
Freefall University

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Did Aff their last year, the weather is usually good and the porter is an easy plane to jump from. they do a lot off training for uk based jumpers,the instructors are very good with new jumpers, the other consideration i had it was cheaper to do AFF their than in the uk. Get in touch with Lamora who would probably be happy to help.:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Yes. My latest information is that Freefall University will not be continuing its operations at Lillo through Bogwarrior. If you want to do AFF in Spain with English speaking instuctors I reccommend you look at www.letsgoskydive.com I know these guys, 'cause they've all trained here in the States. I will be going over there in September. This is profesional and safe skydiving instruction done by the best.

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I trained at FFU, and have nothing but praise for their instructors.

The DZ is basic and the town is tiny, but if you just want to learn to skydive, you don't care about that stuff anyway. (It's still possible to have fun in Lillo, BTW).

I was there for six days, and we were on a weather hold (winds) for about two hours one day and that was it - the whole rest of the time, it was hot, sunny and jumpable. The locals are very chilled and student-friendly, even people not associated with FFU. The Porter was a bit of a squish after the Caravan, but it gets the job done and it's kind of a social plane ;)

Two thumbs up from me. I'm jumping at Netheravon in the meantime, but I'll be back to get some more coaching in a month or two for sure.

[edit: speling]
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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The Freefall University has relocated to Ocaña dropzone, 5 minutes from Aranjuez and 25 minutes from madrid..

THere is info on our website at www.freefalluniversity.co.uk

Our new location gives people the best mix of jumping during the day and something to do at night ..when you cant or dont want to jump. There is a free shuttle service between the dropzone and Aranjuez city mornings and evening. We have had a number of people graduate our programme however `progress has been severly hampered by severe hangovers...

I will be adding activities to the list as time goes on. Also more training companies from the UK will be coming out to work with us also to provide coaching in various disciplines.

Blue Skies
David Cowman
The Freefall University Ocaña
Sponsor of the FFU5

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Its nice to see David has found somewhere he fits in.

One thing everyone should know is it takes 15 minutes to drive to the Ocaña DZ from Skydive Lillo and a further 45 minutes at least to drive to the airport.... do the maths!!

Also Aranjuez is about as close to Ocaña as Earth is to the moon....

Nice to see also that the Lillo 4-way team have decided to continue to base themselves at Skydive Lillo where there is a Dornier G92 arriving in October. Lillo have been very kind to sponsor the team in the past.

This aircraft is used for major competitions and as a result many top coaches have decided to base themselves here.

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Its nice to see David has found somewhere he fits in.

Mike do want to elaborate more on that comment? After our chat on the phone recently I thought things were pretty cool, rather than have this bullshit floating around, lets put some thing positive into skydiving in spain, focus your energy on positive stuff, rather than bitching and whining.


Also Aranjuez is about as close to Ocaña as Earth is to the moon....

So you can get to the moon from the earth in 10 minutes eh? what you using then coz 'I want one of those !!' maybe you should get on the train come to Aranjuez and drive in with me in the morning and you'll get a free ' Maths ' lesson from me & Andy.


Nice to see also that the Lillo 4-way team

i heard you were the Freefall University 5 still ????????

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Mike Worthington,

Thanks ever so much for the sentiment. Making the move to Ocaña..was... a bit like finally making it ashore you could say. Aranjuez city is 9 minutes ten seconds away if you do a leisurley 80 KMPH. Really going to come into its own when the evenings start to get shorter. Im sure nobody has ate , drank, or danced in the same place twice even after being here for over a week on their AFF " holiday ". You could say there is too much choice but the Hanger Music Bar and Avalon night club are fast becoming favourites. The range of accomodation options and other evening and poorer weather activities is growing also. Then for non skydiving partners of course theres the museums , the casino, the golf course, quad biking , canoeing et all . If thats not enough then you have the train that runs every 20 minutes to downtown Madrid.

As an aside note it seems that every time i check the Lillo website these days the distance to you from the airport is getting smaller ,, they do of course say " the world is becoming a smaller place " but it was last quoted at 90km.. ahem..

As for fitting in, well it seems im joining a growing contingent of people who didnt " fit in " in Lillo. Let me expand:

First of we have the Swiss National team ( currently advertised as being residents on the Lillo website ). Which as I understand it actually spent about five days team training in Lillo in late 2004 before heading home never to be seen again. Perhaps they didnt " fit in " .

Then we had Jan Wildergruber who owns and flys what is known in the world of skydiving as " Jans Beach " . He after a period of growing frustration ( the source of which to his credit remains a mystery ) decided he didnt " fit in " packed everything in the back of his plane and flew of into the sunset. This three months short of the time frame Lillo expected he would " fit in ".

Then we had Brian Vacher who is also advertised on your website as running the canopy school . As I understand it, he too departed the " Lillo shores " a few months back. Guess he didnt " fit in" either. http://www.safeflightschool.com

Then theres Mike Vetter who according to Lillos website is running the 4 way school. As i understand it he resigned from Lillo staff at the end of June deciding he didnt " fit in " with the Lillo Philospohy.

So when it comes to people who didnt fit in and are now somwhere else, I am I believe in good company.

As for the village of Lillo being 15 minutes down the road from Ocaña.. Assuming a constant speed of 192 Kmph then perhaps.. but .. youd have to allow , particularily in the rain, adequate braking distance however in case you overshot..

David Cowman

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From AA website
0.00 Start out at Lillo,Spain
11.05 Continue forward onto the CM-3000. Entering El Romeral CM-3000 11.05
5.84 Bear right, then merge onto the N-IV (signposted E-5 Madrid) N-IV 16.89
30.62 Bear right, then turn right onto the N-400 (signposted Ocaña) N-400 47.51
0.33 Continue forward onto the N-400. Entering Ocaña N-400 47.84
0.92 Turn right Unclassified 48.76
0.70 Arrive at Ocaña,Spain Unclassified 49.46
- Section time 0:38, Total time 0:38

It's like playschool in here, and this "bitching" from lillo about the current situation is one of the reasons me and my friends chose FFU @ Ocana for AFF training in October.


[EDIT to Add]

rather than have this bullshit floating around, lets put some thing positive into skydiving in spain, focus your energy on positive stuff, rather than bitching and whining.

Good Idea, it's doing neither DZ's\Companies any good, and just confsuing potential students.

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Its nice to see David has found somewhere he fits in.

One thing everyone should know is it takes 15 minutes to drive to the Ocaña DZ from Skydive Lillo and a further 45 minutes at least to drive to the airport.... do the maths!!

Also Aranjuez is about as close to Ocaña as Earth is to the moon....

Nice to see also that the Lillo 4-way team have decided to continue to base themselves at Skydive Lillo where there is a Dornier G92 arriving in October. Lillo have been very kind to sponsor the team in the past.

Just got back from Ocana and can say that it is a great drop zone, lost a couple of days jumping through wind but that can happen anywhere. The drop zone is 10 min drive from town which is a nice place at night, great food and coffee also drink if you want it.
The instructors at FFU all seem to be very good and from what I saw they look after their students very well, making sure that they are kept well informed and made to feel that they count,the two Andy's are both really nice guys and work well as a team together. The spanish staff try to make you feel at home and will get you in the air as much as they can, having jumped at Emporia, Lillo, Seville and Ocana, I would say that Ocana comes out best for students and anyone else that takes their jumping seriously, if you want to party then Emporia may be better in the summer but for jumping alone then Ocana gets my vote.
They also have Freefly coaching (WWW.avalorefreefly.com) FS coaching, Wingsuit Coach and BASE courses, the landing area must be about the biggest in europe.
You could not ask for more


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