
regarding AFF

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i already did my 1st tandem. i already went to the wind tunnel last week. from what my instructors said was that im a natural flyer n i got the skydiving in me. but, what my queston is...

is it better too do a 2nd tandem and, go into AFF or should i just go into AFF w/out the 2nd tandem? i always think i should do the 2nd tandem and, do the wind tunnel again b4 i really start AFF. cause,..............

i am puttin all my heart into this sport. IM ADDICTED after i did it once.

thanks for the help

Blue Skie's Baby!

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does your DZ offer tandem progression where you do two "working" tandems and then take the ground course and move on to AFF category C jumps? If so I would do that. Thats what I did and it saved money as well as made me more comfortable with my first solo.

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You can never have too much windtunnel time, but
do AFF and skip the tandem.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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After my tandem, I called and asked my DZ what I should do, because they offered to do a 2nd tandem, then go to B level AFF, and that is how I was leaning. She told me that she would recommend going straight into AFF, because the tandem is a ripcord deployment, while the student AFF rigs we have are BOC deployment, so her rationale was, get to the deployment method you will be using right away, don't do another jump using a ripcord when you'll have to "re-learn" on BOC. It made sense to me, especially since I didn't deploy my tandem. I think the bottom line, though, is to do whatever you feel most comfortable with! :)

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my opinion would be as Aggie04 said, if they offer tandem progression, go with that. That's also the formation I had.
Now if they don't offer that kind of progression, go for AFF. You'll be saving some perfectly good jumping $$$
You already had a go with freefall, plus you have "some" tunnel time (how long may I ask ??) So it will not be a complete discovery.

We almost all got addicted after doing it once... Just prepare to spend loads of time and some money too...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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they don't offer tandem progression. i still don't know what i should do?

In that case, I would definetly recommend you go straight to AFF. Save the money you would have spent on the second tandem - trust me, if you really want to get into the sport you'll be spending it later on. ;)

While another tandem may help you to "adjust" to freefall before going out and doing it yourself, it won't help you progress. The fact that you jumped, and have also been in the tunnel, means that you already have some idea of what to expect anyway, so the benefits would be minimal.

As a side note, there is no requirement to do x number of tandems before AFF - in fact many people (myself included) did AFF Level 1 as their first jump. If anything, having been in the tunnel, you are already better placed for going on to AFF than most people!

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Go do AFF. There was a time before tunnels and tandems, and some people actually lived and had fun.

I have over 1500 dives as an AFF instructor, and you sound like you'll do just fine.


It's the year of the Pig.

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if your sure u want to enter the sport simply skip the tandem and go straight onto the AFF.. its usually the most expensive way to progess, but its easily the fastest, and well worth it if you want to get into the sport quickly. at a lot of places nowadays you can take a first aff jump course to give you a taster of aff course without the huge financial strain

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Either way you go, you should be fine. The fact that you've had wind tunnel time and that you're instructors are calling you a natural, make me think you should just go straight to AFF and start skydiving. Bring the confidence from your tunnel time into freefall and you should be good to go! Oh, and one more thing-- PULL! ;)


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thank you for all your wonderful reply's. my best friend that i've known for over 6 yrs, graduate's 2morrow. (i am so jealouse of him too) but, also happy for him cause, soon or later we're gonna be doing R.W. soon. i know the hand signals....everything should be all good. *knock on wood*

looks like im waay ahead of you..haha, im already signed up for AFF. Blue Skie's.
Thanks For your Support Ppl!!!! BIG UPS!

i start AFF as of next saturday 7-16-04.

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Good choice and good luck..........

I also just finished AFF......Took the course July 2nd and graduated July 5....

What a blast it is...............

be safe and like everyone else said..........remember to pull........

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting - "fcuk me what a ride!"

