
Shayna Richardson's One and Only Post...Read It and Get Over It!!!!

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okay, the facts that have not been reported:

She and rick both new that it was a bad idea for him to be instructing her and be in a relationship. Tey were both warned by many people

She and rick both new that it was not a good idea for her to be flying the canopy that she was under. They were both informed of this.

they were both also aware of the fact that a 190 does not fit so well in a container made for a 135

because of these issues they chose to go to another dz where things were not so well known.

with proper instruction, none of this would have ever even gotten to the point of making this jump.

with proper instruction she should have known what to do after she released only one brake. She did nothing to correct the problem.

when the reserve came out, there was a problem. At this point, it is only speculation if it could have been fixed, but if yoyu do nothing we do know that it will not fix itself. And that is what she did .......nothing. once again vey poor training.

Eveyone at the dz did everything that they could to help out. Including help with her teeth. There was someone in that line of work who jumps regularly.

Acording to a reliable soure the med. bills were picked up by medicaid.

After the accident. They dropped out of sight, because they just wanted to be left alone to get on with there lives. The next thing we know, it's all over the news. This after they shun those who were trying to help.

There were so many things that could have been done to have avoided this but they refused to listen. Then they choose to turn their backs on skydivers, and run to the general public with a sensationalised story saying poor me, give me money.

I am very sorry this happened, and I don't ever want to see anyone get hurt, but the sad thing is it could have been avoided, and all the negativity that they are receiving they have brought upon themselves

I am a greek midget

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Get over it...broken legs....dead bodies....no insurance, fund raisers, people trying to get help for medical bills it's there and will stay there.

Yep and so will people making stupid mistakes and demanding that others fix the mess they get into.

That does not make it right, even if it happens alot.


Bad light on the sport.....like I said, get over it!!!!!skydiving / skydivers are no different from anything else that the media covers.

YOU step down off your pedestal and quite trying to act "better" than others and thinking only your way is the right way. People in the know have stated that they were warned, told it was a bad idea...ect...They didn't listen perfering to live it up and not be responsible

YOU want to help people who make bad choices without holding them in the slightest bit accountable for their actions?...Thats fine. But don't think for one little second that just because you are fooled and think that you are better since you let stupid people make you pay for their mistakes that it means anything but in your mind.


Still disgusted and burnt out......maybe I should take up golf.......oh wait a minute I DONT have medical coverage....god forbid I get hit with a fucking golf club and get hurt or something!

Cool, quit. Fine with me...I'd rather not have to pay for your medical bills.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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RON~ i really have to disagree w/you. Driving is NOT a need

I have a job. This job pays for my house, medical insurance, hobbies and inverstments. To get to this job I need to drive. I could take a lower paying job, and lose my house...Or I could quit and not work expecting you to pay me....Or I could drive to work since there are not buses in my area.

I'l drive and call it a need. Its not like I live in NY and can ride a subway.


Skydiving is NOT a need...... it is a hobby/convenience. same principle

NOT EVEN CLOSE to the same. One produces a benefit of employment. The other is for recreation.

If I can't drive, I might very well lose my job. If I can't skydive...I lose nothing but "fun".

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Boring!!!!! Surely you can do better than that

Do you pay taxes on your goods? I pay taxes and part of those taxes go to people who are not responsible and make the Government pay their bills.

YOU said you don't have insurance...Well I do, and my insurance costs go up due to people like you and her that get hurt and don't bother to pay.

If you want to take chances with YOUR financial future...Thats fine. But don't expect others to pay for your mistakes.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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If you want to take chances with YOUR financial future...Thats fine. But don't expect others to pay for your mistakes.

Calm down young Ron......I would like to hear from you when I said I want YOU or ANYONE else to pay my bills. YOU will not have a response because I never said that......ever. I am 40 something years old and I have been working since I am 16. I HAVE had medical benefits up until a few years ago. I too like others pay taxes. The only difference for you and me is I pay CASH for medical expenses since I have chosen a different field of work. If I were to get injured I would pay for my medical bill even if it were only a few dollars a week. YOU are no better than ME and I no better than YOU. The difference is I live and let live and don’t look down on those DIFFERENT from ME!
Still very….very…bored :ph34r:

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Ill be curious on what she names her baby considering all this child went through to survive...

