
What was your most expensive jump ticket?

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I once paid (just today) $18 per lift ticket to 10,000 from a narrow body Cessna.
I paid the same to 14,000 from mullins, and other than student jumps, my most expensive lift ticket was $40 to 5,000 from a Bell 207 Chopper.

Not too many cool stories to tell. :(
=========Shaun ==========

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And if you saw the official video, watching a horseshoe mal develop while hanging from the biplane and it's you, priceless since you know have video to donate to the official video...

Any stills available from this ? :o

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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Me and another guy were going to jump a tower in Southern Ontario - he got there before me and started climbing right away even though it wasn;'t dark yet. When I got there it was getting dark and I started climbing after him... About 150-200' up, a police car showed up and started questioning our groundcrew about what was going on... They said they were just stopped to talk and drove away, after which the cop waited awhile, then turned around and drove off, too. What we didn't realize was that while he waited another cop had driven up and parked in a driveway not far away - we could see the headlights but didn't realize it was a cop...

Later our groundcrew came driving back, no lights, and one got out and yelled up - 'Hey you guys better jump before the cop comes back!'...

As soon as he shouted that the lights came on and the copcar pulled out of the driveway and on down to park at the base of the tower... He called up on the loudspeaker 'Okay, you want to climb down from there and we can have a little chat?'

Next thing I hear my buddies canopy opening up about 30 feet away from me (he had still been above me the whole climb) and he flew down and landed by the road... I didn't think the cop would know I was up there too so I figured on just waiting him out and then jumping, but after a bit he got on the horn and said 'Your buddy tells me there's someone named Rob up there - you want to climb on down and I'll have a little talk with you too...'

So I climbed up the rest of the way and jumped, flew through the guy wires and landed by the road...

The cop had us both in the back seat of the cruiser and looked at us and said, ' you know, if I thought you wouldn't do this again I'd let you go...'

'Well', we said, 'we won't do this tower again - how's that?'

'Not good enuf,' he said...

Simple trespassing, no court appearance, $75 dollars for 450 feet...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone


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Doing a vid for a tandem, had a super, ass-spanker opening and lost my camera helmet. Figured the snaps for the chin cup broke. (It was an old ass protec that was modiifed for a camera system.) Never found the helmet or the camera as it landed in a large woods.

It was a great vid, too. (sniff)

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I paid $350 U.S. for a jump from 8k out of a B-17 bomber. It was worth every penny of it too:)

Yeah, absolutely! I did the B-17 too, at Quincy in 2000 and it was totally awesome and definitely worth the $350 !!! B|


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