
What can we do about Skyride?

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we are treated like two seprate company and since i came in we show no favortism toward skyride trust me if skyride does anything i dont like i call them up and tell them.

As far as myself and My Staff we are vendors of skyride.

But you are owned by the same people!

Does skyride show you favoritism over other GA dz's? I would guess not, since that would be money out of the same owners pockets! Its not the DZ's choice to show favoritism- it's skyrides. They are the ones sending TM's across many states to jump at a dz they own.

We are not stupid. We know ASC and Skyride are run the same way.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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First of all you should now that since i have been hear alot of things have changed and will continue to change, But like i said before if you have a beef with skyride call them and ask to speak with vendor relations they will help you and answer any of your question. And if you dont belive that we just a vendor of skyride call and ask. they will most likely tell you that i am the biggest b*t*h in the world and i throw fits with the best of you guys so like i said if you have a problem tell them i am sure they will talk to you and help you understand of address your concerns
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I'm going to suggest that rather than pressing someone to make a commitment in public on a forum when they're not ready, we're probably better off presenting the information, seeing that there has been honest evaluation of the information (which in perplexiti's case it looks like has happened), and letting them act on it?

I agree that Skyride's business practices are deplorable. But human nature being what it is, you're less likely to get people to go along if you press them as hard as possible, rather than simply making the path easier and more pleasant in the "better path."

So whoever jumps at the "other" Atlanta DZs -- be friendly to newcomers. All of them. Friendlier than ASC.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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'm going to suggest that rather than pressing someone to make a commitment in public on a forum when they're not ready, we're probably better off presenting the information, seeing that there has been honest evaluation of the information (which in perplexiti's case it looks like has happened), and letting them act on it?

I didn't expect a reply, just food for thought, presenting the question for him to think about. Just to make sure he realizes that is the choice that he has to make.


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since i have been hear alot of things have changed

This was taken from ASC website.

we can accommodate persons weighing as much as 285 LBS. There are hand full of small part time operators in the south east U.S. will impose strict weight limits and will not take persons weighing over 239lbs. Although you may not weigh this much this should be a concern as it is an indication of lack of experience and or the modern equipment necessary

I think most of the country imposes a weight limit due to the manufactures recommendation. Doesn't look like much has changed there. (in the ways of deceit)

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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look i dont know what skyride does all i know is if i dont get a gc or if the paperwork is not filled out the way i want i call and talk to the vendor relations department .I dont know nor do i care what they do. all i am trying to say look at all side before you start cuting down people.
My job it to make people happy and make sure every customer that comes through those doors have the best time of there lifes and that is what i do . You cant Hate me for that. Because you would do the same if it was your job.
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I am sorry if you don't like my opinion but that was my experience. When I first started asking questions here the response didn't seem very friendly. I am not defending or attacking anyone just trying to get info.
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1. they lied to me
2. they have stolen images from vidiot friends who were never compensated for their work
3. they have stolen website designs, graphics etc from paid designers - guess what? they were never paid for their work

If you'd like me to continue, you'll have to give me a few hours to complete the list. If you'd like the complete list, my billable rate per hour as a consultant is $125. Please advise where you'd like me to send that bill - prepayment is preferred.

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Did it occur to anyone that [freefallmama1] and [Perplexiti] are trolling for information?

Mike, the laskydiving and skydive-tennessee pics have been changed.
What they used to have is here It was a Mission Impossible weekend of jumping, not a movie.

This pic is still one with me in it. It has been used on a number of Skyride sites.
Other pics on http://www.chicagoskydiving.net/photogal.html and other skyride sites also are not used with permission.

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You do realize that financially, ASC's relationship with skyride is totally different from any non-ASC-owned dropzone, right?

ASC can accept skyride GCs all day and make MORE profit than they would otherwise, or at least the same profit. ALL THE MONEY GOES TO THE SAME PEOPLE. Other dropzones LOSE the difference in money between a regular tandem and a skyride tandem. To ASC, it's all the same. Profit is profit.

Question: What's a regular tandem cost at ASC and what does a skyride tandem cost?

How about this one: what percentage of the price of a non-skyride tandem goes to into the DZOs pocket vs a skyride tandem?


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you know what like i said before i dunno and i dont care what you think about skyride or what you think they have do for you.


Im make the reservations( manager of reservations office) and work checkin window thats all. I cant fix all of you problems but feel free to email me and i will try to help you if you think i can!
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Did it occur to anyone that [freefallmama1] and [Perplexiti] are trolling for information?

Yep, I even think freefallmama1 is Cary or a SO of his, but I'm bored at work today so I thought I would play, and I will take any chance possible to tell them how much I dislike them.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Wow are you a conspriacy theorist? I have been here a while and this is the dz I jump at that you are talking about Yes I am trying to get info but I am only doing it cause I want to know what the deal is for me.
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well i only wish i was him and had that kinda of money dont you!! Wow think about i could buy a New Car and New House. But i dont and i am not.

Damn but i guess a girl can wish right. I tell you one thing that my kids would be happy wouldnt they!!
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look i dont know what skyride does

The information is available, right here in this thread.


I dont know nor do i care what they do. all i am trying to say look at all side before you start cuting down people.

You don't care if what they are doing is illegal? That lowers you way down in my book.


My job it to make people happy and make sure every customer that comes through those doors have the best time of there lifes and that is what i do .

You have a moral responsibility to take a stand against Skyride scamming people. Read this thread and go to the links where Skyride's scam is explained in detail.


You cant Hate me for that.

I don't hate you, I think you should find some integrity and do what is right.


Because you would do the same if it was your job.

No, I wouldn't. I have been in a similar situation and stood up for what is right. It cost me a lot (skydiving), but I came out ahead with my integrity intact.


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What they are doing is not wrong they are just bring people to skydive. and that is want people want when they call.

Yes, they bring people into skydiving. The downside, they do whatever it takes to get the almighty dollar, even if that includes not telling the truth to get the money.


please remember i did say before stealing is not right but i am not the one to judge and neither are you.

Yes, recall that you said stealing is wrong. So, based on the fact that we've pointed in the direction of stolen web designs, stolen photos, etc. And expressed that the owners of said items have contacted Skyride with no response from the owners? A customer (or potential customer) can judge a business in their own mind by a rating the business hold with the BBB (see: BBB)
Based on the BBB comments, I would question any business I'd do with the organization.

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No I won't stop jumping at my home dz. Sorry if you think that affects my integrity but it's my place! And by the way I'm a girl.

Research Skyride, all the info is right here in this thread. If you are willing to continue to support criminals, then yes, I think it does compromise your integrity.


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well i only wish i was him and had that kinda of money dont you!! Wow think about i could buy a New Car and New House.


I happy without all that money - I have integrity and principles and I haven't sold my soul to the devil. That makes me happy.


Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Look take skyride out of the factor at this point! Okay Look i do my job as you do and i do it to the best of my ablity the same as of you would. Yes I work for ASC and I love my Job Skydiving is like a dream job i mean it is awesome.

And as for Skyride I dont care what they do because it does do any good know does it. I cant bitch and complain but it doesnt get me anywhere.
Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

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