
Post jump sinus pain...

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I have searched the milions of posts on sinus's but cant find any answers so...

I had a head cold for afew days, and this saturday just gone I could just breath through my nose & so decided to jump. On the way up I could presurise ok (some poping going on in my sinus somewhere).

Freefall was fine till opening when it felt like someone had hit me in the left eyebrow with a hammer. And I could not see anything cos my eyes we watering so much... and it realy flippin hurt like hell at the time.

On the ground it continued to hurt and now 2 days later it still hurts, not as bad but still feels like I should have a bigass bruse on my brow.

Has anyone had this or have any ideas if I may have damaged something. Also when my cold goes and if the pain persists... is jumping a bad idea? (I work on a DZ so this realy sucks at the moment & I dont realy want to see a Doc).


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Probably built up pressure/vacuum that's just locked in there. I've heard that sometimes when things have pressure applied to them (ie an almost blocked passageway) they tend to swell shut. I'm no doctor or anything so what I say could be entirely wrong... You could try chewing a lot of gum and see if that helps - worked for me once. Once again I'm no doc so if your head explodes don't blame me!!! :)


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Like with scuba diving, you shouldn't necessarily jump with congestion. Last time I did I ended up with a sinus infection......I have some sinus issues on a routine basis and use allergy medications and occasionally sudafed. Saline nasal spray can be helpful, but stay away from Afrin as it can cause rebound congestion and make things worse. The only way to know if you did damage is to see a doc........esp if you have chronic sinus issues, that way they can get you on a treatment regimen. On a side note, one of the ways that has decreased my sinus issues is by using a full face helmet. Don't know if that will help you or not, but seems to make my allergy issues less when I have been jumping.
**note sig line**:P

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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if you use afrin for more than 2-3 days you will get rebound congestion.....which is worse than the congestion that you started with.:(:(:(

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Freefall was fine till opening when it felt like someone had hit me in the left eyebrow with a hammer. And I could not see anything cos my eyes we watering so much... and it realy flippin hurt like hell at the time.

On the ground it continued to hurt and now 2 days later it still hurts, not as bad but still feels like I should have a bigass bruise on my brow.

I've had a number of 'em and what you described there, are all the symptoms of a sinus infection. If it's a "burning" pain, you need to get some antibiotics to knock it down.
"T'was ever thus."

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Funny that you posted this because just last Sunday I had a severe problem with my ears. They actually started bleeding.

It was a high altitude memorial jump. 17,200 ft

Everything was fine until several seconds after I pitched. Canopy was just fully inflating and I heard a cracking/squeaking and felt pressure in my ears changing. Then it started to hurt really bad and kept on hurting until several seconds before I landed.

On the ground I was ok except that it felt like I had blood coming out of my ears. I was right. It didnt hurt much anymore but my ears were bleeding. It stopped shortly after and I feel fine now but it really sucked.

Went to urgent care and they said I perforated both eardrums and cant jump until I see a ear, nose, and throat doctor and that doctor clears me to jump.

I have never had previous problems with my ears.
I had the slightest bit of congestion before the jump but didnt think anything of it.

Urgent care doctor said use congestion pills and nasal spray to thin out and clear the mucus before I jump from now on if I am feeling stuffed up at all.

So dont jump with congestion unless you take the right precautions. Thank god my hearing isnt damaged but now I have to take a weekend off jumping. That blows!

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I showed up on the DZ with a headcold this year and one of the more experienced guys I jump with a lot picked up on it and asked if I was feeling plugged up. He suggested to me I mabye sit the day out and wait until I was feeling better, I could breathe ok and didn't feel that bad but I trust these guys and was ok with that. The winds were up a bit anyway.

... 40 minutes later we were all off on a cross country jump, it was bloody brilliant!! 12K with altitude to burn, great fun!

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