
Audible Alti settings

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I have a new Optima and was wondering what heights people set their canopy ride alarms to go off at and why it works best for them.



1200', 750', and 375' IIRC. Just be sure to use the MK-1 eyeball more than relying on that. On windier days total reliance on that audible can put you in places you dont want to be (I speak from experience).
Muff #5048

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I have a new Optima and was wondering what heights people set their canopy ride alarms to go off at and why it works best for them.



1200', 750', and 375' IIRC. Just be sure to use the MK-1 eyeball more than relying on that. On windier days total reliance on that audible can put you in places you dont want to be (I speak from experience).

Leave it to a guy in the military to say something with a nomeclature.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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You set alarms to remind you of something, or to time something for you. What do you want to be reminded of? What do you want timed?

A swooper wants to initiate his final turn at a certain height within reasonably small margins. I could see a canopy alarm being useful.

But frankly, what would *you* need them for? Just fly by eye, if you initiate your last turn to final 20' low or high it doesn't really matter to you, does it?

And from your videos I got the idea you have your accuracy down none too shabby. You land right next to your wheelchair. Would you use your Optima canopy alarms just because you can? Turn them off, save the batteries.

Freefall alarms are an entirely different matter of course.
I am. I think.

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The Optima has 3 freefall alarms and 3 canopy alarms. I am asking you guys that IF you use canopy alarms for anything what are they?

I can't turn the device off while under canopy so I might as well use them for something.

I have no experience with what the canopy alarms CAN be used for, thats why im asking.

I do have my landing accuracy very good, im just asking for some opinions from jumpers experienced in this area.


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I use a neptune, which has canopy alarms. I use 1500, 1000, and 600. No particular reason... I think those were defaults and I havent come up with better settings. But pretty much 1500 reminds me i should be getting close to the DZ or knowing where i'm going to land. 1000 means its almost time to start my downwind. 600 means i'm getting low and should stop paying attention to beeps. :)

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The Optima has 3 freefall alarms and 3 canopy alarms. I am asking you guys that IF you use canopy alarms for anything what are they?

The Optima alarms are great for swooping, given the beep-Beep-BEEP-BEEEEEP! buildup. If you turn that feature off, however, I think it makes a great 'reminder' device for standard canopy patterns.

Of course, you should be able to eyeball where you're going to land and put it down there...but sometimes it's nice to have an alert to tell you to start thinking about turning into the pattern.

I set mine at 1100, 600, & 400.
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I have a Neptune myself, but I disabled the canopy alarms. No need to run down the batteries for alarms I don't use.

Might use them for swooping, but I don't see you doing that. Might use them for flying your pattern, but you don't need them for that. So you're left with using them 'because you can.' If and when eventually selling the thing, it might fetch you an additional 2 bucks on the price. :P

I am. I think.

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I have my freefall alarms set as follows:
5,500f (to remind me that in 1000f I will be deploying, so I will at that time do a circle of awareness in case I need to track away from others near by-mind you I haven't had anyone near me-yet-but that's the purpose of that 1st ff alarm).
2nd FF alarm is set to 5000f reminding me it is my last time to get ready for deployment-turning myself towards the DZ for deployment. 4,500f is when i want to deploy.

I've given myself a fairl high/conservative hard deck for two factors:
1) IF I need to cut away, I will have altitude to safely do so-and still have plenty of time to pull up my legs/
my system is such that I pul my legs up high for landing once under canopy-with the straps inside pockets sewn onto my pants so during freefall i do not have any aterial flapping around to potentially hinder cut away and reserve deployment-so once under canopy i take each strap out of the pockets on each leg and clip them to my chest strap and then pull up te legs as high as i can ge them to go

2) I want a higher hard deck so I have time to fix minor prolems with the canopy, line twists, end cells which didnt inflate, to orient myself accordingly depending on the winds, so when I work on my getting my legs up I am not flying away from the DZ.
I've had once line twists up to my slider and past them as well, so I needed to be vigilant of the altitude as I worked out the twists-so having a higher hard deck is the safety measure which I rey on to give me a chance to deal with unusual situations and still be under a good canopy with enough altitude to work on getting my legs up.

These FF alarms are there as reminders only, i do not rely on them-my wrist mount visual is what i rely on.... and infact I'm planning on getting a chest mount as well and I just haent yet figured out which is the best location because my chest strap has a hook knife allready and I need the space for the leg straps to be attached (talking of hook knives-i have two-one on my leg strap and one on chest strap-because if I end up in water for some reason i will need to cut away my crotch panel to get out of the gear-the typical front flip wont work when my leg straps are routed through holes in my crotch panel.

under canopy I set the alarms to 900f, 600f, and finally 300f.
These are not relied upon-as others say, i go by eye, but i have them on-since they are available-and in the beginning it has been helpful for me to learn to gauge what altitudes look like-as i learn to rely on my eyes=for my landing approach.
To become active member in the Bonus Days Club you must very narrowly escape eternal freefall ... one exciting time.)-Pat Works

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my canopy alarms are set at 1300' 1100' and 800'.

I start myfinal turn at 750' so this gives me plenty of time to make sure everything is all hunky dory.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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