
Re-currency jump during AFF

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So it's been over a year since i've last skydived and stopped at level 3 of my AFF after not getting through it and a year of life happening to me. I'll be jumping in the tunnel soon for a block of 10 minutes to train hard and be ready to take on AFF with full force! My question is, since i've gone over a year without skydiving, am I going to need to take a re-currency jump of any kind or do I just go right back into it from where I started?
Thanks :)

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It depends on the dropzone. If I was in charge of getting you back in the air, I would probably have you sit through the first jump course (or do a very thorough one-on-one "mini-FJC" with an instructor) and then do a level 2. Some places will have you start over from scratch.

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I went about 2 months between AFF C and C1. They made me sit with and AFF instructor and go over all of the pictures of malfunctions, show them the order of my handles on EP, rule of 3 and the basics. Took about an hour.

Then I had to re do, AFF C. I had spent some time in the tunnel, so I nailed in and they were confident to pass me to C2. This was at Z Hills 3 or 4 years ago.

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I was one jump from cleared solo.. 6 mos off... I'll be back in FJC

This is in line with my experience... I effectively ended up doing AFF twice, when I had to stop for a while.

I also agree that it's no bad thing! I got really, really good at PLFs.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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So it's been over a year since i've last skydived and stopped at level 3 of my AFF after not getting through it and a year of life happening to me. I'll be jumping in the tunnel soon for a block of 10 minutes to train hard and be ready to take on AFF with full force! My question is, since i've gone over a year without skydiving, am I going to need to take a re-currency jump of any kind or do I just go right back into it from where I started?
Thanks :)

I can't think of any negative reason for taking an AFF class again. I mean you have everything to gain. More practice, the added safety of two jumpmasters, and every jump is a good one!

Some will point out: recommendations, the SIM, the differences between the differing student categories, but in the end my opinion is to get in more practice, way too many view this as unnecessary, but it's not them that are jumping.

You have used the word: "need to." In a sense, to me anyways, this is implying that you don't want to take the AFF class again?? So if this is the case I would ask why wouldn't you do something that makes sense, increases your practice and knowledge and certainly stacks everything in your favor??? You have indicated your going to get some tunnel time, which is always a lot of fun and great practice! Are you going to get coaching from a skydivers perspective while at the tunnel?? There is a big difference in performance having a tunnel coach that knows your goals as compared with the tunnel staff that just wants you to have fun?

I know for many this subject of taking a Cat A jump with two AFF instructors is a difficult bone for many out there, I mean what is and what isn't required as compared with creating the best possible learning environment, and stability concerns in the light of many AFF jumpmasters indicating they can do a CAT jump with one jumpmaster. Put another way: Why does a CAT A jump require 2 AFF instructors? Why can't we have just one? (Think about this for a bit.)

In my opinion if we had two jumpmasters for many of these jumps, we would have a better safety record. Many will point out the cost as the sole determining factor, and some will point to their madd skillz and having two is unnecessary, but I'm willing to bet there are two people that wish they had brought along the reserve side JM if recent statistics about what happened fairly recently are any indication of the current state of many peoples attitude. (I am of course referencing the incident at a popular Florida DZ where both student and instructor lost their lives. No one is arguing against having two jumpmasters in that case.)

But some of this is your decision, I'm just pointing out the overwhelming attitude of taking shortcuts as compared with the minority view of taking it safe by repeating levels and increasing practice at the purportedly expense and stigma of social pressure. In other words "people" are going to talk you into doing something because that's the way everyone else does it. That doesn't mean there isn't a better way. There is a better way, it's just not "Popular."

But that's just me.


I would recommend the benefits of taking an AFF FJC and another CAT A jump. MY OPINION.
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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I really have no problem with doing a first jump course, like you said its practice. I will do what ever I need to do to make this happen! I'm going to take that advice and call ahead and see what needs to be done in my position to prepare if anything.
And as far as tunnel time, I will be coached for AFF training, I want to learn as much as possible when I'm in that tunnel to gain as much confidence and skill when I'm in the sky! B| But thanks for the input, I've learned one thing from skydiving and its you cant rush anything or take shortcuts for something you're passionate about!

