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DB Cooper

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:|Regardless of what any of you think about me - or the story I have tried to tell to the best of my knowledge and with limited research and means available to me regarding Government files there is NO denying a certain party has stepped over the line. It went WAY too far...and it is time to do something about it.

No one should be allowed to threaten others with actions that can cause harm to come to the other party. As for Georgers long research post - I hope my answers are adequate.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins Sure you posted the 25 reasons you thought Christiansen was cooper. I didn,t think you were finished with you post. Im still waiting on the reasons you think he wasn't Cooper" Like your post stating you couldn't discount Duane Weber and others being Cooper". Still this is not research its just for you and your book. Now Wade through that. Jerry

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"If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was".

I have said that since day one - it is in the communications I had with Doug Pasternac and with Ralph H. All it does is explain the items I held in my hands - the airline ticket, the stub and the bag.

This is why I impressed on the FBI to look at Duane's background in a little more detail.
I will borrow Knosses expression here "If you find my wife, you will find me". Now apply that to what I know is the truth regarding the items Duane was in possession of. If you find Weber's past you will find Cooper.

If you think I am just hanging around and stuck here - What are you doing here and why is Jerry here? Why is anyone here?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger claims I stated:
'Duane thought he knew who Cooper was'. Duane thought Cooper was McCoy.

When and Why would I make statements like this. I do not believe I have EVER said either of those phrases. Please provide your source.

I had NO reason to do so. Why would I even use the word 'thought?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just got of the phone with George Nuttall. He has done plenty of research on Blevins and Jo Weber and Christiansen. Oh by the way Jo you called him recently he would like to know how you got his number. Don't worry Jo his only comment about you was that you were out to make money of this case and it apears that you don't care how you do it. Still I mentioned to you yesterday that we will let the public decide on your claims,and your still attacking people. Give it up Jo we all know Duane was not Cooper. He knew he wasn't. Still I need to contact his family and ask them why your allowed to make all these claims.Im sure they can stop you if iI can get them to go public. Blevins why don't you get with Nuttall and ask him to put you in contact with the Movie producers. Also he might be able to help you with Galen Cook maybe you can convince both of them to apear with you and Jo. Jerry

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Do you have any actual PROOF about these claims, Bob...?


I am not here to convict, I am here to defend. My testimony is valuable as a supporting witness in a jury trial or an FBI confession for all parties. I have already laid the foundation in record of my involvement and my identification of Duane Weber. Weber was the man known as Dan Cooper who hijacked the 305. That would be supported by Cap, Mac, Jo, Denny, and a number of others. The information is available if the only valuable story wants to be told.
Hogwash don't talk, bullshit walks, and truth is forever, whenever.

If you are asking about conjecture, like your KC "proof," I have 50 pages of it. More accurate than anything you did in your book, and far more reliable because I was the witness and I know that the witness is 100% truthful, no letters requesting perpetrating hoaxes here, just real facts. No supposition.

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I am here to defend. My testimony is valuable as a supporting witness in a jury trial or an FBI confession for all parties. I have already laid the foundation in record of my involvement and my identification of Duane Weber.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have our answer as to why Bob does what he does. He IS looking to be called an expert.

"Whatever you do in life for the purposes of recognition, is wasted effort." -- Me
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I am here to defend. My testimony is valuable as a supporting witness in a jury trial or an FBI confession for all parties. I have already laid the foundation in record of my involvement and my identification of Duane Weber.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have our answer as to why Bob does what he does. He IS looking to be called an expert.

"Whatever you do in life for the purposes of recognition, is wasted effort." --Me


Ha-ha-ha! On this Forum with 25 watchers? I'm going to be FAMOUS! Ha-ha-ha!-- Me

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Ha-ha-ha! On this Forum with 25 watchers? I'm going to be FAMOUS! Ha-ha-ha!-- Me

It is your stated desire.


My testimony is valuable as a supporting witness in a jury trial or an FBI confession for all parties.

You are putting yourself forward as having the answers and as the go-to expert on the subject.

This is no longer supposition, but your own words.

You're doing it for the fame. You certainly haven't reached any wide spread fame yet, the minor attention you get here has been good enough so far, but it's clearly your desire.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Jo. Duane never new who Cooper was and niether do you. Blevins whats the chances of Jo being give a polygraph prior to the show. I'm going to suggest it be given to all those that do this show.They just might do it . If they do they'll be the first show to eliminate people who make false claims and there ratings will go sky high. I know I can get the Travel channel to do this. Will you go on a show and do this with Jo. Jerry

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Jo. Duane never new who Cooper was and niether do you. Blevins whats the chances of Jo being give a polygraph prior to the show. I'm going to suggest it be given to all those that do this show.They just might do it . If they do they'll be the first show to eliminate people who make false claims and there ratings will go sky high. I know I can get the Travel channel to do this. Will you go on a show and do this with Jo. Jerry

Pfft, don't do it before the show. Do it ON the show.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Quade, thats the best idea i've heard since 1996. Jerry

Man driving down road.
Woman driving up same road.
They pass each other.
Woman yells out window: PIG!
Man yells out window: BITCH!
Man rounds next curve.
Man crashes into a HUGE PIG in middle of road and dies.
If people would just listen.

