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Everything posted by timski

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uacxPmj2PlA Can you even imagine living somewhere like this?!?! I CAN!
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/transgender-woman-with-a-beard-is-now-a-lesbian-is-it-transphobic-if-lesbians-refuse-to-date-a-trans-woman/ar-AA1dqv0C?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=e519115e15104948a3f56323775d2790&ei=25 Life used to be a lot less complicated...
  3. What do you then call visitors who come to "proxy fly"?
  4. Don't make irreversible decisions and don't go in debt for an elective surgery. I'm sure it would be a little deeper than that!
  5. I'm one person, not the entire world. Perspective. And to be clear, I'll be the first to do the explaining.
  6. It's ok to be "triggered", however THIS is an open forum for DEBATE. What was i thinking? It's ok to not agree, it's how one presents themselves in the debate that matters. For the record, if I didn't have two beautiful little people to raise, foster, nurture and care for, I'd give A LOT less fucks on the matter. Also, I've already raised a beautiful girl to adulthood, and have already had to explain the freak show...
  7. Or their "assigned genders". I'm sure it'll be a better world for all.
  8. OR, simply stay in your lane, and avoid the "drama".
  9. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/06/14/white-house-pride-event-topless-transgender-activist-cprog-orig-aw.cnn WHAT an "honor". Sorry, you can't have your cake and eat it too! You're playing by the girls' rules now.
  10. So, the few individuals it does actually do harm to are collateral damage. Sorry about your luck I guess...
  11. It's human nature to spin it however you see fit. To fit your own agenda. However, you know 100% what I mean. The Olympic committee decides who competes in the Olympics, not the game of life.
  12. I'll keep tranny bashing and you keep making light about an incident were someone's life was lost... Perspective.
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/martina-navratilova-rips-transgender-cyclist-s-latest-triumph-in-north-carolina-what-a-joke/ar-AA1cscAB?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=c51b2b68ab9c45ed88c5072f000bf462&ei=10 What a JOKE could have been the other headliner... It's simple "boys and girls", if you wish to compete with "real women", then "boys", you need to commit, 100%. Until then, fair is fair. And to be 100% clear: Real women have vagina's, that they were BORN with. And 100% commitment is surgery that removes the testicles and penis. Any questions? But also to be clear, tranny island, were all these judging eyes can't see or care what you do... #problemsolver
  14. https://youtu.be/0jLfb76FzkQ For the last year or two I've only been making a low number of jumps. Just got recurrent Friday. I've watched many packing videos over the years, this one I would say stands out as one of the best for NEW and old jumpers. IMHO
  15. I mean, I did grow up watching them Duke boys!!!
  16. Another cell phone distracted driver I'd wager. My co-worker said he was almost hit on the sidewalk last night!
  17. Because "the people" holding those 300 million will NEVER agree to it.
  18. Or a special island all to themselves.
  19. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/athlete-s-thumbs-down-sparks-controversy-after-she-loses-out-to-transgender-competitor/ar-AA1bE4pe?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=15093f99baa94b25b7bc4acb20467235&ei=47 OK, It seams TOO simple. How about all trannies just compete against one another! Fucking brilliant! EVERYBODY WINS (and gets trophy). I missed the link about the Trannie who was dismissed from a sanctioned disc golf tourney in California of all places (I thought they supported that kind of shit...) and went on to win and collect CASH in VA. It's all fun and games, until you fuck with the money.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w3s2T0VBug Sorry, the visuals will have to come from within. I love this jam. HEADPHONES, GO!
  21. Oddly enough, I have a NEW favorite!!! Thanks Coreece!
  22. But Joe, it's his thread, so you know, he can decide what to believe in!
  23. I've been asking adults (for years) around my age (53) with this question: Have you not seen CHANGE/ warmer winters since childhood??? 100% agree, there has been change, it doesn't snow like it used too...It's "warmer"... EVERYONE agrees. Except those two guys!!!
  24. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/this-is-wrong-caitlyn-jenner-goes-ballistic-after-transgender-girl-wins-second-place-at-california-meet-of-champions/ar-AA1bxHdQ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=0f436d51728745cbb7be1882ee5582c1&ei=13 WRONG, on so many levels...I mean, Mr/Ms Jenner would know, right? Strange and confusing times we live in. fusing times we live in...
  25. single targets. Both You and Joe are thinking small time. Although Joe, Ronnie was somebody! Come on you two, clearly the "problem" is high capacity assault weapon type of MASS shootings... Seriously though, this topic is like whipping Mr Ed. In the end, the only thing that will CERTAINLY end this issue, is time. (a really long one)