
Balloon jumps in Europe???

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Oft promised seldom realised, best bet for UK, would be the Bristol balloon festival, or equivalent somewhere on the continent.
I know of a couple of peeps who have jumped at the BBF. Its not regular, so may take some paperwork and a large amount of folding moolah.
Google and spend the weekend on the phone, good luck.B|

http://www.blastvalve.com/Balloon_Festivals/Foreign/United_Kingdom/index.shtml might help.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Anyone know where these can be done?

I have known balloon jumps to happen at Empuriabrava Christmas boogies.

I'm not too sure about anywhere in Britian. Headcorn managed one balloon lift about a year ago but as far as I know there has been nothing since.



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Hi Alun

After looking at your profile i would recommend accumulating a few more jumps before doing a balloon jump.
I have several balloon jumps and the problem with them is that the landing area can be anywhere, due to the balloon not having a engine you are subject to the wind, I have 4 balloon jumps and have never landing on an airfield always in some field in the countryside, this brings up the problem of terrain and that judging hills and slopes from under canopy can be difficult, also the are other obstacles such as wires and fences which you can't really see until you are right on top of them.
Heres my advise, wait get a couple hundred jumps and then go make a balloon jump, they are always gonna be around.
Safe jumps and blue skies
if you have anymore questions pm me

Gary Harbird

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Empuria had them fairly regulaarly - however at last christmas Richie wasn't organising them. He said something about moreregulation / liability issues and wasn't doing them until he'd sorted that out.

Don't know if they've sorted them out since then.

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At the Swedish Friflaj Festival in Skane we have balloonjumping every morning all week.

Check it out

But as Gary said, get more jumps before you do it. In Sweden there´s a rule that you have to have at least C-license, or 200 jumps, to make a balloonjump.

Blue Sky - Black Death ::: May the force be with you


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If there's anough people that want to jump, a guy at our DZ (Holland) can basicly make it happen anytime you'd want...

Our club actualy made 2 world records last month (30 ppl from a balloon, 20 ppl launched at the same time)

You'd have to make a trip to holland though :)
I'm an Athlete?

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