
CSS anyone 2??

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That was a lot of fun, thank you all for participating and bringing stuff for the fondue party. Hopefully that becomes some form of tradition, although I don't think I can handle that much food on a weekly basis.

I just checked the weather for tomorrow, and it says:

Mostly Sunny
High: 72°F
Low: 50°F
Precip: 20%

A few clouds from time to time. High 72F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.

Which is better than today's forecast was. Hopefully I can get out there early enough for the first load, although I doubt it.

Joe- thanks for the jump today. you'll have to show me that video sometime so I can try to figure out what I'm doing wrong.


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Woohoo... I'm glad that we got the Freefly Friday ball rolling for the season ;) It was great jumping, eating, and Twistering (yes, it's a verb too :P) with everybody. We'll have to make another excuse to have a cool dinner next month.

The weather for Sunday is looking better. Everybody come out and jump, there'll be a shizzynit's load of tandems.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Yeah, Friday was great. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Sarah and I had a lot of fun.

Today was busy. I'm actually pretty glad we had that weather hold. I was so far behind at one point, I really needed it. Especially after the news crew came in and took 30 minutes of my time getting the video footage they needed. Ah well. Hopefully the advertising gets CSS more business. That looked like a good group of people, and they looked like they had a lot of fun.

On a side note- did anyone happen to catch my landing from Friday on video? If so, I'd like to see it before you erase it (if it's not too late). Also- Joe, don't forget to show me the coach jump you did with me when you get time, and thanks again for that.

I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow morning.


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Thanks for your help organizing the fondue thing. :)
Plus, it gave me a chance to show off my mad Twister skillz. B|

Eric got some cool shots this weekend. Hopefully they'll be posted soon. (Especially that exit shot featuring the world famous Joe Kwon.)

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Eric DID get some cool shots ... have you seen the ones of Dawn #2's sit? Impressive + adorable; not to mention absolutely "shit hot.":)
Our FFF chicas ROCK!

Marion ("Nippy") - TWISTER CHAMP, your flexibllity and endurance were truly a sight to behold. Somehow I wasn't surprised ...;)

Watch out for me & Casey though - we might give you a run for your money someday soon.

Much thanks to Joe & Sarah for doing the majority of the work on dinner Friday night.

That was nice. Let's do it again.


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Hey folks. Sorry for the delay this week... exams & all are keeping me busy.

Here are the pictures from the weekend :D Pretty much everyone's featured... All 3 Dawns, Dave, Joe, Justin, Marion, Ross, Casey, Floaty Mike, Elis, Larry, Pete, Lyman, Yhevgeniy, Peter, Todd, Randy (& student), ... well... that's everybody but me i guess. Anyhow, enjoy 'em!

I'll probably be out at the DZ on thursday afternoon to do a little rigging and a jump or two between exams. Ohh... and FUCK saturday morning exams! The assholes that come up with the schedule put my worst exam at 8Am saturday >:(
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Nice pictures, Eric. Still haven't figured out how to burn them direct to DVD yet, I'm guessing (once more people get digitals, we'll have to figure that out).

I ended up doing a lot better in my trig class than I thought I would, so it looks like I'll be able to spend most of the summer working at the DZ, since I'll be taking evening courses.

Is anyone else coming out this Friday?


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Thanks Mike, Congrads on passing trig! Can you trignometrically figure out how to mow a speedcarve course into the tall grass on top of the hill? :P

Heh... anyhow, i'll be out at the DZ sometime today, and the latter part of the weekend... I have a damn exam at 8am on saturday :S
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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That would be more of a calculus thing- figuring out the exact distance of a constantly changing curve. Given time to do the math, though, yeah, probably.

I'm planning on being out there tomorrow, probably somewhere around lunchtime.

Sorry that you have a final on Saturday, that REALLY sucks. Hope it goes well and quickly.


