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I was reading somewhere here that somebody (being a bit vague arent i) said something along these lines " its good to see someone take it further after having a Tandem(ie going for a liscence) as not many ppl do it as well as not many getting there liscence."

Being a "newie i was just wondering from all you guys and gals experince how many DONT get thier liscence after attempting it. I was hoping to go for
my liscence flat chat in 1 week or thereabouts. am i being a bit hopeful?

and yes i live in Tasmania

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Wellllll, I mean Wellllcome! most, probably 80+% or there abouts never go further after the big, "I did it!" and therefore, now, " I'm done with it!"

If you don't go for finishing your student training in one week, welllll, hmmmm, whats the point? Get to it! or be a loser like the other 80+% !!!

You got a plane? A parachute near? Someone to show you what to do??? Hmmmm?

What was the question again? Look its time to jump, we'll talk about it later go check in to the,"Hi I'm new here and I wanna be a skydiver, (or talk about it anyway section)"

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Being a "newie i was just wondering from all you guys and gals experince how many DONT get thier liscence after attempting it. I was hoping to go for
my liscence flat chat in 1 week or thereabouts. am i being a bit hopeful?

Very few people who want their license don't get it. It really isn't that hard.

There are, however, many people who do one or two student jumps and decide that they don't want to go all the way. When I took my first jump class, there were 10 of us. A year and a half later, two of us are licensed and still jump. Most of the people in the class made one or two jumps that day, then never came back. One other person made something like 6 jumps before dropping out.

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I started with unknown numbers the year I started at my DZ (I'd guess 1000-1500 tandems a year), since then there have only been 3 people still really jumping and 3-4 more that make about 5-10 jumps a year from the summer when I started. Out of those that are still jumping one is probally giving it up this summer and the other one is more of a boogie jumper then anything else.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I did my first jump on a tuesday and was hooked the second my feet hit the ground. Came back on sat took aff class and lets say my wife is getting used to the menage-a-trois. Even had to build a deck for the DropZone owner to help fund the habit. Lets just say if your thinking about it then you gotta do it
-------------------------------------------------- If your not jumping your not living

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There are, however, many people who do one or two student jumps and decide that they don't want to go all the way. When I took my first jump class, there were 10 of us. A year and a half later, two of us are licensed and still jump. Most of the people in the class made one or two jumps that day, then never came back. One other person made something like 6 jumps before dropping out.

I actually came from a first jump class which beat the averages. We had 10 people in our class and 7 of those passed AFF with 5 becoming licensed skydivers. However, I don't think any of the other 4 jumpers have anything near to my jump numbers as the next closest likely only has about 50-60 jumps. What can I say, this sport can be very addicting to some. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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My AFF class was me and Ed. Ed did his second jump, and hasn't jumped since. His reason was financial, rather than desire.

I wonder how many people have this as the major factor rather than no desire?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Get to it! or be a loser like the other 80+% !!!

I don't people who don't continue with skydiving after their first jump are "losers" ... without a doubt, this sport ain't for everyone! And it's better that way for those of us that stuck with it;)

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I don't remember everyone who was in my FJC before the tandem. However, most of the people who started AFP with me are still jumping (that was "class of" 1997-98, and there are 10 or 12 people I can think of), with some placing in Nationals teams this last year, both in free-fly and R/W. This thread got me looking back on the last few years in the sport. I'm proud of the friends I've made and love the experiences we've shared (excluding the jump where we ended up in the ravine and somehow survived unscathed).:)|

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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