
flat packing zp

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Do you have to pro pack a zero P?

Definitely no.

I know of one multi world champ that always flat packs (I call it stack packing, similar to how some riggers will pack reserves) his stilleto (when he packs). Flat packing can still have the nose pointed forward, flat packing doesn't mean the whole canopy has to be rolled toward the center as some did a long time ago.
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You don't have to..

But it's been my experience that it may be easier to pro-pack a brand new canopy. (I've been a packer for 5 years.) The canopy seems more contained and less likely to slip out from underneath your knee. Also, there are a bunch of people who will be able to show you some tricks for getting it into the bag, not as many people will be willing to mess with your flat-pack considering they don't know much about it.

Buy your local packer some beer or something and have them teach you, it's really not that hard. In fact, I taught myself from the directions that are at the back of the Poynter's Manual (I forget which one it was, I think it was II.) So maybe get a zerox copy of that and practice at home.


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can I still psycho pack it?


If the slider is up, and the lines are straight...

It will probably open.;)

On a serious note....
I pro pack 'only' because it seems to reduce the wear on the canopy and lines compared to roll or psycho packing, stacking isn't a lot better IMO.

You know what they say about Parachutes...!:)

"They may be expensive...but at least they wear out quick"!!:ph34r:

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can I still psycho pack it?

It's yours, and as long as you're going to jump it, you can do anything you like to it. Please just get video of the first flat pack on the brand new zp and post it here :S

Just kiddin' it'll be a little trickier than a F111 canopy and depending on the model "may" not have packing tabs.... but we do a variation on a flat pack on every canopy we ship out.....
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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I got a triathalon. I used to put in alot of jumps, but with having kids active in scouting and school I just didn't have the time do put into it over the past 5 years.

Now that the kids are in college, I can starting jumping more now. Just as long as the money holds out. lol

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