
Who was the hard landing Santa in Houston?

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A whuffo friend (ok, associate) told me he saw a skydiving Santa bang in pretty hard at Sharpstown Mall in Houston yesterday (Friday). Just wondering if anyone knows who it was.

Winds were gusting well beyond 30 all afternoon. Maybe Santa should've tried jumping his sleigh instead!;)


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I saw that footage on a local station up here in Toronto Canada. It wasn't a "bad" landing, just a heavy but slide. Looks bad to wuffo's and I'm sure the jumpers ass hurt from banging into the concrete.

I'm not sure but it kinda looked like a downwind landing.


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Yeah, it was a downwinder. Not too many options when you're long, and you're landing on top of a parking garage and the only outs are a freeway and a mall parking lot on the busiest shopping day of the year. No one was hurt, and the kids were loving it anyway.
Oh, hello again!

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It made the news world wide. They showed it here in OZ. The type of footage TV stations love with a corny comment... on the local news it was "why Santa really needs those reindeer..." :S
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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A PRO rating is not an FAA requirement. You can demonstrate profiency to an FAA inspector to get a letter authorizing you to do demos w/o a PRO rating. The down side is another FSDO may not recognize the letter and you may have to demonstrate it again for a different FSDO.


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FAR 105.21.a states that a certificate of authorization must be issued. i.e. 7711.

AC # 91-45C.2 states the clearance from spectators and the requirement for the "exhibition rating".

AC # 105-2C.15.A.1 and .2

Our FISDO requires Pro along with TSA's approval.
Pretty simple.

Take that chip off you shoulder you old buzzard before I come out there and give you a big wet kiss!!!

Ski season is coming!!!!


James 4:8

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I asked that and Gemini said he did have a PRO rating.

I guess we'll have to hear exactly how bad it was if he jumped in 30 plus winds......[:/]

If he jumped in 30 mph winds, he violated the special conditions of his waiver, 7711-2, and BSR's if he was Pro rated. This is the type of thinking that will make our insurance go away. If he did not jump in 30 mph winds, all he did was make a skydiving Santa look like a buffoon.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Looking at that video I can assure you that the guy in question did not land downwind in 30+ mph winds. He might have had a 5-8 mph tailwind, if that.

I didn't say he downwinded in 30 mph winds. Someone else said the winds were 30 mph.

Winds were gusting well beyond 30 all afternoon. Maybe Santa should've tried jumping his sleigh instead!

If the winds were only 5-8 then refer to second portion of my post.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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AC91-45C CHP 6 also states:


Parachutists who are not members of a recognized parachute organization or the participating branch of a national aero club and who wish to participate in a demonstration or exhibition jump over or into a congested area must present satisfactory evidence of the necessary experience, knowledge, and skill equivalent to that required by the United States Parachute Association (USPA). a. If the parachutist is unable to provide this information, the FAA inspector-in-charge may require a demonstration jump (not over a congested area) as a prerequisite before approving the request


Take that chip off you shoulder you old buzzard before I come out there and give you a big wet kiss!!!

I might hold you to that:P


Ski season is coming!!!!

Hell, it is already here, We've been boarding now 5 or 6 times. Come on down, you got a place to stay.B|


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I can't believe I called that right. So it was downwind. As I saw him coming in on the tape it just didn't look right, I saw how small the landing area was and when he flared, it just didn't take enough of the speed off.

He did do a hell of a job though landing it like that.

And for the others, there is no way the winds were 30mph, he would have been going like a bat out of hell. :S

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