
Free Fall Speed?

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so, i made a jump with a buddy neptune. I was belly to earth and he was in a sit, about 3 feet in front of me. we checked the neptune after we landed, and we were falling at 140mph. im thinking i might be good on hybrid jumps when i get more experience.

anyone else match fall rates with someone in a sit at 19 jumps?

Blue skies, Soft landings

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Ohhh yea, belly avg 160 to 180, depends on the arch, I thought the pro track was lieing til I jumped w/ some ff. HD 199mph. Think I need one of those old balloon suits. But, as you get better fall rates get better. I heard ff should be at 150 or so, I don't know how I'm gonna pull that one off. It's all apart of fkying the freaky skies. :D:D:ph34r::ph34r:

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We need to hook up brother, I need some belly people to fly with.***
Matt, take him on the offer. It may get you a full page photo on Parachutist mag...;)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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That is f-ing bookin it. You need to learn to cup and slow down prabably along with a very baggy jump suit. When you start to free fly you will probably go very fast. I know I fall about 125 in RW (when I tried it) and sit at about 135-144mph, but I can slow stuff down to around 109 on my bell if I have to or in a track. It will suck for you if you can't control that fast rate and you start jumping in bigger groups or start to free fly. Im no skydiving expert but 140 is a hell of a belly speed, but what fun, huh?


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Yup, my AFF speeds were 140-160mph. I thought it was normal to have your instructor in front of you in a sit position :D.

Get a suit thats extra phat in lower arms and legs, double material as well. it slowed me down a good 15 mph over a baggy flappy suit that I was using post AFF.

"Life is a bowl of deadly nightshade, stay way way out on the rim brother"

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At 19 jumps I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re still in an exaggerated student arch. That’s the best body pos for stability but not for controllability or fall rate. Get coaching, I bet 90% of your speed is down to your body position rather than your jumpsuit. That said, if you want to start doing RW – get the right tool for the job and in this case that means a properly fitted suit.

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140 to 160 mph is gonna cause some hard openings also check to make sure your equipment can sustain higher opening speed I weigh 205 out the door and I had one of the hardest openings after not slowing down enough coming out of a stand protrak said 160 max speed I'll never did that again scared the hell out of me I took some tracking lesons also and had an average speed of 109 its amazing how you can slow your fall rate

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