
Intentional Cutaway???

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Now that I have my gear together, my container (used & modified with a skyhook), a demo main canopy (Safire2 170) and my new PD reserve (160) - no Cypress yet. I'd like to know what to expect out of it. So what are your thoughts on doing an intentional cutaway?
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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Intentional cutaways are great, IF they're done correctly. Doing them correctly involves using a tertiary rig. Doing them on your standard rig is reckless, although people have done them in the past. The obvious safety concerns not with standing, if for no other reason, it devalues your reserve.

Go ask Butts at your DZ and see what he says. Or go ask Perry or any of the other experienced staff. I would be floored if any of them said "sure, go do it on your rig."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm not sure what the terms are. If this was something that was safe for me to do with my own gear (which I understand now is not), I was planning on calculating EVERYTHING POSSIBLE (winds, drift), so the canopy would land close to the dz (probably dreaming there but with good intentions).
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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One guy I know in Texas asked around about doing an intentional cutaway. Everyone told him no. He did it anyway. So as a result he got grounded. Then he came on here and boasted about it, and we all roasted his ass for it. He got out of the sport shortly afterwards.

He had a real talent for freeflying right off the bat, but his head wasn't where it needed to be.

As far as I know, you MUST have a tertiary equipped rig for an intentional cutaway.

Of course, if you really wanted to, you could pack a sure malfunction and jump it, and nobody would suspect anything, but I wouldn't do it.
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Now that I have my gear together, my container (used & modified with a skyhook), a demo main canopy (Safire2 170) and my new PD reserve (160) - no Cypress yet. I'd like to know what to expect out of it. So what are your thoughts on doing an intentional cutaway?

All of my cutaways have been intentional... its not like I pulled the cutaway pud & reserve ripcord by mistake after observing my main had a mal... ;):P

But seriously... if you're going to do it, you should do it on a terch-rig and be properly and extensively trained before doing so, IMO. When I was a newb, with even less jumps then what Lhawke has now, I recall asking a very experienced jumper (former Navy Test Jumper & gear mfgr) about doing an intentional cutaway on a terch-rig... his response was a resounding NO as he had seen even very experienced jumpers pull handles out of sequence on terch-rigs and get themselves in trouble... he went on to say something like, just wait for it, you'll get a cutaway and reserve rid on a regular rig sooner or later... for me, it was sooner, I had my initial reserve ride on my 20th jump. B|

There may be something in the BSRs about this, but I don't have the energy to go look right now.

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I didn't know there are reserve demos. That's a good idea! But then, what if I can handle a 160 reserve better than my 170 main? Do reserve canopies fly differently than main canopies?
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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I didn't know there are reserve demos. That's a good idea! But then, what if I can handle a 160 reserve better than my 170 main? Do reserve canopies fly differently than main canopies?

You'll notice a marked difference between the way a reserve (PD160R) and a Safire 2 - 170 flies.

For starters, reserve canopies are F111 and also mostly all 7-cells (edit... to add "mostly all" before someone jumps in and says there's still some 5-cell reserves out there in service still). They don't perform like a ZP main and are not meant to. They're meant to get your ass to the ground safe. Possibly, the two most noticeable things you'll note if you demo a PD160R is that it has a steeper approach (7-cells do that) and it will not be as responsive in the turns as you've maybe become used to with your Safire.

Back when most folks flew F111 mains too, it was a bit easier to express how a reserve flew vs. a main, but since most folks are ZP babies now, the first time they ever fly F111 and/or 7-cells is when they get under their reserve.

Good flare (expect the flare point to be deeper then on your Safire... practice up high) and be ready to PLF.

Others will be along with plenty of advice too I'm sure, but if you're really interested, call up PD and see about getting a reserve demo. Since you have a PD160R, they might advise jumping a demo reserve one size larger since they get jumped more or they might not.

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For starters, reserve canopies are F111 and also mostly all 7-cells (edit... to add "mostly all" before someone jumps in and says there's still some 5-cell reserves out there in service still).

And don't forget the 9cell reserves out there :P Seem to be quite a few Predators around here lately, for some reason

ciel bleu,

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Intentional cutaways are great, IF they're done correctly. Doing them correctly involves using a tertiary rig.

What exactly is a tertiary rig??

A rig with 3 canopies in it.

I did my 2 intentionals with a 2nd "rig" (mainly webbing) worn underneath my regular rig, with a belly reserve attached to it. Not without it's dangers, but I felt it was worth it.

ciel bleu,

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Do you really want to use your last chance to LIVE if you don't have to? Reserves malfunction too. This shouldn't make you hesitate to use it if you need to. But for fun? Nope.

