
Safire 2 looks like Safire 1

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Well, I just got my brand new Safire 2 from Icarus and the logo patches on the stabilizers have the old "Safire" logo.
When I talked with Icarus they said they just haven't gotten in the new logos yet, so they're using up the old ones on the new canopies.
I can't exactly say I doubt this, but I'm withholding judgement. If I were more of an expert in canopy design perhaps I could compare them and be sure the canopy I'm holding is different than the old one I was jumping.
No huge deal either way, I suppose. It's a drag that I'll have to answer the same stupid question twenty dozen times in the next several years: "If you got the Safire 2 why doesn't it say so on the side?" It could also be trouble if I ever try to sell it later.
It's not the best marketing decision I've ever seen a company make.
"Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers" -- Titus Maccius Plautus, 220 B.C.

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i discussed it with narcimund and hooknswoop offline already.
i also had new safire2 canopy yesterday and it also says
safire on stabilizers and warning label, not safire2. i didn't
check my lines yet, i'll do it tonight and post here.
that kinda sucks ...
Go fast ! Then go even faster ...

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Just to add to the confusuon here -- I just got my Safire relined. I wanted to get away from the Vectran lines, also my steering lines were starting to show wear around the cat's eye and I wan't relishing the thought of losing one on final!
So, I killed three birds with one stone, got rid of the Vectran, got new lines, and went from trim revision 0 to trim revision 3 (which is, I understand, the same as used on the Safire 2).
It was like getting a new canopy. Have noticably more power in the flare, turns about the same and looks great. Think I'll keep her for a long while.
Oops, almost gotfor, Icarus' customer service rocks! I called on a Tuesday to set up the reline. Mel said I would get it back in 7-10 days, then he said "Wait! I'll get the lineset built now. You jump this weekend and send it out Monday via UPS. I'll get it Wednesday, we'll check it out and reline it and send it back out that evening and you won't miss a weekend." They did just that. Unfortunately I didn't get to jump it that next weekend because the Tuesday evening after we talked was when my Mom died and we had her memorial service that Saturday, but my canopy was back as promised.

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i just got back home and checked my lines. the lengths of lines going
from cascade to attachment points starting from the side on the
canopy are: 40", 38", 38" and 44.5". looks like it is safire 2.
if everything's under control, you are not going fast enough ...

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That's not too bad.... And I assume it would be cheaper for an Omega. So a reline isn't done by a rigger but by the manufacturer?
I was told I'd need to get mine relined in about 200 to 300 jumps. I'll probably asend it back next winter...
Thanks guys
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So a reline isn't done by a rigger but by the manufacturer?

Actually, they can make up the line set and you can have a rigger do it, but it wouldn't be any cheaper, and I don't think it would be any faster. Though, of course, if the service loft is busy, they might not be able to turn it around as fast as they did mine, but they'll try to get it back to you as soon as possible.
I have my choice of riggers who I would be more than happy to have do the work for me, but I just like the idea of having my canopy inspected and modified by the factory's rigger(s). :)

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About how long did it take to go form door back to your door? Oh, and I'm assuming the price would be cheaper because my Omega being a 7 cell as opposed to a 9. But I agree with your thinking in having the manufacturer inspect and modify
One shot... HEY!!! Mas Tequila!!!! Two Shots HEY HEY!!!! Three Shots.......

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About how long did it take to go form door back to your door?

As I implied in my first post, I sent it out on Monday, and it was back by Friday. That's from FL to NC and back via UPS. Remember, this was with prior notification so the lineset was waiting for the canopy.
BTW, for anyone that might be reading this yet, I sent it to Icarus still packed in the d-bag. They did the reline and put it back on the risers for me. I only had to hook it up, do a line check and pack it. Nice customer service.

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Other way 'round. Especially if the new line set incorporates a line trim modification (ie alteration).
In the end run, it depends on the manufacturer's instructions. The FAA is fairly vague about what requires a master/senior rigger. What they do say is follow manufacturer's instructions...so, if the manufacturer says it is OK for a senior rigger to do it, then there you go. It will probably require a bartack machine; most senior riggers don't have access to one of those.

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> It's a Collector's Item!
:) Actually according to Simon Mundell from Icarus new Safire2 will have Safire labels, not Safire2. It's second generation, but the name stays the same.
if everything's under control, you are not going fast enough ...

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I've just measured the steering lines on my Safire1 169 They are all 40" I am soon to have the Safire Performance mod done (http://www.jumpergirl.com/safire.html) and am looking forward to a more powerful flare. I am currently loaded near the max of 1.6

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I have now had the perfomance modifcation installed, and to say the canopy is tranformed is an understatement. I have done 200 jumps on a stock standard Safire and the flare (and landings) have dramatically improved as a result of the mod. Highly recommended.

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