
Jumpsuit Color Bleeding

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Had a wierd thing happen today. I've washed my jumpsuit a bunch in the past using cold water/color safe Cheer and then air dry with no problems. Today a friend took it to give it a wash so I could send it back to the manufacturer to get my leg sewn back together.

Got a call from the friend freaking out tonight saying that the colors bled (Royal Blue bled onto the White) after washing it in cold water with Tide. I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to fix it maybe, or if I was going to have to buy a new rig with Royal Blue/Black/Sky Blue to match my jumpsuit. :)

Thanks in advance for any help

Hook high, flare on time

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Tonysuit recommends Cheer or "non-phosphorous detergent." I called Tide (or whatever non-Cheer brand I had) and they said yes, their product is non-phopsphorous, but if the manufacturer recommends a certain brand name that means the product has been tested with it, and you should probably take no chances and go with the Cheer. Pretty impressive opinion to get from a competitor's company.

I went with the Cheer and had no problems.

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Ok, as embarrasing as this is, i am a domesticated male, had to take care of myself for 8 years while in the military, now with family.

Your friend did good, EXCEPT i'll bet major mula after washing he hung it too wet.

If it comes out of the washer almost dry, hang it, if it's too sloppy wet, it's ok to throw it in the dryer for 20 mins at a time on LOW heat, or NO heat just to get the sloppy out of it, then hang it.

If there is major nylon or any silver/chrome, 5 mins at a time and keep an eye on it.

Jeremy Neas

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Tonysuit recommends Cheer or "non-phosphorous detergent." I called Tide (or whatever non-Cheer brand I had) and they said yes, their product is non-phopsphorous, but if the manufacturer recommends a certain brand name that means the product has been tested with it, and you should probably take no chances and go with the Cheer. Pretty impressive opinion to get from a competitor's company.

I went with the Cheer and had no problems.

This is right, actually. I had a friend who worked for Procter and Gamble, which makes both Tide and Cheer, and there IS a difference. Tide is better for whites, but it can cause some colors to fade or run on some fabrics. Whereas Cheer is designed to preserve color better. Tony suits recommends using Cheer, specifically.
Speed Racer

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I put enough Money Down for mine that I won't do anyting to it but take it to the Cleaners. Think about this: A jumpsuite has a combination of Nylon, spandex, Rubber (gripprs & booties) cotten and or polycotton. Every one of these reacts differently to cold/warm water. (Don't believe me, read washing directions on different types of fabrics, little tags on the back of shirts n stuff) The biggest concern you would face it warping over time of different fabrics. Ex: We all know polycotten not only fades over time, but warps in dimensions, either from stretching or washing inconsistantly. Furthermore, each fabric not only uses different types of dyes but different dying processes. (Ex, nylon is dyed in pressure vats), even if the colors do wear over time, they will so do inconsistantly. Give you a stupid looking jumpsuit.
Cleaners only charge like 10 bucks, and for my money, thats worth it.

edited to add: I grew up hanging around a drycleaners - i could run a load by the time i was 12.
=========Shaun ==========

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