
Pyro Vixen Boogie at Skydive Sebastian

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Well, you can't please everyone!

The weather did completely hose us so we got about 1/4 of our normal boogie attendees. It stopped raining so that we could enjoy the party and cleared up for a beautiful day Sunday.

There was a small group of people who evidently wanted to jump at 8am however, when I arrived at our opening time of 9 am at which time we could have immediately sent a plane I had to get on the mic an repeatedly say we were open and bring your tickets. The first hour or so the loads were very light and only able to back up because we had some tandems to fill them out.

Finally, the rest of the jumpers who were capable of jumping on Sunday showed up and we were able to fly one plane but that was it - just enough to fly one plane all day.

There were a lot of jumpers who were not up to jumping after the party on Sunday. (Should have started early and gone to bed early - it was bad weather all day long!)

Oh well, nothing one can do about the weather... Next stop - Dirty Sanchez Luau!

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Not even close to worth the (3500mile) effort to get there for me.

That's the chance you take with getting into a sport that's totally dependant on the weather.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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That's the chance you take with getting into a sport that's totally dependant on the weather.

I had a great time meeting so many cool & new people. It worked out well for me, I had the weekend off, which in and of itself has been unknown for many years of my life. If it would have started snowing I would have enjoyed that. ;) Sunday was just awesome, I was last out of the skyvan, my first time jumping one of those. B| I was about a mile northwest of the airport but with the uppers as a tailwind I was able to track all the way back from being on the otherside of the river.

I'm glad I went. :ph34r: I met so many great people, too many to list in fact but thanks so much to everyone for being so friendly. :)
Thanks to Julia for packing my rig in 5 minutes on a 10 minute call, I'm greatful for making the load. :D

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Thanks everyone for a great time and letting me perform for you all! brains and I had some mishaps along the way but we had such a good time. It started when me package if fire gear did not arrive to the DZ on Wednesday before the boogie and it never arrived after that. SO upon arriving in rainstorm (UGH!) we had a very turbulent landing that scared the shit out of me. We drive from Orlando to Sebastian and get to the hotel. There is a jacuzzi bathtub int he middle of the bedroom KICK ASS! So since me gear didn't arrive Brains and I go to Walmart and Home Depot to get some thing to make some crappy one time use fire gear out of dowel rods, black tape, bar-b-que skewers, and wire. My normal gear is beautiful all metal and crafted well and the wicks are made of kevlar. We arrive at the DZ and I finally meet me sisters Mel & Alli. I can't believe we have all never met until now. Right away all of us go to their team room and for about three hours we make the fire toys while having a few cocktails. And then we practice inside listening to music getting the timing down for when and who comes out where. Alli stills need to practice with fire since she is not familiar with the medium and it is pouring. We say "Fuck it" lets have her light up anyway. It is windy and wet and makes it hard to practice but she does anyway and Alli did a kick ass job. And since we had to make all that stuf and practice we missed out on Thai dinner.

OK Saturday, I woke up at 8 am it was pouring, that really sucks. Went back to bed and go to the DZ at 11:30 and we attempted to go get Thai now. BUt no, it was close, so a place called Squid Lips it was. It was pretty damn good. Back to the DZ and finish the gear and practice a little more. The DZ close since the rain never cleared up but Alli and I go get ready in the hopes the rain clears ups. It does and we start getting ready for the show and we are soaking gear aside of the hanger and Brains comes over to me and tells me in spinning out the fuel from his Poi (the Chains) The poi broke off the handle and went flying and he didn't ever hear it land. After about 10 minutes he found it past the Caravan.

THE SHOW WENT OFF GREAT!!!!!! SPecial thanks to Brains, Alli and her teammate (so sorry I forgot your name in the mist of being all crazy that night) Even with gear I didn't know was going to fliy off at any time it all came out well. ANd thanks to BendyWendy for letting us borrow her poi so Jeff & I could spin at the same time. The party was just get despite of it being a little chilling us girls managed to stay scantily clad for the party. Thanks to Mel & Alli for Brains' birthday cake!!!!!!

We went to bed early in the hopes to get up and jump before we had to leave at noon to get our flight. I get on the first load with Alli, Santiago, and Carlos(Is that last name right???) ok we go out to do a jump. I totally sucked ass and feel like a complete jackass. It was just one of those jumps where you haven't jumped in a few weeks cause of weather. ALso and note to self, I can't get into a compass very good in freefly pants and going from a sit. I haven't flailed that much in a long time.But as I look around "Where the hell is the DZ????" It is way off in the horizon and I will never make. I see trees and a river I will make it to and that is no good of course! I see others landing off and go for them. It was probably a good 20 minutes until we were picked up.
Since all that happened I didn't get to make another jump but oh well.