I'll go on THAT show for a polygraph test! I want to be behind a screen and have a cover name, like, "Silver Tongued Angel." I am EAGER to do that! Go ahead, run a polygraph on me and we will see who is crying, "PIG!" Tell the truth, but leave the mystery!! PLEASE!!

I want Maury Povich, not the History or Travel Channels! Let's keep it honest.

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Ha-ha-ha! On this Forum with 25 watchers? I'm going to be FAMOUS! Ha-ha-ha!-- Me

It is your stated desire.


My testimony is valuable as a supporting witness in a jury trial or an FBI confession for all parties.

You are putting yourself forward as having the answers and as the go-to expert on the subject.

This is no longer supposition, but your own words.

You're doing it for the fame. You certainly haven't reached any wide spread fame yet, the minor attention you get here has been good enough so far, but it's clearly your desire.

No, my desire is to stop the members of the Project from participating in the perpetuation of fiction about the DB Cooper case. I thought we had an agreement. "No more fiction, guys." Until the crap stops, I will continue to give more and more of the information out. At some point there will be a capitulation or my demise. Or so I've been warned.

Please read my first post on this forum. It was a PM to you. It will confirm what I am saying. If I were interested in fame, I'd be camped on Pasternak's or Grey's doorstep with my Cooper files. On the contrary, I have specifically given each writer instructions NEVER to use my name concerning information they were given and to NEVER release anything they didn't discover themselves. That aughta get me lots of publicity! You should be neutral as a moderator, right?

You don't need Blevins, you need Lyle on the show. And Jo. And Porteous, and a few who would NEVER volunteer.

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Blevins. You should take a trip over to Brad Metzlers Decoded and read the reviews on the show they did and what is being said about your theory. Then run and Hide, I would. Also take a trip to sitcom online read the thread DB Cooper/aka Duane Weber. It starts in 2006. Most post or from or for Mrs Cooper. (Jo Weber) as she liked to call her self , you'll find many more of her denials there..There is another site that has you and all the other authors on it and a review of your books and the response from the FBI stating Why your suspects were not DB Cooper.Along with the Proof that Christianson was not Cooper. It even states you knew all this.Jo you were not left out either.It realy tears you and your story apart. Did anyone get a chance to go to the site Geoger posted yesterday on Duane Weber That has the news paper article on Duanes arrest in July 1957 in St Petersburg Florida.Other time lines follow at a later date.I have a High School friend that lives there he's doing research for me on Duane from 1957 till his death by folowing the paper trail and his crimes through Florida and the other states.Oh! well. Just doing what you said this site is for "Research" So, what was this last post of yours about. Jerry

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Bob Knoss says in part:


'I want Maury Povich, not the History or Travel Channels! Let's keep it honest...'

Okay. You go first. For REAL this time. Your last version of the Cooper hijacking was pretty funny, but how about offering up more than 'It's all true because these people told me it was...'

I mean, sure...I used eyewitnesses in Blast, too. But their names became public, and in some cases so did their pictures. Dawn J for example. And Margie Miller. And Bernie Geestman. You have nobody with an actual name.

Nothing with you involved. Not looking to be set-up to take a fall.
Out of respect for their privacy, no names. I don't specifically say so and so did this and is a criminal. You have the ability to guess who did what based on this thread and the discussions therein. I have been specifically requested, in a threatening manner, not to divulge that information, but to refer to them by nicknames, or 'the tall guy', etc.
For my own safety, I decline to go there. If they choose to release information, they can. They are afraid of arrest. I am not as I was an unwilling participant and reported what I knew as soon as I was aware. I made notes of everything and hired a top notch attorney.
I was advised by a Minnesota Supreme Court Apeallate Judge to whom I made sworn identification of Duane Weber as Dan Cooper and of the Norjak project.

As for the human potential to remember:

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To Jerry Thomas: I don't read reviews. You can go crazy doing that. And I didn't produce the television program, I only provided photos and documents and made a couple of brief appearances.

To Bob Knoss, who says this:


'Out of respect for their privacy. I don't specifically say so and so did this and is a criminal...'

