
no fear going tandem, but nervous for aff

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i just did my first tandem jump last week, and have not been able to stop thinking about skydiving ever since. i'm going to do one more tandem in a few weeks, and then hopefully sign up for aff.

2 questions:

first- i had zero fear going tandem because i had complete trust in the instructor, who basically did everything. but now, when i do my first aff jump, i'll be solo for the most part. i'm nervous.....does it go away after that first jump?

and second- how hard is it to steer the canopy? i will definitely be on my own for that part. i'm hoping i'll be able to see where i'm supposed to land, and then get there. is that hard?? :|


don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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On your next tandem, tell the instructor you're signing up for AFF. Ask that it be a "working tandem" where you can learn more about the gear, and even help out in steering the canopy. You'll learn a lot more than doing just another "fun ride" and start to build some confidence for AFF.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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ok. good. that's a great idea. is it hard to steer the canopy?

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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[ i'll be solo for the most part. i'm nervous.....does it go away after that first jump?

if your nervous about your 1st aff jump GOOD that means you have some common sense . 30 years later. I'm still a little nervous b4 every jump. you never want to get complacent. pay attention to your inst. and smile and have fun........blues.......keith
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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If you're definitely going to make another Tandem, then definitely take Krissane's advice. On the other hand, there's no real need to do another Tandem. In fact, I really haven't noticed any difference in performance between students who did Tandems before doing AFF and those who went right into it.

To address your two main concerns:

You won't really be going solo. You'll have two Instructors hanging on to you from before you exit the plane until after your parachute starts to open. You can make the whole experience a lot more fun for all three of you if you remember to arch, relax, and pull, but if necessary, the Instructors can handle things if you don't.

Steering the parachute is fun and easy. Your Ground Instructor will spend a fair amount of time going over canopy control; feel free to ask questions until you're comfortable with the subject. Also, as a backup and to help fine-tune your landing pattern, there will be an Instructor on the ground to help guide you in by radio.

Have fun!

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan

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You might be interested to know that a lot of experienced jumpers are more nervous being a tandem passenger than they are when they jump solo. (Tandem instructors have to take an experienced skydiver as passenger on several jumps as part of their training.)
Once you get used to being in control of the jump, your point of view changes. Have fun.

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thank you so much, to all of you who have responded. everything you've said is really helpful. i can't wait to go again!

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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i just did my first tandem jump last week, and have not been able to stop thinking about skydiving ever since.

Exactly the same as me. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Then when I booked my AFF the fear really set in. I would be awoken at night by waves of fear washing over me if I knew I was going to the DZ the next day.
In the plane just as the door opens I get it again, every jump.
I have learned to take a deep breath, shake myself down and just grin at everyone around me, to enjoy those feelings, that's why we all do this, bacause nothing else makes us feel this alive !

Enjoy it buddy.
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It has nothing to do with pies whatsoever !

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i just did my first tandem jump last week, and have not been able to stop thinking about skydiving ever since.

Exactly the same as me. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Then when I booked my AFF the fear really set in. I would be awoken at night by waves of fear washing over me if I knew I was going to the DZ the next day.
In the plane just as the door opens I get it again, every jump.
I have learned to take a deep breath, shake myself down and just grin at everyone around me, to enjoy those feelings, that's why we all do this, bacause nothing else makes us feel this alive !

Enjoy it buddy.


don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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that excelerated fear thing is exactly what is happening to me now. i've set my aff training dates, and my mind is flooded with fear. will i spin out of control in freefall? will i freeze up and not be able to move/pull? will i blah, blah blah.....and on and on it goes.

BUT, i'm still going, because you're right about the feeling of empowerment and aliveness i know i'll have. like gravity pulling me to the ground, this sport is pulling me like crazy to have this experience again! i don't know of anything i have so constantly obsessed about. glad i found this forum- my friends and family are getting tired of listening to me! (except for my son, thanks to him that's how all of this got started...) 22 more days before i go out there again! B|


don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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that excelerated fear thing is exactly what is happening to me now. i've set my aff training dates, and my mind is flooded with fear. will i spin out of control in freefall? will i freeze up and not be able to move/pull? will i blah, blah blah.....and on and on it goes.

BUT, i'm still going, because you're right about the feeling of empowerment and aliveness i know i'll have. like gravity pulling me to the ground, this sport is pulling me like crazy to have this experience again! i don't know of anything i have so constantly obsessed about. glad i found this forum- my friends and family are getting tired of listening to me! (except for my son, thanks to him that's how all of this got started...) 22 more days before i go out there again! B|

Good move ;)

I was the same when i did AFF, nervous and excited!! but the fun part is getting through that and realising we can do ANYTHING we set our mind to.

600 odd jumps later I dont really get nerves anymore unless I havent jumped for a few months (or even a month) and then some butterflies come back in the plane. Its natural, we as humans have an in built survival instinct that doesnt naturally cater for intentionally jumping out of planes :)
One thing I would say (and wish someone had said to me back then) is to go to a wind tunnel for a 10 or 20 minute session before you start AFF.

The benefits in both the sky and your confidence will be huge.