The only responsible (and when I was a newbie I was told legal although I'm not sure I can find a reg that prohibits it) way to do an intentional cutaway is with a rig with three canopies. And this is NOT another jump. Around 1990 I added chest mount three ring main rings to a rig and we used it for 3 or 4 intentional cutaways. The chest mount round was the canopy cutaway leaving you with your regular rig. I did another one for fun this summer on Stong Enterprises cutaway rig for potential tandem instructors. This rig is set up like a tandem rig so the handles are in weird places. This was NOT a jump that someone, anyone, with under a hundred jumps should try. Other cutaway rigs pack the main to be cutaway on top of the main you intend on landing. In otherwords if you decide you don't want to do the cutaway in the plane or worse in the air you don't have the option of opening the canopy you intend on landing first.

You WILL be able to handle you first malfunction and cutaway fine, if your well trained and keep current on your procedures.

As to finding your stuff. I jumpmaster staticline students for many years. I consider myself a very good cessna spotter. In addition I was able to fly the cutaway canopy to the precise spot and altitude I wanted to release it at, planning on it landing on the airport. Other instructors on the ground thought it was a good spot when I released it. It didn't go far away but it was far enough to be across a stream, across an interstate, and 40' up at the edge of a tree. You can NEVER predict how fast a cutaway canopy is going to fall. Some wad up and fall relatively fast. Some stay partially inflated and go for ever. We had a round that was cutaway by a student years ago stay inflated and float a couple of miles. When we did the intentional cutaways with the round years ago we NEVER came close to getting it on the airport.

In otherwords, wait a few hundred jumps and do it right with the right gear and conditions.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I had a buddy do an intentional cut away because his reserve was due to be repacked. His main landed in a pond and I don't know if he found his freebag. I bet he regretted it afterwards. Personally, I don't think knowing exactly how my reserve flies is worth cutting away my main. I have had only two reserve rides (1 cutaway and 1 premature reserve deployment). I practiced my flair a bunch of times up high and landed them safely. My peace of mind is knowing that I trust my rigger and that I have a reserve in case I need it. Maybe, it's because I rented student gear for so long and would jump five different size/types of canopy in a single day that this doesn't really concern me too much. Put me under any canopy with a good wing loading for me, and I'll land it safely (maybe not beautifully).

Just my .02


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Now that I have my gear together, my container (used & modified with a skyhook), a demo main canopy (Safire2 170) and my new PD reserve (160) - no Cypress yet. I'd like to know what to expect out of it. So what are your thoughts on doing an intentional cutaway?

It sounds like a really bad idea. Have you asked at least permission from the owner of the demo canopy?

If you want to try a reserve, than demo a reserve. PD reserves fly great anyway.

Why do you rush it? You might have it anyway if you jump long enough.

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I want to know what to expect and $50 is worth my piece of mind.

But is it worth your 'piece of mind' to risk losing $2000+ in gear (main, free bag, handles) and risk a reserve malfunction when you have really nothing to gain from it?

You won't know how you'll deal with a malfunction from a psychological standpoint until you actually have one. Chopping a good main can't teach you that. Every mal probably feels different (high speed vs. low, spinners vs flying level, etc), so what one mal feels like isn't indicative of every mal. Chopping a good main won't teach you that.

If you want piece of mind in your reserve, call PD and spend the $50 in shipping to get a demo reserve and put a bunch of jumps on it so you know how it flies.

If you want piece of mind in your cutaway procedures, practice them constantly... I still touch my handles 3 times before EVERY jump (2x on the ground, once in the plane). Touch your handles in freefall (be careful not to pull them, do it very high so you maintain altitude awareness and pull your main at the appropriate time), so you know where they are. Touch your handles under canopy, same reason... they are in different places when you are standing on the ground vs. in freefall vs. under canopy.

If you want piece of mind in your reserve system, the next time you are due for a reserve repack, go through a malfunction procedure standing on the ground... throw your hackey, actually cut away, actually pull your reserve handle. I make everyone that I do repacks for do this at least one time so they know what it feels like to pull their handles.... I prefer that they do it EVERY time, just for practice.

If you want piece of mind in your rigger, watch him/her inspect your reserve and repack it. Ask questions. Learn your gear yourself. Better yet, take a riggers' course an learn how to maintain your own gear well.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Absolutely not for fun I just WANT TO KNOW. I'm so glad I posted because I've gotten some very useful information and now I know this is not something for me to do for a long while and without the right equipment.

Thank You! Thank You!

"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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