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  1. I posted a while back to find out about the freefall university. I have tried to book a course a while back but have so far not been contacted. As some of my mates jump I have been put in contact with some ex students. Most of them are complaining about not being picked up from the airport, sharing gear and instructors with other students........ I also have been told that the company has been asked to leave the dropzone and a new AFF school has taken over.....people are saying that David Cowman, the owner no longer has an AFF rating and doesn't even know how to pack a parachute.......I am scared that someone like this has been allowed to trade for so long..... I talked to the dropzone and they put me in contact with the freefall addicts. They are now the new AFF school and I have to say are so far looking after me very well....
  2. cool. i will try. anyone else out there have any opinions on the school?
  3. yeah I checked it out, i was told though that Lamorna works for another company by someone through the bcpa. Freefall Addicts I think they are called. I am told they are going to be based in Lillo.
  4. i am in the uk. tried to jump at langer several times....bad weather.
  5. Hi, I am wanting to do AFF and have found a link through to freefall university in Spain. Does anyone know anything about them? All advice is very much appreciated. Sho