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Hiya! I'm sorta in the same situation as you... I did my first tandem - some fear obviously (as I had never thrown myself out of a plane at 13, 500' LOL), but not like I thought I'd have! I did a second tandem (CAT A) and really wasn't that nervous, though was a little slow to start the dive... practice pulls, etc. The two tandems were less then 2 weeks apart, but due to finances my next jump is almost a month form my last. (It's tomorrow) I don't know if I'm afraid simply for the fact it's a true AFF jump (not via tandem) though I don't really feel worried about the door or freefall - right now, anyway. I am, like you, more concerned of flying the canopy since this is the very first time I'll be doing this ALONE! Maybe it's just fear of the unknown? Maybe it's the fact too much time has gone by from the last jump? I dunno, maybe since we're new to all this these are all normal fears to experience... but since I'll be going before you (hehe - lucky me) I'll be sure to post back on my experience. I just keep remembering how amazing this is and how truly peaceful jumping is to me ... I have full trust in the instruction I'll be given so I know the jump will be terrific! (That's my story and I'm sticking with it!) :P

"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

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yes, i completely agree, we CAN do anything we set our minds to, and embracing and overcoming the fear to learn to skydive solo must feel great. thanks for the wind tunnel idea. there's one near where i live, i'll think about that.

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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you start aff tomorrow?! definitely let me know how it goes! have fun!

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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I started skydiving only cuz my daugther had been bugging me to do a tandem since she was 14. When she turned 18 in 07 that xmas I got us both a jump. 3 months later (march 08) I was getting my A and now she has 34 jumps and works at the DZ. This was only going to be a one time thing, so I thought.

I was wondering what DZ you are jumping at?

Regardless, I hope your training goes well!

btw, I like what you said in another thread about the feeling of empowerment, each time I jump out the door I know its up to me to save my own life, it's the same reason I started doing my own packing awhile ago (I used to hate it, not so bad anymore) its more satisfying when it opens, makes me feel more responsible for my own safety. This is an AWESOME sport!
"Tell ya the truth, I don't think this is a brains kind of operation."

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I started skydiving only cuz my daugther had been bugging me to do a tandem since she was 14.

my son got me a surprise tandem jump for mother's day 2 weeks ago. after his first jump last year, he loved it so much, that now he, too works at the dz, as manager, and has 80+ jumps. i said this in another post, but i have to say again, that before i jumped, i had NEVER seen anyone skydive before. watching my video was the first i'd ever seen what it looks like! so , needless to say, i was in absolute sensory overload, and became quite nauseated during the canopy flight and for about an hour afterwards. after i landed, i remember thinking, you couldn't pay me to do that again! it was only AFTER the jump that the feeling of empowerment and exhilaration kicked in. and it is not going away. i feel more alive today than i have in years.

I was wondering what DZ you are jumping at?

i'm at hollister, ca where are you?

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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Just listen to your instructors, they are the bees knees ... if you listen to them, internalize wot they teach and act on the information, its quite simple really ... Also talk to your instructors about your jumps, what you are having diffculty with etc because they will "modify stuff" to help make things easier for you. They know so many lil tips and tricks to help you get that soft landing. well least mine did :)

- Neil

Never make assumptions! That harmless rectangle could be two triangles having sex ...

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My advice is as soon as you have a good canopy above you that you can fly.. FIND THE DZ and GO FOR IT! My first AFF level, I ended up almost over the ocean, miles away from the drop zone and my radio didnt work. Everybody thought that I wasnt going to make it back. Secondly... dont look at the ground while your landing. You will surely hit it pretty hard! Look ahead so u can get a feel for when you need to flare when you dont have radio assistance.

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I am down in So Cal, I jump at Elsinore. I am so hooked on jumping my wife is convinced I am having an affair with someone down there. This morning she said maybe I am not actually seeing someone but I am obviously interested in someone or I would not be at the DZ so much. So funny, I've told her I understand I spend too much time and money on jumping but it has NOTHING to do with anyone else.
Ironically, if I named the top 5 people I most want to see at the DZ, none of them are female, hmmm...maybe she should be worried ;)

"Tell ya the truth, I don't think this is a brains kind of operation."

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[My first AFF level, I ended up almost over the ocean, miles away from the drop zone and my radio didnt work.

omg. that is my biggest fear!!! gotta work through that one before i jump, that's for sure.


don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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I am so hooked on jumping my wife is convinced I am having an affair with someone down there.

that's funny. i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one whose so obsessed with this...and i haven't even done aff yet!

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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Nobody could be any more frightened than I was for my first tandem and then my first AFF. Couldn't sleep the night before, etc., etc. I was absolutely sure I'd die. Yesterday I graduated from the instructor phase of my AFF to solo jumping alone. I then made one "fun jump" alone just because I could. If I can do it at 61, then I'm certain you can. I'm only about 5% as scared now. I credit some fantastic instructors and listening to Brian Germain's talks on "Transcending Fear" on YouTube. Also, learn as much as you can about the sport, because we all fear the unknown.

"Luck favors the prepared."

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I credit some fantastic instructors and listening to Brian Germain's talks on "Transcending Fear" on YouTube.

excellent video. i just watched it. really, really good stuff.

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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Like NWFlyer said, on your next tandem, have the instructor teach you many things, like using an altimeter, checking the canopy after opening, finding the landing area, and steering the canopy. I do most of this with my tandem passengers on their first jump. It's not a ride, it's a student jump.

All that stuff will be covered in class, but nothing beats having a chance to practice it all ahead of time.

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