
Who, where, when?

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You F(*&$'R

Approaching 30 years in the sport, I'm so disgusted at being upstaged by an even OLDER FART than me.


NO. I don't know when, who or anything else.

Die!! So I can be king of the History and Trivia Section.

(H, I'm JES Keeeding!)

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Who? A bunch of guys glad to be wearing their Pro-tecs

Where? On the edge

When? Seconds before not being in a ten man.

I'll also venture to guess that there are a lot of them mouthing the words "Oh Shit!".


The guy at the top is the only one on the high side trying to bring it down. His efforts were, I suspect, in vain. I can see the thought bubble: Time to let go.

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didn't the knights wear that style hocky helmets for a short while?

Well, just to put this one to bed...
The cover photo note from the Nov-Dec '78 Spotter reads:
"The Army Parachute Team, later to become World champions in 8-man, put a new slant on 10-mans at the 1978 Nationals. Photo by Pat Rogers."
The APT team did compete at the 78 Nationals in Richmond, IN, and their 8-way team went on to win the World Cup that year. And I was editor at that time, so it must be true.B|

(The same issue also contains a picture of a C-54 at Coolidge sent in by zing, and a separate note: "75 jumpers set some sort of aviation record Nov. 25 by being the first people ever to jump out of a C-54. The plane, at Arizona Parachute Ranch, carries a minimum of 40 and a maximum of 100 jumpers.")

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