
Preparation for AFF

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Hey guys,

I'm just looking for some guidance really. After doing my first tandem this past summer I have decided to do my AFF. As a bit of a helping hand I was given some tunnel time for my birthday. I explained to the instructor that I wanted to do my AFF. So instead of flying and having fun for the sake of it, he said that if it worked out ok we would go onto some manouvers to try and get stability and be able to start to control my body how I wanted. I have posted a video on youtube and am looking for critism or help and advice that can prepare me for my AFF.

Bear in mind this is the first time I've been in the tunnel. The video that I posted was the 2nd of 2 2minute flights as a taster. Let me know what you think all comments greatly received. I can't wait to get back up in the big blue! I know nothing can really prepare me for AFF other than actually doing it, so I'm hoping that the tunnel will help. I'm going to do another session in the tunnel before I do my AFF so that should refresh me.

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2gulB8scQ4

Cheers guys
"When I left school I couldn't even spell skydiver. Now I are one!"

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I'll begin with the several caveats that I'm not an instructor, have zero time in a wind tunnel, have very few jumps, and have no jumps in the last year (damn you War on Terror!).
That said, here are the suggestions that I have:
1) Ask your instructor. This is the boilerplate answer here on DZ.com, and it's a good one. Your instructor knows what you should be doing and what you're doing right and wrong, and can therefore tell you what you need to work on.
2) If you're looking for a little more guidance on what to work on/what to expect when you start AFF, go to the USPA website and download a copy of the SIM (Skydiver's Information Manual). It'll tell you what you'll be working on in freefall and under canopy on each level. So you can start off just working on form in the tunnel and when your instructor says that's good, move on to heading control, etc.

Welcome to the sport!

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not going to check video, but...

did you do practice touches? A perfect skydive can turn into a poor opening if you break form (and your arch) doing this.

Did you practice looking at your wrist where your altimer will be? Wind tunnel sessions tend to be a bit to a lot longer than an actual skydive. Always be on top of altitude awareness.

If winter is bad for jumping in your area, get started soon.

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Nice job! I'd say you are way better prepared than most AFF level I jumpers.

As somebody else has pointed out, work on altitude awareness. That tunnel experience was way longer than an AFF jump, and the single most important part of the AFF jump is knowing when (and how) to stop the freefall. So begin to think about time. You will be descending at about 1,000 feet every 5.7 seconds, and the whole freefall should be about 40- 50 seconds. So get a timer going in your head.

I'd also say that you need to relax just a bit. That's not criticism, but just an observation. You looked kinda stiff, and as though you were concentrating super hard. That's normal at this stage, but as you gain experience you will need to relax a bit to make the freefall easier and more fun. That will come with time and experience.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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This is great advise form kelpdiver. I did do practice touches in the tunnel and what a huge help that was. So when I did my Cat A I had no problems with spinning at "pull time". And I should say that the more relaxed you are during your first jump the smoother it will go. Check out my first jump here


(I tried to make it a clicky and it won't go)

I credit my instructors for my performance but I'm sure the tunnel time helped!

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GJ, you seem to be enjoying the tunnel :)
I have posted this video several times in this forum, but so far, all the AFFI's over at my place have agreed, that the instructors at SVCO are doing a great job with pre-AFF coaching, so I'll repost it again. You can get an idea of how to practice pulls, alti awareness & all the basics of free fall...


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I would say go in with an open mind (that is go in with the mindset that you dont know very much about skydiving) and listen to your instructors. Dont employ anyone's advice other than your home dz instructors. If you listen and pay attention then you can get through aff with no problem at all;) (first time). That tunnel time should really help, but as it was stated before, you can have all the time in the world while in the tunnel, but when your in the sky you only have about 1 min (depending on altitude). Have fun and good luck:)

Muff #5048

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Nice job! I'd say you are way better prepared than most AFF level I jumpers.

I'd also say that you need to relax just a bit. That's not criticism, but just an observation. You looked kinda stiff, and as though you were concentrating super hard. That's normal at this stage, but as you gain experience you will need to relax a bit to make the freefall easier and more fun. That will come with time and experience.

I'll agree, yea i need to relax. I must admit when i was at the tunnel the instructor was saying that arching and getting the best position was paramount. I agree with this, however in the briefing we all had to jump up onto a work surface to demonstrate this position and this demonstration seemed to be much more exagerated than in the tunnel, it was almost as though i had to decide for myself the best position for my body and how i felt comfortable, which i guesss is a no brainer which has made me think that If i can make these sorts of decisions in a split second, and adjust as neccessary then I am in the best position to learn. I know I need to relax, I want to start my aff now but here in the UK the weather is starting to turn cold, I don't think I'd get it in in time before the end of the year. I'm in no great rush, but I just want to do it... and now!!! lol, Perhaps I should just chill out over xmas and then get right up on it when the better weather arrives...

I've come to the conclusion that the only way to learn is to do it. In my heart of hearts i know its best to wait until the weather is good next year then go for it!
"When I left school I couldn't even spell skydiver. Now I are one!"

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I want to start my aff now but here in the UK the weather is starting to turn cold, I don't think I'd get it in in time before the end of the year. I'm in no great rush, but I just want to do it... and now!!!

A lot of Brits do their AFF in Spain or the USA because of the weather. Have a look around the UK boards (I think they're at ukskydiver.co.uk) and see what the locals suggest...

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Best preparation is sell all unneeded objects of value like your car and put in a few more hours in that tunnel....by spring you'll be ready to fly with the best!;)

Everybody flails in the tunnel, it takes awhile to learn how to catch the air and manipulate it....visit the wind tunnel forum for more discussions....


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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