
Skydive Las Vegas closing? Reopening?

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OK, forgive the source but there is a post on the wreck that the DZO closed doors in the middle of the day and is selling the place to another DZO (whatever "the competition" means). Does anyone have any close knowledge of this? I am going to Vegas next month and was resigned to NOT taking my rig because of the bleak jumping scene there. Should I get my hopes up?!

Blue 111-

"When I die, I want to go like my grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car."

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WHAT? Not taking your Rig? Mesquite Bro! You got to take yoru rig and visit Brad a Sher...Only place to Jump is in Mesquite. 1 1/2 hours from Vegas,less if you drive like me;)http://www.skydivemesquite.com

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Um sorry Jeanne we took "OUR" caravan back :ph34r: but they do have a 182. They just had a boogie with The Beech from Lodi and a Helicopter. Not sure when there next boogie is. Call or email them if your headed to Vegas. Mesquite is an amazing place to Jump. The visuals ROCK-Literally ;)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Now John let's not be stingy with the toys. The caravan is acually kapowsins and if you don't share and play nice they might just take it back.

Death is so permanant, and I'm just not ready for that kind of committment.

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OK, forgive the source but there is a post on the wreck that the DZO closed doors in the middle of the day and is selling the place to another DZO (whatever "the competition" means). Does anyone have any close knowledge of this? I am going to Vegas next month and was resigned to NOT taking my rig because of the bleak jumping scene there. Should I get my hopes up?!

Blue 111-

Doesn't really matter if they are opened or closed. The only experinced jumpers they allow to jump there are ones that came up through their student program.

And they are totally inflexible about it. I know for a fact that they did not allow two members of the US natioal CRW team jump there.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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OK, forgive the source but there is a post on the wreck that the DZO closed doors in the middle of the day and is selling the place to another DZO (whatever "the competition" means). Does anyone have any close knowledge of this?
I called Michael Hawkes this morning.
He verified the post from the "horrible" wreck.
He says he finished and selling off his assets.
He didnt say anything about selling to any competitor.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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This is very big news.

He says he finished and selling off his assets.
He didnt say anything about selling to any competitor.

So Skydive Las Vegas is shutting down completely?

It is a shame that it could not be sold, and reopened to allow real skydivers to jump there.

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:$ ok what I meant to say was mequite was nice enough to send "the" caravan back to Ogden for all of us in Utah to jump out of her;)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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You're missing, the rest of the story...

I would be very interested in knowing why he is selling the DZ. Is there a date set for when the DZ will be shut down? What led to this?

please PM me if you don't want to post them here.


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The reasons that are floating around for why he did it are
1) He has been doing it for 12 years without a break and has had enough. (I worked there for 11 months and in that time he never took a single day off, he went away for a day or two but it was always for some course to do with the caravan engine or something else to do with the business).
2) His new girlfriend has shown him that there is better stuff to do with your time when you are a multi millionaire than sitting in an office or sleeping in an RV on an airport in the middle of the desert.
3) He is about to lose another big lawsuite and wants to get out, transferr assets, protect his money.
4) He has fallen out with his right hand man
5) He does not have enough jumpmasters and cant find anyone to work there.
6) He is fucking crazy
7) He wants to start an Ostrich farm on the SLV property and the jumpers might hurt the birds, he will then take a mix of ostrich and cainine excrement and masturbate in it whilst sitting in a kiddie pool in the middle of the landing area.

Going by what happened and his state of mind I thingk number 7 is the most likely, it would also be the best end to his legacy

This is all speculation, gossip, whatever.

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He does not have enough jumpmasters and cant find anyone to work there.

Hmm that sounds like a case of All work and no play... makes everyone less fun.

By limiting the fun jumpers to just people who trained there I would imagine there were not alot of up jumpers to have fun with.

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He does not have enough jumpmasters and cant find anyone to work there.

Hmm that sounds like a case of All work and no play... makes everyone less fun.

By limiting the fun jumpers to just people who trained there I would imagine there were not alot of up jumpers to have fun with.

From what I've read Mr Hawkes was never about play it was about the $$$$$. aka Tandem factory.

Damn another GM DZ bites the dust. To bad so sad:(


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