
Wish to Downsize

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Hello!!! Looking to downsize. My main is looking bad and I must put him down to sleep. Currently flying a Sabre 150 since about 60 jumps.
Been thinking about the Stilleto 135. Not thinking about hook trns only nice swoops. I weigh 165lbs and have no idea how much my equipment would weigh. I would not like to make of this a great discussion and would truly apreciate honest opinion on the Stiletto in comparison with my Sabre and what big difrences I would experience, and of course a diffrent canopy that would also be intresting to me.
Thank you

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Here's a rule of thumb.

Downsize or change planform, don't do both at once.

Talk to some of the instructors/S&TA/etc at your DZ and get them to tell you what they think is the correct choice for you. Its not that you can't make good decisions, but they've seen you fly and would have a good idea of what you're able to handle.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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To add to what Dave said - demo, demo, demo. If you can get to where demo canopies are or get them to you, jump everything in the size and type of canopy you are interested in before you buy anything. You'll be happier in the long run with whatever you choose.

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Here's a rule of thumb.

Downsize or change planform, don't do both at once.

In an ideal world, this is a perfect way to progress. However, if you have 190+ jumps on the 150 and feel you have totally maxed it out, I think you can safely make the jump about which you are talking. I base that on my experience -> Sabre 170 -> Stilleto 150 -> Vengeance 135. I was never injured on any of these canopies and I have enough jumps on the 135 that any injury now would be as a result of stupidity on my part, not inexperience. (And that can be argued even if I don't get hurt.) The key to transitioning like that is conservatism. Don't try hook turns of any degrees until you have double fronts down and don't try double fronts until you can do multiple straight-ins. Do a lot of H 'n P's and practice up high.

Obviously, your local DZO, S&TA, and other experienced jumpers would probably be better able to judge your ability to downsize than anyone here. We've never seen you land.

Strongly recommend a canopy course no matter what you decide. At 250 jumps it is the perfect time for that. Good luck.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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You probably would be OK, dont those words just ring with confidence!!! DEMO FIRST no matter what you decide to do. By demoing you might go a different direction then you thought, that is why the demos are out there.. Also if an eliptical canopy is where you feel you need to go, be sure to try the same sized eliptical. You will be suprised at the difference between the two designs at the same size.

I am not a big proponent of someone with not a huge amount of jumps going eliptical. As such I would suggest a Sabre2 in the 150 or 135 size first. (other canopys fall into the Tapered class as well). The Sabre2 will surf nicely and still gives you a less twitchy canopy from which to increase you skills. At the same time it steps up from the Sabre you note as your current canopy....

I dont know how you jump or fly a canopy so you will have to take what you see here with a more global view and trust the people that you know. Still a Tapered canopy may be the best step at this point for you.....

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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If you are not looking to do a high performance turn, don't get a stiletto. They perform better when you encourage more speed to get the lift and glide that you are looking for.

Keep in mind that a Sabre and a Stiletto of the same size have the same forward speed. Ref: http://www.performancedesigns.com/docs/wingload.pdf
So if you are looking to come straight in, the better choice is just to downsize with your current model. A new Sabre2 135 will rock!
Definately test jump one if you get the opportunity. Better yet, make the opportunity. No one can tell you what you will like better than YOU!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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if your not playing with your risers consistently yet, stay with a 150. you wont be doing yourself a favor by downsizing to get speed. honestly you will have more fun because your just starting to get the feel for the 150. go smaller and it will take at least a season to get to the same point you are at now with the 150. better to look cool and in control ,than scary out of control. i went from a 150 to a 135 to fast and bounced a couple of times. i speak from experience. i stayed on the 135 for 700 jumps and could out swoop guys on crossed braced canopies that shouldnt have been. thats my $0.02!

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