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well, this suck's. i got prioritie's that i gotta handle first like paying the bills which i lagged off on it for 3 months + i got my cell phone bill to pay then i could do it. but, as of right now, i feel like S**t cause these responsibilities that i got are keeping me back from it. [:/][:/][:/][:/]

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forget the tandem, waste of money...straight to a classroom then when you get the go ahead put on your student gear do your checks get on the side of the plane do your cadance and kick ass!. I think you are better of saving that tandem money cause if you have to repeat any of your aff levels(including level 1) you are going to have to pay to repeat it so whats the point in wasting it on a tandem when if you know you are going to do aff already. A tandem is a taster, 2 tandems without proggresion is a waster. So much more surreal and rewarding you will find your aff level 1.
good luck dude, and welcome to our sport!

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Hi DK,
Don't go makin' a mountain outa' some molehill!! Just get yourself into AFF and "DO IT!!!"

You have a Tandem AND Tunnel time under your belt already SO, AFF will be a breeze!!!

When we first started doing AFF at Perris (I worked with New Dimensions Flite School, 82-84) we didn't have no stinkin' tunnels and Tandems were still in the Test Program. We took AFF #1 out the door, no previous skydiving/parachuting experience required! The program worked very well. Along came Tandem and made it better because it gave the Student a "hands on " experience of the Skydiving enviornment!! Tunnels are great too!

Wow! I need to go into my archives and find the videos from those days (over 20 years ago!!) I hope the tapes havn't stuck together!!

Enjoy your AFF. "Time sure flys when you're having fun!!!"
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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since your instructor thinks your a natural flyer that would mean you have a natural gift that not all students have rember that every skydive you do will offer some sort of learning to be had . so weather you do a tandem or a aff jump next both will offer something you can use . one thing about doing another tandem you can practice your canopy skills and landing patterns those things you cant learn in a wind tunnel and landing is were most people get hurt. keep it safe and have fun with your new found addicition

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stop using your cellphone!!!! do you see cellphones involved with skydiving? get rid of the things that you do not need. this sport is well worth it. you have alot to pay for, alot of gear to buy, alot of jumps to do, and as a student you are going to be bying a shit load of beer! i belive to get into jumping you need to put everything into it. especially your wallet.
good luck, enjoy this shit cause you only live once.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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stop using your cellphone!!!! do you see cellphones involved with skydiving? get rid of the things that you do not need. this sport is well worth it. you have alot to pay for, alot of gear to buy, alot of jumps to do, and as a student you are going to be bying a shit load of beer! i belive to get into jumping you need to put everything into it. especially your wallet.
good luck, enjoy this shit cause you only live once.

you got a point there buddy. well, as soon as my contract is over i think my cell phone is over n done with cause, i am in love with skydiving now. even if i have to quit smokin cancer sticks? i will. i'll do anything for this sport. my love now is, SKYDIVING!!!

and, thank you again for your kind responses. i got another tandem too do 2morrow which i already paid for. *shrugs* and, in about 3-6 weeks from now....ill be in AFF. i got mad priorities to handle @ the moment which sucks. priorities first. then, skydive.

thank you.

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yeah dont go giving up smoking, you need something to do while you are waititng for the plane.....you are always waiting for a plane or a person to pack or the clouds to piss off. Some people think skydiving is action, half the time it is waiting. even instead of a tandem go and do a static line jump so you can start learning your canopy control.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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You have the ultimate bonus of being able to go to a local wind tunnel. This is the greatest learning tool available to a jumper. Utilitze this as much as you can. As expensive as the tunnel is, it's still cheaper than the jump. Only you don't get to practice your canopy skills.

Anways, do as much tunnel time as you want, let them know you are an AFF student and they'll be more than happy to help you with forward movement, turns, practice ripcord pulls, etc. I did this and without looking back at my receipts I think I have done just as much tunnel time as real freefall time and it's proven invaluable. Fellow jumpers are impressed when you are learning skills so quickly and of course I have to explain it's not that, but the tunnel time which has made it all possible.


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