
Bonehead Da Bomb Opinions?

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I'm looking for some opinions on the "Bonehead Da Bomb" camera helmet. I'm looking for both good and bad opinions.

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I'm looking for some opinions on the "Bonehead Da Bomb" camera helmet. I'm looking for both good and bad opinions.

It is the best "freefly" style camera helmet Bonehead ever made. (IMO) Chris told me he stoped making it because they were extremely complex to produce. The 1/2 Rak was discontinued because it costs the same to make as the full BatRak. The Optik fits into the line up really well now.... Still can't beat my Flat-Top Pro!

Blue Skies,
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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A buddy has one, and really likes his, but a couple things to take note of.

1. Earlier models had a plastic hinge that had a tendency to break - especially in cold temperatures. They then switched to stainless steel with much better results.

2. I have twice been on dives with my friend and seen mild freefall contact pop the back latch open. He saved the helmet both times, but he was shittin.'

But like I said - he loves it.


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Yup, looks like it's been discontinued (a while ago.) The 1/2 Rak was a replacement for daBOMB

And the 1/2 Rak is also discontinued.

Yup, that's what I was hoping to get for a helmet, but when I got around to ordering I found out it had been discontinued... No biggie though, I like my Rawa better anyway

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I own one and I love it

you got any pictures of it???

Yeah, pictures please

Ok, Ok! ;) This is the only pic that shows my helmet up close. The others are in freefall. The daBomb fits great and I like it, yet IMHO I'd go for a Batrak now. Simply because with my helmet it's a pain with trying to site the still camera. Got it dialed in, but it took some doing (used a laser). Also, with the z-bracket (what allows you to put both video and stills on) I had a bit of a problem keeping the ring site away from my still camera. Kind of tight.


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I just got rid of my dabomb and went to a Flat Top Pro. I really like the DaBomb. The reason I got rid of it is because I wanted more mounting surface so I could throw more than one video on my head. When I bought mine they had already stopped making them and I believe that was in 1999 or early 2000. Like others said it is a great helmet. Some one else mentioned the still camera was hard to align for them. I came up with a great way to mount the still camera. The first time I mounted the still camera it was lined up perfect.


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I came up with a great way to mount the still camera. The first time I mounted the still camera it was lined up perfect.

So, are you going to keep us in suspense and not tell us how you did it?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Sorry, I meant to say that if anyone was interested I would discuss it with them. I will try to explain it here the best I can. Before I would try to build anything I would check to see if that new camera mount accessory will work on the DaBomb. I went to Home Depot and bought some angle aluminum. One piece is small, the other is big enough to make into a still camera mount. Run a strip of the small angle aluminum across the front and bolt it to the helmet. The back of the angle aluminum should be facing forward. I used a hacksaw to cut the angle Aluminum. Cut the big piece of angle aluminum so that it is the right width for the still camera to sit on. Drill holes through the big piece and the small piece so that you can bolt them together. The still mount needs to be low enough so that it does not obstruct the video camera. You will need to file off the edges of the still camera mount. I also have the small pieces running down the side of my video camera with padding on them. This keeps the camera from twisting and gives me somewhere good to attach straps.


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I had one for about six months. The angle was too shallow to shoot tandems. I used the z-bracket to front mount a Coolpix 950, with the lens on the side toward the side-mount PC1. I mounted a 35mm still, also for a few jumps (three cameras), with very good results. It took about 15-20 jumps for the thermofit to "settle in" and become comfortable. It was extremely stable. I replaced the chin-cup bolt on one side with a nylon loop, and used it for a cutaway system. My biggest complaint was how the back sort of snaps together (not the strap that closes the helmet) is very difficult to seat properly (especially with gloves on).

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slap me and call me a monkey but i'm not aware of such a helmet, it's not listed on the bonehead website.....is it an older model since discontinued???


I got the last one that they maid 2 years agow. The best setup that I have seen is using a z-bracket, and mounting the video on top and still in front. this will reduce lin snag. I love it for freefly, it is just about the best one bone head has made. But you cant beat the flat top
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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