Maybe half a dozen. The most fun one was a military student at the old Brown Field DZ, who I ran into at the Argus. He regaled me with his exploits (including freefall in his military static line program) and told me I should learn to freefall, that static line sucked. He worshiped Denny Chalker, an ex-Seal who was also working at Brown at the time - and who had talked all of them into coming out to Brown to do AFF. I nodded along to his stories while I got my turkey sandwich.
We got back to the DZ. About a hour later the class was finished and they paired me up with . . . the same student. He saw that I was going to be his instructor and turned a little green. Then Denny Chalker, hero to all young Navy guys, walked up; he was my reserve side. "Uh . . . . you know Master Chief Chalker?" the kid asked me in a low voice. "Yeah, we go way back," I told him.
"Hey Bill," Denny asked. "Would it be OK if I do main side on this one?" I pretended to think it over and then said "Sure, Denny, just this once." Denny laughed. I thought the kid was going to pass out.