
Probability Risk of Skydiving vs. Driving a Car

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Do you think it would make a difference if one drove these miles in one solid time frame, or spaced it out?

Well currency is obviously a factor in some road deaths. These drivers that turn up on sunday a make the odd drive after lay off over winter are more likely to miss road signs and stop lights.

Then there are the young and inexperienced going for the high performance cars before they can handle them. Accidents waiting to happen if you ask me.

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Hey, paranoia is a legitimate hobby :P I heard that one third of all injuries sustained in gymnasiums are received by men letching on sweaty women and thus falling [pun intended] victim to a temporary lapse in concentration.

Given the above, I wonder what effect the attached activity would have on male skydiving community accident numbers [WARNING - CONTAINS 'BOOBIES']

Arent statistics fun.


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they say that helmets save lives on motorcycles but the safest states to ride in (lowest accident and deaths) have no helmet law. the increase in states with helmet laws is partly caused by wearing a helmet but the government won't post this because it will hurt the way the stats are viewed. so forget the stats and jump more;);)

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they say that helmets save lives on motorcycles but the safest states to ride in (lowest accident and deaths) have no helmet law. the increase in states with helmet laws is partly caused by wearing a helmet but the government won't post this because it will hurt the way the stats are viewed. so forget the stats and jump more;);)

you're cooking some books, and staying grossly in the land of the vague.

When CA passed its lid law, the absolute number dropped a lot. Partly because it removed the most marginal of potential riders from getting a bike, partly lousy weather and a declining economy and biker population. But the rate of deaths per X accidents - the most useful measure of effectiveness - did not change at all, actually rose by an insignificant amount. I suspect it's because very few people would ride our freeways at 70-80mph bare.

But we've seen some pretty radical jumps in fatalities in states that undid the restriction.

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I have friends that work in two of the larger emergency rooms in south Florida. One in Wellington (West Palm Beach area) and one in Jackson Memorial in Miami. I asked them about this after reading your post. They both said that since the helmet law was repealed here in Florida, the fatality rate for motorcycle accidents they deal with has "sky rocketed." Their words, not mine. Ask any ER worker, they don't care about government stats...

I've had two serious motorcycle accidents, the helmet saved my head both times. I would not think of riding without one, period.

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Post back here in 10 years and let me know how many people you have known that have been killed in an automobile accident vs. how many skydivers you have known killed while skydiving...

So far in either thread on this subject, no jumper with more than a few years in the sport has posted with stats that favor skydiving even though they all know a ton more drivers than jumpers. I still do not know anyone killed driving and I'm way into double digits on jumpers killed. YMMV (but I doubt it).

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Roger are you responding directly to me? I know the sport is dangerous! I know and accept I might go in, or one of my close friends might go in! Thats why I think the statistics talk all the time is pointless!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Oh man.... Time for bowling.... I have been in 2 accidents within the last 6 months.... B|

Don't feel bad, I was in 3 accidents that weren't my fault in a 10 month time frame about 2 years ago.
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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Roger are you responding directly to me? I know the sport is dangerous! I know and accept I might go in, or one of my close friends might go in! Thats why I think the statistics talk all the time is pointless!

Doug, I was... I did not read the intent of your post correctly, sorry :)

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Doug, I was... I did not read the intent of your post correctly, sorry :)

Happens a lot on DZ.com, although many people don't often ask themself the same question you did - good on you for having a a pair, setting the example and admitting it.


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