
Rear Riser Swoop did not go as planned-- OUCH!!!

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Ok, not sure what the hell I did wrong BUT, I "attempted" a rear riser swoop on a Stiletto 97, loaded at 2:1 last Friday, and lets just say that the landing was "Heard" more than "Seen".

I am assuming that by pushing out on the middle of the riser is not the way to do it, rather, pull down from the links or push out from the top of the riser. Regardless, my body made a very nice "FLUMP" sound when my trusty Stiletto failed to flare at all!!! :S

I did practice this up high and seemed to have lift, substantial life, but did not seem to have any come ground time. Oh well, I am in one piece and will try a different way later. (*Once this awful "Twangin' " pain from my ass lightens up a little)
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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I agree- grab as high up as you are comfortable and push out.

When attempting rear riser landings you want to start the rear input very early so you can gauge what you will need to plane it out. Start very lightly and add pressure as needed. Never stab them. You should also be starting high enough so you can transfer to toggles if the rears just aren't giving you what you need.

As you practice, you will get more comfortable with how soon, how much, rears you need. I personally don't recommend that you actually "land" on the rears for your first few attempts. I would instead recommend that you just get the feel of starting to plane the canopy out with them and transfer smoothly to toggles for the actual surf and landing.

The biggest problem with doing this on a Stiletto is that it has a short recovery arc, thus not giving you much time to feel things out. But if you do it in small steps, you should be able to avoid any more landings like your last.

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lets just say that the landing was "Heard" more than "Seen".

Sorry to hear it did not work out for you.
I've been practicing up high for a while on my velocity. Last Sunday on the last jump I wanted to do the landing but my approach suddenly got blocked by loads of spiraling idiots.
Sod it, I went up again in the rain to get my attempt in. :S
Did a 180 approach, a gentle pull on the rears and woooopppiiieee, the longest swoop I've ever had.B|

Fallschirmsport Marl

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I'm sure you already have done this, but just in case you overlooked it, when you are up high and getting a feel for planing the canopy out, try to get a feel for when and how it will stall. Actually stallling a HP elliptical can add a certain amount of risk so go easy and work your way up to it. A rear riser stall during landing can be very dangerous so it may be best if you get a feel for what it feels like up high. They usually come very abruptly, with little warning, so be prepared for a subtle change in the flight and feel of your canopy as the stall approaches (very soft feel and no lift ). The stall can be induced by a slow, gentle input (static stall) or a quick, aggressive one ( accelerated or dynamic stall ). The amount of input needed will vary with the rate at which it is applied. Hope this helps, if it is old hat for you, maybe it will help someone else just reading the thread.

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I agree. Specifically, a stiletto was not designed to be flown at 2:1, and is certainly tricky (at that, or any wing loading) to land rear riser with no experience. Trying up high once or twice is not adequate. Practice hundreds of flares up high. Also, make sure that you are really, really solid on you everyday swoop. Rears should be reserved until you have a very dialed in sight picture of your entire swoop.

Have fun.

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I practiced my rear riser stalls for 200 jumps prior to actually doing it. You have to know what the corner is for sure before using them. If you have any doubt about having to dig out with toggles you are too low to use them.

How you been doing Steve?

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How you been doing Steve?

Well, I was doing much better before I frapped in last weekend, now I have this really cool "Golf Ball" coming out from my leg where I broke it a few years back. I just thought that once you have some titanium in your leg, that it would be reinforced!!! That is not so true.

Anyway, thanks for all of the advice. Going to implement some of the suggestions this weekend if I get a chance. (*Massive Green Booger coming our way)
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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Just because we see the pro's doing things, it doesn't automaticly give us license to pursue that course of action. These people have thousands of jumps on the same canopy, and are probably far more current than you or I can ever hope to be. Take a step back and master your basics before you start something new. When we hurt ourselves it does a lot mre damage than we think. It impacts the business of the DZ. Every person who see's an ambulance scream out and away from a DZ is probably more hesitant to go and start jumping. Less money for the DZ, less money for the instructors. A lose lose situation all around. Also if you laid up at home, then your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or whatever has to hear you bitch and complain about the pain and suffering "you" are going through, just because you tried to do something out of your league. That's all I have to say about that.

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Wow, pretty serious about that huh? Well, for starters, I did not get hurt other than my pride and being a little sore. I did not get toted off in an ambulance nor do I have a girlfriend to sit at home and bitch to. So!!!! It was a tiny mistake, granted, not many mistakes like that turn out well, but, I feel that I am current enough on my canopy and I DO feel that I am not extending my boundries!!! I appreciate your speech and I have given that speech several times, but I know my boundries, I just tend to attempt to cross them occassionally! No worries man, I am going to be fine! Thanks for the concern though!
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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but I know my boundries, I just tend to attempt to cross them occassionally!

hehe, not tending to hi-jack the thread, but the same thing is written in the todays article: Ten things that may keep you alive... know your boundries, and gently push them forward...

anyway, i'm glad to see you are OK, and am very thankfull for this thread, for i too am considering to try some rear-riser landings

safe and long swoops :)

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for i too am considering to try some rear-riser landings

I hope you mean "considering to try some rear-riser landings in case one of my control line brakes"

If you intend rear riser landings for longer swoops. hmm "i don't know why" but every pro swooper sais that you should try High performance rear riser landings only when you mastered all other techniques for gaining speed and longer swoops...

Be careful the edge at where you stall the canopy is much sharper with rear risers than with control lines. Try it up high several times before, have fun and be careful.

PM me if you have any more questions.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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for i too am considering to try some rear-riser landings

Be careful the edge at where you stall the canopy is much sharper with rear risers than with control lines. Try it up high several times before, have fun and be careful.

wow, george, thank you for your words of wisdom ;) ehm, since when have you become so caring? ;);)

anyway, i guess my post should have said that "i am considering to try some rear-riser landings in the future", which i really am... i'll also learn to do them at a very slow pace, with as many tries up high as possible... so, george, don't worry...

but hey, if i do slammmmm, wtf, just take is as natural selection :D:D

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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