
Most expensive bit of gear you have lost?

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Most expensive bit of gear you have lost?


i know someone who lost a testicle.

Was that due to a nut-under malfunction?

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Personally? Nothing yet.

A couple of jumpers I know llost their wigs on an Elvis jump. The one that didn't lose his had secured it
with a small bungee cord under his chin.

Someone else I know "lost" a complete rig. He knew where it was, but he couldn't get at it. Eventually
the judge made the Park Service give it back. :)

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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sorry to hear that man!!

how did you lose it? - fell out of something?

Thanks dude.

I had the strap modified so that i could wear it on my left thigh for altitude readings under canopy.

I gauge my turn primarily with my eyes but use the neptune as an aid in the swoop. It helps to have it in your field of vision when you're looking at the ground rather than looking up at your wrist.

I was on a tandem video jump and we had to move around in the plane a lot before exit, so with the expansion of my thigh muscle it must have stretched the velcro and made it loose enough to slip off.

The video is kinda funny though. Just after the TM pulls you see me look down after feeling it slip. It gets caught on my foot and i try to transition to my back to grab it before pulling. As i do it slips off and dissapears.

My canopy deploys and all you can hear is: "Argh, F$*K, F#@K, Argh, F%^K!!!"


Our packers live on the DZ permanently though and manifest suggested i ask them to go have a look in the fields and offer to pay them if they find it. Apparently they've found protracks, helmets and stuff before.

I'm holding thumbs but not getting my hopes up. :|

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