
If you lend your gear out....

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I was doing a tandem when I had the 'pleasure' today of watching my beloved main getting chopped and disappearing into an industrial area. I was laughing - it was a great spinning mal and I wasn't under it - and crying as I watched my baby disappear into the dark abyss.
I hadn't discussed the accountabilities with my mate who had borrowed my gear and I knew that he would step up to the plate - or would he?
Fortunately, all was recovered so there is no problem. Just bear this in mind when you next lend your mate your gear. :)
Also maybe a Crossfire 149 isn't entirely suitable as a wingsuit canopy. The spin rate however was impressive! B|
2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.

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Twice now I have arrived at the DZ to see my canopy landing.

Once was after I hooked the damn thing in and was taken to the hospital (no damage, just lots of pain). When I was brought back a few hours later to the DZ, I saw my new canopy doing a hook turn.

My buddies comment: "You were not using it"

2nd time was in 1996 when I had one of the few Xbraced canopies in the US... I looked up and saw a buddy hooking it.

In both cases I didn't care. In both cases I think the person would have taken care of anything they lost.

BUT... I don't leave my gear at the DZ anymore after the El'snore fire and a few thefts/tampering's.

It would be VERY wise to have all terms agreed upon by the person who you are loaning your gear to... such as repacks on the reserve and lost equipment. I have seen friendships fall apart over it, and less.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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well, if someone ASK if they can lend your gear, that's fine.. but just TAKING it - that should result in a bitch-slapping!

It is just a possession. I have had people take my car before.

Once I was under canopy and saw my car leaving the Dz in a hurry. It seems that someone pounded in and was taken to the hospital... A buddy grabbed my car and took off to the hospital.

One time while packing I saw my car leave the DZ. A buddy wanted to run to the store and didn't have a car.

Another time when living on the DZ I went outside to go to work and found a motorcycle and a note saying they needed a car to run some errands. I just hopped on the bike and went to work.

The people that I trust to be close to me... I trust with my stuff. And they know that. If someone that I didn't know took my car/gear... it would be a different story.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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if you're fine with it, fine, and you're a cool guy.

still, i would like to be asked and would probably ok with it. in this day and age where everyone has a mobile, permission granted is only a fingertip away.. :)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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