That is an extremely weak excuse. And you can use the word 'alleged' here and there if you are worried. I can also see you've never read All The President's Men. If you haven't, you should.

As far as the Seattle FBI saying that Kenny is not a suspect, that is not true. Their official position, according to Special Agent Frederick Gutt in Seattle, is this: They think there are better suspects than Christiansen, but that he has NOT been eliminated as a suspect. Then they allowed me to attach a PDF copy of the book so they could examine it.

My attorney has advised against doing even what I'm doing, much less 'alleging' criminal activities by pillars in the community. Not smart.
They haven't eliminated Elvis either. But they aren't about to dig him up to check his DNA against the tie... They have "a different opinion," and that does NOT include Christensen.

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Knoss says in part:


'They haven't eliminated Elvis either. But they aren't about to dig him up to check his DNA against the tie... They have "a different opinion," and that does NOT include Christensen...'

Wrong again, Bob. I have pinned down Agent Gutt on this point. They DO have a specific list of suspects going. Christiansen is on that list, although the FBI thinks he is not the best suspect. When I asked him who WAS the best suspect, he declined to answer, using the old 'it's still an open case' thing.

By the way, my post here is a good example of the kinds of things I make available on this thread. I try not to say false things that might tend to make Kenny a better suspect. For example, I just said there that the FBI thinks Kenny IS NOT the best suspect, rather than lying about it. I am only interested in the truth and getting straight answers from people, even if these truths and answers do not support my theory that KC could have been the guy.

Then why in the Hell won't you grill Lyle about the letter from Kenny? If Rataczak says it was so, then it was so. The man does not lie!! I KNOW the KC story is hogwash, because he was not any part of the program, PERIOD. You just will not do the follow-up to uncover the truth because you have dug yourself too deep a hole. Jerry Thomas can get the information from Rataczak, I expect he will. THEN what??

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BobKnoss wrote:

I was advised by a Minnesota Supreme Court Apeallate Judge to whom I made sworn identification of Duane Weber as Dan Cooper and of the Norjak project.

In my version of reality, there is a Minnesota Supreme Court (with Justices) and a Minnesota Court of Appeals (with appellate judges). There are no Supreme Court Appellate Judges.

The Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals are triers of law, not of fact. They accept briefs and arguments, but not evidence (including sworn identification).



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To Jerry Thomas: I don't read reviews. You can go crazy doing that. And I didn't produce the television program, I only provided photos and documents and made a couple of brief appearances.


Thats the Nuremberg Defense isnt it? You werent
a soldier. You were a principle player and the

You even took off your cap for the filming!
That was a major concession implying deep


As far as the Seattle FBI saying that Kenny is not a suspect, that is not true. Their official position, according to Special Agent Frederick Gutt in Seattle, is this: They think there are better suspects than Christiansen, but that he has NOT been eliminated as a suspect. Then they allowed me to attach a PDF copy of the book so they could examine it.

Robt. stop the promotions. Gutt's actual words

""There are other individuals currently believed
to be more viable suspects..."

I pointed this out to you the minute you posted
Gutt's reply ... you chose not to reply, preferring instead to say the same thing later, as if it was
your realisation.

Did you personally write the FBI's reply for them?

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Blevins I've dug no hole. You have. Your post here on Drop Zone has been to promote your book. You your self do not believe christiansen was cooper. a simple hair piece is the excuse that is used as the reason for suspecting him and recognition deception. All these pop ups with add on's after the death of this man. Lee may not be a liar but alot of his comments sure are deceiving.Still this does not explain why you yourself are not sure of this suspect of yours involvement in the cooper caper.By the way does your book company know about those posts of yours. Maybe they should. HMMM!. Now as for your posts here. It is very clear that you are picking up as much info as you can for book rewrites and changes in your book. "Pinning the FBI down" . Really! I'll call this agent tomorow and ask him about you "pinning him down".we shall call it research. according to you that is what our posts are suppose to be about.Thanks for the research Ideas.Blevins you picked the wrong person to challenge.You see my interest in the case is to research all suspects and either prove or disprove there involvment in the case along with searching the woods and injoying nature. Your suspect is full of holes.This I have already proven once and will prove again, although I will admit there is not much work to do on this one. you've already helped me allot with your posts. And you thought all I did was run around in the woods.The other thing I do is assist those that think they have a suspect in this case. If I find it a strong enough chance that there is posibillity a suspect that could be involved like Vicki's father. I contact the proper personell and make my suggestions/recommendations.I also try to keep people from frauding and side tracking this case with false info. Someone out there may have had the clue that could have solved this case had it not been for books and false publicity making them think the case was solved or there info was not good enough. Jerry

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Georger claims I stated:
'Duane thought he knew who Cooper was'. Duane thought Cooper was McCoy.

