkey, i agree with all your thoughts, except the anti pro pack one. i've packed my last 3000 myself ,all pro pack,and only 1 hard opening and subsequent chop. also 1 of my co-workers has flat packed his last 4000 with no chops,as i said before ,packing is not a real issue with most new model canopies these days.
  8. i know what you mean mike,i felt the same way,but now get a greater kick from student reactions than i get from a 10 pt 16 way. but that's just me. yeah the "double break" approach works fairly well,used it for a lot of jumps,but the conditions i jump in now do not allow it. regards. des
  9. my stats;- 8100., 5000 tandems 14 chops, all tandem,but in retrospect,probably 8 of them i could of cleared ,or landed ,(all tension knots). i know i really enjoyed chopping,but got older and saner since. had 1 chop in last 3000 tandems ,and that was a spread maillon link after a hard opening. i don't believe it's the packers fault ...ever,(unless it's something misrouted,and then the tm should pick it up in the check.) if you don't thoroughly check your gear before every jump (tandem) you are a wanker,and asking for shit to happen. just my thoughts. des
  10. seems pretty simple,regardless of jumpship.simple rule:- no show, no links. that seemed to eliminate all complaints, last10 way comp i did. single file rule doesn't work ,'cos it's too hard to define.
  11. yeah, icarus tandem canopies are great. we jump 360's and 330's in the windy season.we hook turn every landing,not for vanity,(there is no one here to impress),but for survival.those who wouldn't, or couldn't hook turn all ended up crashing and getting hurt.if you are experienced enough to be a tm,after a few 100 tandems you should be capable of safely hooking tandems,and you will get way, way better landings everytime. i explained this in more detail ,in a private message to riggerrob,but don't think he received it.i would be happy to be more expansive to any tm's interested. (i have 5000 something tandem jumps),and never hurt anyone. des
  12. sorry, but i did mention stiletto landings too.
  13. well, i guess i'm an "old time jumper",i always toggle hook,front risers are just too much hard work. i am not trying to impress anyone, just believe a hook turn is far and away the best way to land's all in the set up,if you are too low ,don't hook,do a brake turn if necessary,it's really bloody simple! also i have found i just don't have the strength to front riser a tandem,so have to toggle hook.(haven't "crashed" a tandem since i started hooking them),just the odd bum slide.(been hooking tandems for nearly 3000 tandem jumps). only time i crashed my stiletto was in a front riser carve,when i dropped the f---in toggle! dickhead!so just use toggle turns now. just use good judgement.
  14. been a s/l ,aff ,and tandem inst. for 6 yrs fulltime. used to believe that pure aff was the way to go,but after our chief instructor insisted on a tandem as level 1 aff,and being there at opening time,(they had all done an 8 hr 1st jump course),i know that 70-80% never even checked the bloody canopy till prompted,it was kinda scary. then worked at sdo in oregon for a season,who run a tandem progression programme as well as aff,i have to say my impression was that ,far more graduated thru the tandem progression, than pure aff,also saw numerous students landing all over the country,and in trees and on hangars,on level 1 or 2 aff,despite a very comprehensive aff course,and extremely competent instructors. tandem students were remarkedly more competent,although most instructors were kinda nervous on their 1st 1on 1 aff. s/l scares shit out of me, and do not recommend it to personal friends who want an honest opinion. i recommend to friends a tandem proression programme ,based purely on my experiences. des
  15. thanks for that skymedic, gives me a nice warm feeling,when someone appreciates your home country. des
  16. some beer snobs are almost as bad as wine snobs,beer is beer ,it's all personal preference. i've been drinking beer for almost 50 yrs,tried em all ,and the beer i found totally undrinkable, was the beer of choice at a couple of dz's ,i.e "india pale ale" YUK!, all the micro brewed beer tasted like shit to me,too much "non beer" flavour,why not drink alcoholic soda?. at least miller lite tastes like beer. just my opinion, des p.s at my home dropzone,the beer you buy is credit at the bar,so everyone can have their personal choice.that worked for me.
  17. ifyou are interested LOTR was filmed in new zealand. check out that place!
  18. des

    creative jumpsuits

    just read the thread on jumpships,reminded me of a girl i used to jump with,who had dead rats(stuffed)for grippers. (a sweetheart called wildjane(wildman's girlfriend). also recall a guy who had a toadskin rig. any other "wilds" still out there?
  19. sorry! wrong forum,and i dunno how to delete
  20. read the jumpship thread,reminded me of a girl i used to jump with who had dead rats (stuffed)sewed on as grippers. (she was a sweetheart called "wildjane" ,girlfriend of wildman). someone at that time also had a toadskin rig. any other "wilds" still out there?
  21. des


    total agreement here ,riggerrob.those f11 425's were evil! had 13 chops on them mothers,in 2000 tandems,had 1 chop on icarus tandems in 2500 tandems.haven't had a chop on my personal gear 3500 jumps.i'm a bloody rough packer too! des
  22. drunk football team. "let's do a skydive.yeah" i was 43 then and still playing,..duh... ended up only 4 of us did AFF. that was '89. done 8000 jumps now.funny how it happens. des
  23. i am very disturbed now. i agree with clay again! "the outlaw josey wales" "cool handluke" i think i may have some problems,or a personality disorder.
  24. "america is still the finest country in the world.if you don't believe that go live somewhere else" i'm sure you believe that,and that's fine. but most of us don't,and most of us do.