I suggest snivel for a boy and miracle for a girl... regardless of the accident it is wonderful that this baby made it through, regardless if Shayna gets her implants or if she skydives again, or who is at fault etc, she will always have this baby to look at and realize what she and the baby went through to be where they are... she is lucky to have survived and regardless on if people agree with the aspects she is very much alive and so is her baby...

what a wonderful christmas for her family...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I have a job. This job pays for my house, medical insurance, hobbies and inverstments. To get to this job I need to drive.

so prior to the first stagecoach carriage & Ford Model-T humans simply did not work or earn money?! give me a break. driving is a luxury, convenience, how else shall i word it? that goes for you & any other human on this planet...

that aside......

NOT EVEN CLOSE to the same. One produces a benefit of employment. The other is for recreation.

so you don't drive anywhere UNLESS it is to/from work? "produces a benefit of employment" -- you'd be fired if you didn't have a car? i understand you think skydiving is not a need, so it was reckless/silly/etc. for Shayna to jump. however, one might say the same about you for if you were in a driving accident.....

yes, in this case Shayna went skydiving for recreational purposes..... likewise, many people drive for recreational purposes. so please answer the Q & stop digressing: would you have the same beef w/her if she made the jump w/o insurance BUT landed unharmed?


see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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Boring!!!!! Surely you can do better than that

Do you pay taxes on your goods? I pay taxes and part of those taxes go to people who are not responsible and make the Government pay their bills.

YOU said you don't have insurance...Well I do, and my insurance costs go up due to people like you and her that get hurt and don't bother to pay.

If you want to take chances with YOUR financial future...Thats fine. But don't expect others to pay for your mistakes.

well done, do you want me to come round and pat you on the back personally?
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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Do you pay taxes on your goods? I pay taxes and part of those taxes go to people who are not responsible and make the Government pay their bills.

HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN! did you really just stoop that low & blame everyone who uses federal assistance? >:( did you really just generalize everyone by saying people who have federal assistance are "irresponsible" & "don't bother to pay"? >:(>:(

your ignorance must be blissful!

although this is a tangent, TRUE many people work the system.... but many use it to get back on their feet/remain there. i don't think Shayna is "trying not to pay". clearly she is asking for help, but you seem to have it beaten in your head that she has an ulterior motive.....

see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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with no teeth in my mouth for the rest of my life

I'm sure someone else already said it, but...

How you doin...;)

I probably would never get around to mailing a check, but if you have a paypal account set up for donations I'd throw a few bucks your way.

Good luck with the healing and with the baby...

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I suggest snivel for a boy and miracle for a girl... regardless of the accident it is wonderful that this baby made it through, regardless if Shayna gets her implants or if she skydives agai
n, or who is at fault etc,

You are too cute.....and know how to get things lightened up a bit :)

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Post: Hay Shawna, I know you said you would not post again. This thread has grown to 8 pages already and I just found it so I won't read the whole thing it would be pointless, every one has an opinon.

I also understand why you came here defending yourself. However it would have been more constructive to explain why you chopped the main.
Also it would have been more constructive why you havn't explaned that it wasn't a double malfunction. I'm taking it for granted it was pilot error. That is the sinsational part. Skydivers are a close knit community, if you want to be part of us you will have to learn how to defend us. You medical bill might as well be 2 million, you only have to pay what you can afford each month. I hope maybe you can get a credit card to buy teeth.

Oh and wing loading is out the window when a student is on ZP or other high performance canopies. A 170 is too small for student jumps. Regardless of what you weigh.