All and all a great weekend with my Pink Mafia sisters!
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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Hey Kim I had fun on that jump no worries.

I saw the show while I was fire wiring it to my camera to do the PV video, I WAS VERY IMPRESSED with the show and I regret missing it, I'm also glad there was somebody there to do video, Hope you're Ok if I include the footage of the show in the PV video.

Also.... Thanks to everyone that donated footage for the video please E-mail me with your names and special requests so you received a copy and proper acknowledgement.

I'll be using the dropzone.com e-mail

[email protected]

I would like to hear requests for song you think will be good for this video, I don't want to impose my personal taste want to do something everyone enjoys.


Carlos Acosta

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Thanks Carlos!!!!!! I will have to send you some real freestyle footage when I get the chance so you can have some stock footage.

Go ahead and use the show video, that would be awesome! I just want to make sure I get a copy, pretty please:)
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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I will have to send you some real freestyle footage when I get the chance so you can have some stock footage.

I would make sure you check with your vidiot first to see if it is ok to use that footage.:P:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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You don't have to on video to get a copy, whenever I'm done editing my part of the footage, I'll check with the boogie organizers must likely Allie, get their approval (pink mafia that is) corrections etc.and I'll e-mail everyone involve.

Unless somebody has a better idea, I know Jim is working on a preview on skydive Sebastian web, so check it out.


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jim stated it perfectly on the Skydive Sebastian Website: Pyro-RECAP

to all the BEAUTIFUL people i had the opportunity of meeting - Thank You for being so kind to me!

my heart truly goes out to the individuals who encountered difficult times & upsets while in sebastian. know that we appreciate your attendance so freaking much, as you contributed a dash of sun thru the flow of rain :)
sending you ALL my Endless Love --- stay tuned, j is in the process of downloading his VERY FABI Fotos! they will be posted on his website :)
have a Happy-RED-Heart Day, yaaay!!!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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In the Water side....

I love how he got the impact moment on our three way down the slide....OUCH that hurt in a funny crap I cant breathe way...

and some of the others just made me realize I start another diet tomorrow :|:ph34r:

Great pics Mel
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Such an AWESOME weekend with a great bunch of people!!! The few times that I got tired, stressed, or just a little grumpy were totally outweighed by the fun that was had throughout this event. Thanks to all that attended and I hope that you return next year. As always, we promise that this boogie will continue to get bigger and better each year!

Huge hugs and kisses....
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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To everyone who attended the Pyro Vixen Boogie, I want to say THANK YOU for all your support and kindness throughout the weekend. I don't think I could have found a better group of people to spend a rainy, non-jumping Saturday with. Much love goes to my fellow Slip-N-Sliders...shower load is manifesting now! And I don't think I will ever feel more like a celebrity than I did at the AWESOME party! To everyone who helped me through what turned out to be a horrible Sunday--all my jump money stolen (not at the dropzone), lack of canopy for half the day, etc, etc.--I appreciate you more than words can say. I had people offer to pay for my jumps, help me pack, and give lots of hugs. I look forward to my next visit to Sebastian, when hopefully skies will be blue and I will retain my sanity!

(red wig...need I say more?)

Diablo Pantalones Rodriguez...giving the devil his due in spandex and a smile.
Pink Mafia #435...Pink is my new obsession.
Team Dirty Sanchez #149

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shauna, thank you so much for the reply! we hope to see you and your fabi-Red wig some place along the circuit :^) yaaay!

lisamarie, thank you for the compliments regarding the photos --- it means the world to J! we shall see you in Dublin!

as if the photos weren't enough of the Pyro-Vixen Party ~ check out the videos of Kim (fireflytx), Jeff (brains), Alli (allisonjr) & Danielle's (tweetie) RED-HOT performances:


blue-sky jumps with Alli:


thanks again to all that participated in the weekend Fun - i miss you already!!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Yeah!!! Alli that video was great!! Thanx for the great jump! Hope we can do more!!! That includes you too Mel!!! :)
Mel tell J that the pictures are awesome!!! Brian's rock as well...

It was great to see all of you.... Come to Dublin so that we can make some jumps before I move!!!



Be the change you wish to see in the world!

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Definately a fantastic time. Maybe next year i will actually jump.:D Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness. You and Jason are incredible people and i am so glad we made the trip and got to meet you guys. Your sister is pretty cool too.:D

To everyone else i met, even Shimmel,;) thank you, we had a great time.B|

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Why can't i get the videos to work. What do I need to download?

oh kim, i really hope you can watch the videos, because you (and ALL the performers) were smokin-HOT!

skydive sebastian has a faq regarding video-viewing: HERE

hope it helps... if not, let me know and i can get in touch with jim for you 'k'.

miss you and jeff terribly...hopefully we'll see you at skyfest (mel crosses fingers)!!!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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