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That would be more of a calculus thing- figuring out the exact distance of a constantly changing curve. Given time to do the math, though, yeah, probably.

Hmmm... and you're gonna be cutting the grass? :)

Hey Dawn #2- Chicks who loosen their chest strap under canopy are hot. ;)

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Dawn #1- can you make me one of those slider thingys like Marion has???

I can make you the shit-hottest slider thingy ever - let's talk. I'm thinking something like what Peter B has ... or will you be ready for RDS soon?

Speaking of Peter B - we finally have the latest Ranch pond swoop DVD in the store! It has all of the 2004 competition - nicely edited, plus a bonus where you can watch all of any individual competitor's rounds. AND a history of the event going back to 1996. Two DVDs. over 3 hours running time, they tell me. They're still behind the counter because I need to ascertain how much to charge for the thing:)
In case you guys didn't know, last year Peter Biro was one of the only competitors to actually land on the raft. Was really awesome to watch the DVD - all kinds of big name swoopers --trying hard with their best approaches -- miss the thing, then Peter absolutely nails it.


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SOOOOO...it looks like thursday night drinks are becoming a staple at the Kwon residence. Last night Dave, My roomate and miss Dawn went out on the town with some of my other friends and proceeded to get absolutely HAMMIED!!! No if ands or buts about this one. All of us kept taking shots till it made dawn sick. :)

Good times. The best part is she was hiding in an elevator at the end of the night and we couldn't find her to save our lives. Just riding the thing up and down and up and down until some peeps tried to get her to stand straight and got her out of the elevator at which point my DD roomate found her and she so coherently said "I'm gonna puke now"

Oh lord. Where were you all to see all of this. Oh! The other best part is at 730 this morning she just jumps out of daves bed and says..."I want lucky charms."

And no dave didn't get lucky he's just a nice guy who slept on the futon down stairs so dawn could puke in HIS bed!!!

Alas I'm not so lucky to have Dawn puking in dave's bed because that would have made for a greart story.

Ta ta for now...the never ending saga of the Kwon residence will continue Tuesday when we have a cook out FOR THE SECOND TIME!! Everyone able to come should definitely try to make it out. More burgers and stuff you know.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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never ending saga of the Kwon residence will continue Tuesday when we have a cook out FOR THE SECOND TIME!! Everyone able to come should definitely try to make it out. More burgers and stuff you know.

Tues night, I'm in!

I am bummed I missed last Thurs, I was on the fence wether to drop by or not, but I knew I had a LONG drive ahead, heading to Xkeys. It was a GREAT time btw. Good thing I got there Fri, because we got rained out Sat, and then snuck in a few Sun before getting on the road.

Got my German HALO wings Thurs, that rocked! Snuck down to Laurinburg between working to make that happen.

I think I'll be down at Raeford Sat at least a buddy wants to meet up there.

Done for another week and I am SMOKED... good night!

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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We missed you Guido! Glad you had fun at XKeys and see ya at Joe's!

We had a really fun day today. Dawns 2,3 and I (honorary Dawn 4) did a tube that spun so hard I couldn't fly straight.

We've got some weird rain right now that completely snuck up on us, but hopefully it'll go away as fast as it came in.

Then we have margaritas and homemade salsa! yum.:)

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Who's coming to my place on tuesday for the grill out??

I need a show of hands. If someone could organize what needs to be brought again that'd be great.

The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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I won't be able to make this one, Joe. I'm sure you'll have lots of drunken fun without me though. Get video this time :P.

I did a coach jump with Todd today and he showed me one of the (probably many) things I am doing wrong. I think I'm really close to holding that sit stable. Maybe next weekend I'll finally be able to do it.


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Awesome man THAT rocks. He's such a good coach in so many ways. You need to just keep jumping with us as two ways and such. Don't feel bad asking us to jump with you either. We're all more than happy to jump with you and jump video just to help you out buddy. Not that I'm that good but seeing yourself on video helps a LOT.

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