I saw the video of your jump. The part in the beginning where you were answering to Rick about your dive flow, he never asked you about you canopy dive flow. Isn't that where you got in trouble? I don't think any skydiver will blame you, other than if you just plan gave up! I think everyone is blaming Rick! Stop defending him you do not know what you are doing. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Ok, now it is on page 12, and still nothing. You do understand that I totaly understand why you felt the need to defend yourself, but it would have been more constructive to post the details of your accident and explane why you felt that allowing the MEDIA to sensationalize your story was benificial.

You have admitted here that you have not received a penny for your interviews, and you need money. Why have you allowed the media to lie about your accident, "double mal". You really need to set the record strait. If you can not set it strait to the media, then set it strait here for us.

Post up and say Yes I fucked up, and I fucked up again by allowing the media to give the sport I love a black eye. It is important that the skydiving community realize you understand you fuck up by going public and that you are sorry. We all understand that you didn't meant it. You only have 9-10 jumps and are still a student. Students make mistakes! is the message here and it up to the students instructor to make the right decissions for them.

I have never attacked you, I have always contended that your Instructor is to blame. He of all people is expected to be an expert and should have know about the chain of events that lead up to incidents. He also should haver known what going public would cause. He should have told you to say "NO" to the media when they tried to sesationalize your story. He should have been the mature one who knew the conseqences of what the community would have to say about it.

Do you know your aunt was on here before you, asking questions? Do you know your aunt posted a response for you mother here?

When skydivers see the video on national tv, hell all over the fricken world, and realize the media got it wrong, and then they see you being interviewed, with your knowledgable instructor sitting by your side staying silent it is a real pisser!

If I am wrong, and you are some imature bitch who has only the intrest of makeing money off your inccident, and really dosen't give a fuck about the community you are trying to ruin, then set me strait!
It is amazing how your instructor has been silent about the whole thing?

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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YOU are no better than ME and I no better than YOU.

You say that....Then you say:

"The difference is I live and let live and don’t look down on those DIFFERENT from ME!"

That sure sounds elitist to me. Kinda proves my point right there.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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so prior to the first stagecoach carriage & Ford Model-T humans simply did not work or earn money?!

You want to compare a modern society to the one of 100 years ago? Thats silly at best. 100 years ago people rarely moved 100 miles on a LONG trip. Just last mth I Flew 1,100 miles, 400 miles, back 400 miles then drove 1,100 miles. I need to do that for my job. Thats more travel in one mth than a person 100 years ago would do in a life time.


give me a break. driving is a luxury, convenience, how else shall i word it? that goes for you & any other human on this planet...

Again in todays society computer knowledge is quickly becoming a need, not a want. The same with transportation. Do you drive to work? Could you get to work without your car?


so you don't drive anywhere UNLESS it is to/from work? "produces a benefit of employment" -- you'd be fired if you didn't have a car? i understand you think skydiving is not a need, so it was reckless/silly/etc. for Shayna to jump. however, one might say the same about you for if you were in a driving accident.....

Skydiving unlike driving is 100% not needed. It serves no reason other than recreation. NONE. Skydiving is nothing but enjoyment and it is MUCH more dangerous than normal driving.

Again you want to compare like things, compare skydiving to race car driving...BOTH would be stupid to enguage in without insurance.

Your attempts to compare driving around town to skydiving is WAY off base.


yes, in this case Shayna went skydiving for recreational purposes..... likewise, many people drive for recreational purposes. so please answer the Q & stop digressing

I have answered it before, in fact you even thanked me for answering...so now quit trying to make a lame attempt that I did not.

And compare like things to like things.

A dangerous hobby like drag racing would be just as stupid to do without insurance as skydiving.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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well my ex wife had insurance that we were paying 600. a month for she had a motorcycle accident that destroyed her face broke her back her neck her ribbs her arms and one leg.You may all think you have enough insurance but u may not we had maximum payables on the room surgerys ect.After the insurance maximum payments of 462,000. we were still out 310,000.This doesnt count about another 50,000. in dental and plastic surgerys.We eventually had to file bankruptcy.Btw this all happened 2 weeks after she left me lol.I spent the better part of 4 months at the hospital with her and then brought her home and helped her get well.She got her a place as soon as she was well enough to work.But im still helping her try and rebuild her face which they only take payments before any work is done.Guess I'm trying to say you never know the situation a person is in.We dont know if she had insurance so dont go off on tirades about responsabilty.And check your insurance carefully.

