
hooking up a pilot, please help

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So I recently purchased a pilot 168 and recived it yesterday. It isn't attached to the container and was gonna hook it up just to pack it for easy shipping to my rigger for further inspection, however; it doesn't have the c-clamps that im used to seeing. I think the correct wording for what it is are "soft links" but not for sure. Any advice that could point me in the right direction just to hook it up for shipping, if all else fails I'll just trash pack it, meaing stuff it in a trash bag. Thanks for the help, Blue Skies.

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Just ship it as it is, pack it up as small as possible and explain to your rigger the situation. Sometimes its better to hang the canopy up and re attach all the lines to the links if ther eis any question as to their continunity. Your rigger will be checking all your work anyways so only do it if you are sure you are not going to cause them a futher headache undoing what you did to the canopy.
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I'd recommend you just neatly fold the main and place it very gently into a box, and ship it first class freight, to your rigger ;)

Your rigger will handle the connection etc. But I have included a PDf of the soft links instruction manual for you to look over.

If you have any questions or need more assistance please feel free to contact us.

Karl Meyer
Sales & Marketing Representative
Aerodyne Research
Office: 1 813 891 6300

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If you hook it up the rigger will just have to fix your mistakes!;):P

But really, I mean it.:o Your car can't be that small! Let your rigger take care of hooking it up. But feel free to watch and learn. I've had to fix lots of mains that customers put on their risers themselves. It's not hard but without experience in handling canopies and working with this stuff (and not knowing all the tricks that we can't tell you) it'll just be more frustration than you need.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Good luck getting your rig hooked up. If you just got your pilot 168.....maybe that means mine will be arriving soon too!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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This is just the way I am... but I'd read the manual, try to figure out how to hook it up myself.. take a stab at it, and then let your rigger tell you if you did it right or wrong, and why. Just make damn sure that noone is going to jump it before it is checked by a rigger. You're not going to hurt anything. Might make your riggers job a little harder, but hey.. that's what you pay them for. ;)

Now is a good time to learn a little something about how parachutes work. If you are going to use them to save your life... it can't hurt to know.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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I'm glad Karl came on to give you some advice.
I do however think that you should take a stab at it yourself just so you get familiar with how everything works. Then have your rigger check it.

Not everything has to be done by a rigger but it is very good advice for anything that's new to you to be checked by a rigger.

Karl, have you seen my kid lately.
Hope to see you this summer.
Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.

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Soft links aren't that hard to use. Id go with taking a stab at it and hanging out with your rigger to have him check it and show you any mistakes. Your rigger should be happy to show you the process and tell you what to watch out for. Im not a rigger though, so listen to the riggers. :)

ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD!
DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS!

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I hooked up my brand new Pilot 168 myself, at the DZ, with a little help from a rigger. It sure helped that they have the contraption to hang the canopy up and check the lines. It was pretty easy. But I sure had it checked over by a rigger after I hooked it up. It was a good experience for me, took some time, but I feel like I know more about my canopy and how everything is connected. ;)

Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091

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