
Not asking how to break copyright

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How many of you here dub music onto those fancy skydiving videos that are produced at your DZ?

Can anyone tell me how we are getting around paying a usage fee for the music? In my head I know that the music isn't what we are selling, but since it IS a portion of the sale shouldn't a portion of the proceeds go to the record company/ artist?

This is a serious question... EVERY major DZ sells VHS or DVD tapes of tandems and AFF.

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Technically, they do it by breaking the Copyright laws.

Are they going to get caught and fined? Probably not, because the distribution is just so far below the radar of the lawyers it doesn't matter.

I won't say that I condone the practice, but the reality is that a person can occasionally get away with it. Do NOT ever attempt to do anything like that for anything you'll widely distribute or sell. If you sell something like that you're liable for up to 3 times the damages -- which could add up to quite a bit.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I get caught. Story of my life. So those are two examples of sources of royalty free music. I use the smart sound stuff because it works so easy with Premiere. It's not great, but I get caught.

You can look forward to me laying down quite a lot of it on the DZ.Eloy Holiday Boogie '03 video.

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In addition to those sources, if you're a .Mac user, you have access to the "Freeplay" music library. A collection of MP3 production CDs at no cost whatsoever free for the downloading in your .Mac account folder. Hell, that's worth the price of admission right there.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I have asked in the past and it depends on the artist.

Depending on what it is you're doing, they can give you a simple thumbs up for a little DZ film festival or be real pricks and ask for more money than you could ever hope to recoup. It never hurts to ask, but actually getting in touch with them can be quite a hassle. For real work, like a production DVD, movie or something, there are clearance houses that will take care of the hassle parts for a fee.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think they the artist should pay me for using their music.
The original song gets messed up with sounds from the video, also the original is rarely complete.
In effect the artist is getting free advertising for their song from my cool video.
And before you think this is tongue in cheek, I have had numerous tandems ask me which music I have used because they wanted to buy it.

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I've bought at least a dozen CD's from separate artists, because of tracks I've heard on jump videos.

I've been to a couple of DZ's where the videographer gives the TM passenger the option of using thier own music. So presumably if they own the CD and the video is for thier own use, then its OK? Anyone know?

But what if you/they show video in public, like on a tv in the TM assembly area or a packing shed or the bar at the end of the day?

My experience is that getting permission is way too hard. I've written to a couple of the music companies here in the UK. No reply. Try phoning and you end up being passed around dozens of people till they figure out your making a "film". Then when the girl/guy who does movie licencing realizes your not talking about multi million £/$ volumes, suddenly your talking to yourself.>:(

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"My experience is that getting permission is way too hard."
Okay, I basically do what everyone else does-I chance it-, but for what its worth, these people can sort out your hassles over gaining 'permission' in the UK......


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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If you have attempted to gain permission to use the music and don't get a reply then I think thats your permission right there. I do media at school and its the same deal.. were supposed to get permision to use music but as long as we attempt to get permission it doesn't matter that you don't get a reply... although thats a little different since i'm not selling my film...

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wow!thanks.i would like for you to use the music!we should be close to being signed,got several people looking at us right now.please tell everyone you know www.unsound.ws i have made several personal videos of my jumps with unsound in the background and they really rock to some freeflying footage.probably base too.

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I've bought at least a dozen CD's from separate artists, because of tracks I've heard on jump videos.

I've been to a couple of DZ's where the videographer gives the TM passenger the option of using thier own music. So presumably if they own the CD and the video is for thier own use, then its OK? Anyone know?

But what if you/they show video in public, like on a tv in the TM assembly area or a packing shed or the bar at the end of the day?

My experience is that getting permission is way too hard. I've written to a couple of the music companies here in the UK. No reply. Try phoning and you end up being passed around dozens of people till they figure out your making a "film". Then when the girl/guy who does movie licencing realizes your not talking about multi million £/$ volumes, suddenly your talking to yourself.>:(

[email protected]

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