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I have noticed that two fatalities recently have been with a sabre II. The accident in Georgia was presumably due to a low turn but there were no witnesses. It was said that winds were somewhat high that day. Also, a Z hills a fatality recently happened where a gust of wind caused line twist to a sabre II. The canopy is relately new and only time will tell but I am wondering if it is possible that the canopy does not handle turbulence as well as it's predecessor. This is not an attack on PD but only a question.

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Seriously though-
The Sabre2 has been out for more than 2 years and PD has sold like 3,000 of them. Any time you put that many people under the same canopy you increase the chances of seeing it turn up on a fatality report. Go back in the last 2 years and check which canopy was listed the most times in fatality reports. It won't be the Sabre2.

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There is another thread along these same lines regarding the Sabre 2 in Gear and Rigging. I currently jump a Sabre 2 150 and have put about 150 jumps on it. I bought it new and have had no problems with it even under windy conditions and mild turbulance. I even flew it threw a dust devil ( not intentionally, as I didnt see it in time to avoid it.) and had half of the canopy collapse and reinflate. Landed with out any problems. I doubt that these incidents are because each were flying a Sabre 2

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OK, so this topic should probably be in "Gear & Rigging."

However, both of the fatalities were regular Zhills jumpers and Ed's one too. (Edited to remove snotty comment) How about redirecting his question to the appropriate forum?

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Ladies and genlemen, if you'll step this way please.....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Instead of being a fucking smartass, how about redirecting his question to the appropriate forum?

Chris had two posts. Did you read the second one or just the first one?
He was just being funny, but he gave a valid reply in his second post. Actually, I think his first post was pretty good.

Blue Skies
Ok, so it's pink, but I'm secure in my manhood, and I still look cool coming in under it!

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Thank you beemertec.

Yeah, I don't think "fucking smartass" was appropriate. I was making a legitiment point on the first post but just trying to be funny about it. Jeez, I thought I was pretty clear about that!
Then I made a second post as stated by beemertec to clarify my point.

I apologize if certain people didn't see through the humor and I will try not to be so light hearted in the future. Shit, there I go again, being sarcastic!

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Maybe the humor should not have been so up there considering we are talking about incidents that took two fellow skydivers lives. If you look in Laura's profile, you can see that she is from Zhills and probably didn't appreciate the comment.

Anyway, I got your sense of humor, but it wasn't at the best of times.

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My apologies to all involved.
I wasn't trying to be a smartass or trying to make jokes about fatalities. I made the post without really thinking about what it is we were really talking about, which is the terrible issue of 2 deaths in our sport. I honestly was just thinking about the canopy issue on the thread and should have remebered what it is we were really talking about. The homor was out of place and I apologize.
My personal apology to Laura in what must be a rough time.
I am truly sorry.[:/]
I also deleted the posts.

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