
Cessna 182 Fear

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haha, yeah see that is the ONE good thing about the skyvan, and dont get me wrong, i WILL do one someday, just for now, it screws with me too much, lol.

i mean yeah, they are great for launching freefly jumps and bigger ways, but as a very new jumper neither of those matter, lol.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Of my massive 9 jump experience, the Door Monster was really only around until my d-2 when I did a diving exit. Once I did that and realized I could in fact right myself really quick unaided, jumping out got a lot less scary. Not that nerves don't still kick in (in fact, I had a bit going up on my first 182 this weekend on my first solo, solo jump), but I just keep it in my head that once I'm out the door, it's all the same.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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C-182s smell like avgas, not turbine jet fuel. They make funny noises and have all that stuff outside the door. Practice on the ground until you know you have the exit down, then go do it. I learned in Cessnas. The turbines were a big change for me. :D

you're such a whimp! :P

out of all my skydives, only two were out of a cessna. most others from either porters or a pac. mixed in with a couple choppers and balloons..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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C-182s smell like avgas, not turbine jet fuel. They make funny noises and have all that stuff outside the door. Practice on the ground until you know you have the exit down, then go do it. I learned in Cessnas. The turbines were a big change for me. :D

you're such a whimp! :P

out of all my skydives, only two were out of a cessna. most others from either porters or a pac. mixed in with a couple choppers and balloons..

A wimp? For . . . what?

I got more jumps out of each type of fixed wing a/c than you have total. :P

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I like Cessna jumps. It's like old school. I don't have a lot of them, but I like those jumps as much as any.
I made AFF 1 out of a Cessna, but I can't remember it at all.
To the skyvan guy, go for it, Way easy and fun.
But what do I know?

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I like hop and pops out of Cessnas, but they climb so slowly I don't like to go over 7500 in one anymore. Plus hop and pops are barely cheaper than a full altitude load, so I rarely bother unless I'm really jonesing for a jump.

I do love the smell of those little planes though. It reminds me of my youth. :)

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