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Definitely get a tunnel instructor who is also an AFF-I, I've seen so many people go into the tunnel talking about wanting to learn to skydive. And then just watch as the tunnel rat just puts them in the worst body position ever, imagine an ironing board, great for lift and getting them flying. This is not an ideal body position, from an instructors point of view. Also have you done alti checks? Don't get fooled into the normal 2 minute rotations in most tunnels, this sets a bad time precedence in your mind. I think its good to get into the habit of looking at your left wrist so to build in muscle memory of checking your alti, its the little things can build up to a big thing.
In my opinion, if id have taken you into the tunnel and know what you can and can't do that would allow me to make a good decision on what to do with you. If you were good in the tunnel, id be tempted to take you up on a level 3, but with 3 good practice pulls. We can then decide on if one or both of us should let go dependant on how the jump goes. But the best thing to do is ring the DZ and they will tell you, but i can almost guarantee a FJC is on your horizon first though.
Good luck
At long last the light at the end of the tunell isnt an on coming train!!!

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There is nothing wrong with tunnel time and nothing wrong with retaking your FJC. Cost sucks, yes, but what is the downside? None that I can imagine honestly. The plus? Hear something twice and retain more.

The sport is expensive, if you're into it, redoing FJC and/or AFF is kind of good for me. Your mileage may vary.

You're still in the sky!

Pretend its really boring RW if you need ;)
You are not the contents of your wallet.

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Does the tunnel rat put them in that position, or does the student himself do that? It took me a few jumps to get my arch on and not be an ironing board, and I think my AFF instructors would have preferred it if I'd stayed an ironing board. I've had a lot of newbies in the tunnel and they usually don't relax enough for a good arch in the first 10 minutes or so. If they're anything like me when I was getting started, they're just trying to muscle their way through the air.

The tunnel guy maybe could tell them to arch more, but sometimes that goes right over the student's head. Or at least, my head. I loosened up quite a bit as I got familiar with the air. Then all my coaches had a devil of a time getting me to de-arch (And honestly I'm still not that great at it.)

To the OP: You're responsible for your safety. What would YOU have you do after a year out of the sport? Would you really feel comfortable getting back in the air and just picking up where you left off?
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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So it's been over a year since i've last skydived and stopped at level 3 of my AFF after not getting through it and a year of life happening to me. I'll be jumping in the tunnel soon for a block of 10 minutes to train hard and be ready to take on AFF with full force! My question is, since i've gone over a year without skydiving, am I going to need to take a re-currency jump of any kind or do I just go right back into it from where I started?
Thanks :)

Hey Big Dreams, I just wanted to point this out about some DZ's if ever your up that way? Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :)
With Safety Day coming up many DZ's offer something for people that may wish to avail themselves of some, as Jed, Jethro and Elli mae might say: "Book Learning."

This is just a sample, I didn't check with the dz's in my back yard but up in New England, and at no cost for the fun jumpers, a FREE FJC sit thru course:

Chicagoland Chicagoland

CPI March 29, 2014 First Jump Day Refresher. CPI

Danielson Free Refresher FJC April 4, 2014. Danielson

(Many others, but you can do your own legwork, I have limited time this week, perhaps some can post the FLA dz's that offer this, or not?)

IMO this is a great opportunity that many dz's could provide if they were so inclined.

IMO what a great thing these two places do for their people, an example for everyone!!!


( I don't mean to slight any dz that does this that I didn't mention, perhaps someone can expand this list?)

And here is one from years past,....ARE THEY GOING TO OFFER THIS AGAIN???? :


And of course you might check with Spaceland, they used to do free refresher training back around October in years past.
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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I'm in the same boat you are in. I graduated from AFF almost year ago and haven't jumped since due to career change. When I start jumping again, I am def going up with an instructor to make sure I am safe. For the time being, I visit the DZ every other week and watch how jumpers fly the pattern. I also re-read SIM over and over, especially the malfunctions. I practice my arch, alt checks, and pull technique in my pool. I know it sounds stupid, but it works for me!

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I'm in the same boat you are in. I graduated from AFF almost year ago and haven't jumped since due to career change. When I start jumping again, I am def going up with an instructor to make sure I am safe. For the time being, I visit the DZ every other week and watch how jumpers fly the pattern. I also re-read SIM over and over, especially the malfunctions. I practice my arch, alt checks, and pull technique in my pool. I know it sounds stupid, but it works for me!

Its not stupid, its training. I still visualize road courses for my racing and landing patterns for flight school. I go to the tunnel every chance I get. Its good to keep your mind engaged.
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