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Shayna started this thread, ......go start your own, about a topic you choose. I mean no disespect, to you, or anyone else, but just shew........go on shew.............you and the like are not on topic. I know, I know... some one flamed you. You feel the need to defend yourself. Please direct your comments to Shayna.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN! did you really just stoop that low & blame everyone who uses federal assistance?

No, try reading lessons.

I blame people who take no responsability for their actions. Those that do stupid things and expect the Government to pick up the mess.

I have NO problem with people who need help. I do have a problem with people who do really stupid things and accept no responsibility for their actions.


did you really just generalize everyone by saying people who have federal assistance are "irresponsible" & "don't bother to pay"?

Nope, but your lack of reading comprehension DID.


your ignorance must be blissful!

Nice personal attack!!!!

Notice I have not attacked you, but you sure did me.
If you can't debate without resortion to the third grade...Please don't bother to respond.


although this is a tangent, TRUE many people work the system.... but many use it to get back on their feet/remain there. i don't think Shayna is "trying not to pay". clearly she is asking for help, but you seem to have it beaten in your head that she has an ulterior motive.....

Nope again you lack the ability to read the written word. I said I think what she did was stupid. I think her running to the media and demanding people help her is fucked up.

Her stupid act was bad...Her entitlement attitude is worse.


be the change you wish to see in the world {ghandi}

Did Ghandi go around and insult people?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Shayna started this thread, ......go start your own, about a topic you choose. I mean no disespect, to you, or anyone else, but just shew........go on shew.............you and the like are not on topic. I know, I know... some one flamed you. You feel the need to defend yourself. Please direct your comments to Shayna.

Like it or not its called thread drift. And in this case it is a great topic.

There is no point in addressing anything to Shayna...If you even read the first post you would see she has no intention to answer...12 pages later she still has not.

If this thread gets one person to get insurance...It is worth more than the time spent on it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Sister..you get over it!

I can't even read all the crap you spew without wanting to yank a hand full of your hair out and shake you!!

You are full of it! And don't play innocent with me. I saw your little show on GMA.. YOU AND ONLY YOU blame eveyone but yourself for what happened.

YOU are the fool. Even your BF is yelling.. ""pump the brakes!!!" For Crying OUT Loud,... you caused your own problem.. not the rig or the DZO..BUT YOU.. and I believe you signed a waiver that you you know this sport is dangerous..and you decided to take the risk... without the education you needed.

Actually, if I was broke.. I would probably be tempted to cry as you are.. However it's the smear of the sport I resent. I had to call my mother immediately and reassure her that this wasn't anything but "operator error."

YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF>.. not once but twice.. under that perfectly good reserve you whined about.

Listen sister.. you want to take on the world and let them know how misreable your world is?? Go ahead but don't think that I will sit idle and let your smear the name of this sport while you do.

Just enjoy the follow up story GMA is working on.. maybe then the black mark you tried to put on skydiving will be covered some.
IF you are going to be Stupid - you better be tough!

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Agree! Everyone get insurance! There is nothing further to be learned..............................................

If this thread gets one person to get insurance...It is worth more than the time spent on it. <<<<<<<

I nominate this thread to be locked! There is nothing further to be learned, 12 pages and no response.
Shayna will be talked about in depth like D.B. Copper
Unless you all reaslize, we have turned her in to a superstar.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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I nominate this thread to be locked! There is nothing further to be learned, 12 pages and no response.
Shayna will be talked about in depth like D.B. Copper
Unless you all reaslize, we have turned her in to a superstar.

Ya know the simplest thing you can do is stop reading it.....Why is THIS such a topic for you?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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