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Everything posted by mahonie10

  1. Newbie here looking to hit up some boogies in 2013. hopefully i can catch a couple but looking for the "epic must be at" ones so i can schedule my vaction time early. Thanks
  2. A-typical soccer player, Flopping! to get attention!
  3. i'll sell you my Storm 170! wait no, I love that canopy. I'm sorry
  4. i know the feeling, my sleeve has been in the work for over a year now, i think my ink driver is jealous! haha
  5. You don't know for sure unless you try. I would hope someone would try everything they could to revive a fallen friend. I would at least, instead of just saying "damn dead"
  6. invision yourself breaking a stick over both your knees when you bring them up. snap your hands down and look up, then open back up once you see ground.
  7. As a recent newb myself, i'm guessing the 100 jump wonders are young as well. I say this because though i'm merely 27, I have no care what-so-ever to buy a "hot rod" canopy and start swooping. Don't get me wrong i love watching the real swoopers hauling ass skimming the pond. But it's just not for me. Now maybe it's the safety culture ive been working in for the past 10 years, but I want to be safe at work so I can go jump, and I want to live to jump again tomorrow(too cliche? yeah i know). So i'll think i'll stick to my .95:1 tarp and enjoy the nice long ride down.
  8. Well first off welcome! I think you'll get the response of ask your instuctors alot on here, because they know you better than the interweb does when it comes to canopy flight. I'm a newb but recently bought me a rig, so i'll share what little i know on the subject. When it comes to canopies stay away from ellipticals, stay at a 1:1 wingloading for 200 jumps, at 170 pounds your exit weight is close to 195, so a 210 might be a good first size(again talk to your instructors) I bought a PD reserve because i did not here one bad thing about them. i got my container sized for a 150 main so i could get the most life out of it(curently jumping a 170) because containers will normaly accept 3 sizes of mains; soft, optimal, and "brick". But not all canopies have the same pack volume, i.e. a PD Storm 170 packs the same size as a PD Sabre2 150. Everyone is partial certain brands, but i'm sure all manufactures make good products. just do some research, and pick out the one you like, I personaly would start with; Have fun! p.s. don't forget to check out the classifieds on here.
  9. Stuck at work on a jump day. Whats a boy to do?
  10. ahh yes the weather holds, where skydivers get hurt. haha, better get used to them.
  11. I think you will find it's just not AFF graduation. The beer rule applies to skydiving first's. i.e. first cutaway, first jump with a new rig etc. Us newbs owe alot a beer when all said and done. Cheers
  12. Anyone have fun exit ideas? Like getting thrown from the plane. Exits are one of my favorites parts of jumping, just looking for some ideas.
  13. yeah it's called the "alien invasion" anyone can get that print.
  14. I think the OP is talking about the G3 helmet. not the mirage G3 container. could be wrong though
  15. Yeah it's correct, mirage M2 container, i'm a scrony little guy haha, i like to consider it aerodynamic!
  16. I know this has probaly been discussed before, but.......I'm venturing down to Florida in December to do some jumping at Deland and Sebastian. The one question I got is what is the best way to travel with a rig and gear? carry on? check it? I guess I would feel more comfortable keeping it close, but unknowing TSA agent might hassle me about it. But on the other hand the baggage handlers are so gentle with things. Anyone have suggestions or past experience that could help me out? Thanks
  17. Yeah, here lately i look like a beer delivery driver rolling a hand cart full a beer into the DZ
  18. no i got all the gear, i was just curious about how much the rigger is gonna charge to put it all together?
  19. Quick question...About how much does it cost to have a new rig, rigged up?
  20. Just my 2 cents in this spiral... Stricter gun laws will never(in my opinion)solve these kind of occurences, because somebody with the intent to harm will go down any avenue to obtain firearms. Just think about how criminals that can't leagaly own a gun still have them! As for the ccw holders....who knows how one will react in that situation? I am a gun owner and i have no clue how i would react...I like to think I could protect myself. And yes a .45 slug to a BP vest would stun the crap out of the one taking the hit. But remember adrenaline is a powerful thing, he may not feel a thing. Who knows???!!!!! All in all the situation is just FUBAR
  21. That was my first thought...This wack job was just taking pop shots, sounds like he didn't care if it was kids. The shitty thing is he'll probaly go to court and plead insanity. I say attach a winch to his testicles and reel it in.