
Frustrating News Article RE Lodi Accident

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Sorry if this has already been posted, but reading this really wound me up.

text below taken from [URL]http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090916/A_OPINION01/909160302/-1/A_OPINION[/URL]

You would think people in the sport would pause after such an accident, taking time to consider their own mortality and to show respect for those who died.

Not Sunday. Not at the Parachute Center. After the 1 p.m. accident, witnessed by travelers on Highway 99 and, presumably, those watching at the Parachute Center, it was business as usual.


were closed until it could be determined exactly what went wrong. And out of simple respect for those killed and injured.

That wouldn't have been too much to ask Sunday at the Parachute Center.[/Quote]

I didn't know the jumpers involved so cannot and will not speak on their behalf, but personally, I would expect business as usual and people to pay any respect to me by continuing to jump and doin the thing which brings us all so much joy.

if it takes witnessing an accident for you to undertake that risk management argument then you have left it way too late in your skydiving career if you ask me!

Vent over!

Blue Skies.

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The part I object to most is the following:


we don't ground all airliners [or road traffic] after a crash. In both cases, though, there is a thorough investigation, and if problems are spotted, remedial action is recommended.

Still, the traffic accident, and certainly an airliner crash, are not the same as a skydiving accident. A more reasonable parallel would be a carnival ride accident

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Well it is an opinion column......and you know what they say about opinions!

Whoever the author is has no clue about our sport or the culture that goes with the sport.

In my humble opinion....don't stop jumping if I go in, wait till the end of the day and pay your respects to me around the bonfire...I would prefer it that way, and have done the same for others.
.......I hereby reject your reality and instead choose to insert my own!

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Maybe we should loudly proclaim Blue Skies! Black Death! to them and then they'll understand.

Those people will not understand. They don't understand how anyone could react differently than they would in a similar situation. So don't try to understand why they would say such a thing about us. They have not been there or done that. So scolding them won't change a thing.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Considering they didn't even bother to get the FACTS straight in an opinion piece, I wouldn't put much stock in it.


That reality was underscored Sunday when two women skydivers - Robbie Bigley of Carson City, Nev., and Barbara Cuddy of the Bay Area - died after they became entangled with a third skydiver.


The two women fell into a vineyard across Highway 99 from the Parachute Center near Lodi, where they were supposed to have landed.

Robbie was most definitely not a woman, and the author also has the hometowns of the two reversed.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Common sense and simple respect for our fellow 'human beans' dictates we close down all the highways following any fatal car accidents...this whole thing of routing traffic around the bloody crumpled metal merely serves to further illustrate mans' inhumanity to man! >:(

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Typical for the newspaper business.
The last time the Vancouver Sun miss-matched a front page photo (of a wrecked airplane) with a story, the manager of a local flying school angrily phoned the paper and "someone" suggested slapping the photo editor for incompetence!

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Look at any other type of sport, car racing, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, ect... When a player gets hurt they stop play long enough to get the player safely off the field then the game, race, whatever goes back in play. Why should skydiving be any different?

Excelent analogy!
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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