When and Why would I make statements like this. I do not believe I have EVER said either of those phrases. Please provide your source.

When? On Feb 20, 2011, 2:23 PM in your post
directly above - confirms the first part.

The amazing thing to me, Jo, is that ANYONE
ever gave you 2 minutes of their time. This
includes Ralph Himmelsbach, the FBI, and
Jerry Thomas. There is definately something
wrong with that!

You have never presented one proven fact.
Your whole story has been "tactics" from day-1.
Tactical BS and nothing but tactics. No facts about

Not one of your promised "revelations" or
impending "revelations" has EVER COME TRUE.
The 15 year clock has run out on you, Jo.

In my humble opinion, you and Duane
concocted a myth, or you did following Duane's
death, and that is all there is. Everything else
has been tactics on your part. The only truth in
your tales are the tactics-of-the-moment meant
to get you through to the next day.

Nothing you have said since the beginning, has
anything to do with the real Cooper hijacking case.

That you managed to take so much of people's
time is a story of tactics and promotion on your
part ........ and little more.

Good luck, Mythmaker.


Your post above:


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Feb 20, 2011, 2:23 PM

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Re: [georger] Attention: Jerry T [In reply to] Quote | Reply


"If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was".

I have said that since day one - it is in the communications I had with Doug Pasternac and with Ralph H. All it does is explain the items I held in my hands - the airline ticket, the stub and the bag.

This is why I impressed on the FBI to look at Duane's background in a little more detail.
I will borrow Knosses expression here "If you find my wife, you will find me". Now apply that to what I know is the truth regarding the items Duane was in possession of. If you find Weber's past you will find Cooper.

If you think I am just hanging around and stuck here - What are you doing here and why is Jerry here? Why is anyone here?

Copyright©2009 by Jo Weber

(This post was edited by skyjack71 on Feb 20, 2011, 2:33 PM)

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Georger claims I stated:
'Duane thought he knew who Cooper was'. Duane thought Cooper was McCoy.

When and Why would I make statements like this. I do not believe I have EVER said either of those phrases. Please provide your source.

YOUR SOURCE states what I have always claimed; [red]"If Duane Weber was NOT Cooper he sure as Hell, knew who was."

This statement is made because of the physical evidence I held in my own hands (ticket, stub and bag). I have never used the words THOUGHT HE KNEW or OR THAT DUANE THOUGHT McCoy was Cooper. You have yet to produce a post I where I have made those statements.

Use your brilliant mind to note the statements have different meanings. If I ever made the statements you are proclaiming I made - and YOU can pin point the source - perhaps I might have an explanation by reading prior posts or you are taking someone else's altered posts quoting my words which have been altered. FIND these in A POST made BY me.

I could make a post and alter YOUR words with quotations, but that does NOT make it YOUR words. Such as I could state something as ridiculous as Georger said "The sun is going to explode" and state it was a quote by you. How would you feel? YOU would want the source to PROVE you made the statement, because your credibility could and would be damaged if it was allow to continue.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo. You have never had any physical evidence.Its all made up.You also know that Duane never knew who cooper was.Remember the rubber ducky. When we first talked the only thing you said you had was a book by Max Gunther that Duane had marked pages in. I believe it was your book.Which is where you got the story about the cowlitz river from. You didn't even have Ralphs book yet.He hadn't sent it to you. Have you taken a trip to sitcomsonline and visited your old posts yet, its in the archives.Wow ! the stories you have made up there you even made sure that you had your "copyright 2006 (you now use 2009)By Jo Weber" on them while Claiming you were Mrs DB Cooper. Now that is fraud.That may be what the authorities need to stop you, lord knows you have caused them enough grief.The funny thing is I know exactly how you came up with those stories. My favorite one is Duane waking up in a cold sweat because he was worried about his finger prints on the stair well. You got that from the McCoy story.They actually found his finger prints.But when the FBI checked Duanes finger prints against those they had from the plane it was found that there wasn't a match. That didn't stop you Oh no! not at all. You came back with another story saying Duane had his finger prints removed.If so why is there finger print evidence on him after the Hijacking.Now new time lines are apearing on Duane and his where abouts.You even claimed you would take a polygraph . You won't. You still want this book deal or more air time. Just to save face and not be exposed for the wonderfull fiction writer that you are.Jo its over.Proof is coming to light that you have fabricated your story.This will hit the media.My only hope is that those that may have had a real clue for this case will see this exposure and realize maybe there is something to there Information and repair the damage you and others have caused this case.Jerry

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