
dz advertising

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Skydive Miami regularly advertises through two local radio stations, but they dont advertise Skydive Miami, they advertise it as "Call 1-800-SKYDIVE" because the co-owner of DZM is also the owner of 1800skydive.
The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over - Hunter S. Thompson

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Regular radio spots especially before holidays, business cards, staff visits to clubs and bars with videos and discount cards. People who call or get on the mailing list the first time get a video by mail that they can return for a discount. Press releases to local media re: special events, record attempts.

Blue skies,


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To be honest I don't even know. I've never seen or heard an advertisement for them. I heard about the DZ by going on the Internet.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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My home DZ does some radio spots in the spring. Also I organize events at work, (i.e. crime prevetion, anti-drug rallies) and our DZO let's local celebreties do Tandem's. It promotes the DZ and my events. We've taken two TV reporters and one radio DJ. One jump was even filmed from a News Helicopter flying formation with us, it was really cool X-games type stuff. That in turn allowed our demo team to jump the same helicopter on the 6 o'clock news!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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how does your dz do it, if at all?


You know, one really effective advertising tool (and I would never believe it unless I'd seen its' effectiveness) is to advertise on the Weather Channel. They crawl a word add at the bottom of the local weather. "Learn to Skydive!....(insert DZ name and phone number)".....we got tons of calls from it. Radio adds can be heard in cars but they have a tough time writing down the phone number. The weather channel add came across slow and at a time the person could be ready to make a call right then.

The rates were reasonable from what I remember. Give it a try and a look.


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Yellow Pages can be remarkably effective but you have to be careful. Other Yellow Pages publishers, as well as books in cities you have ignored, will drive you *crazy* with calls "advertise in me."

If you filter incoming calls about "how did you hear about us," and the answer is "Yellow Pages", be sure to ask which one.


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Our DZ is adjacent to a MAJOR highway. I love seeing all the canopies open above while I am driving....I suppose a few people might just see those as well and get interested.

(No traffic accidents that I know of to date due to our display either)
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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There is a small (as in not as big as a billboard) sign on the side of highway (on dz property). There is a thin treeline along the highway, but you can see the DZ, the runway actually parallels the highway, so the drivers get to see the planes and then the canopies that appear from 'nowhere'.

I start getting antsy a few exits up ....are we there YET:S, then I see the plane or the jumpers, YUP :D were there!

Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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indirect advertising. i havent checked the yellow pages to see if my DZ is in there, but there are no billboards, tv/radio ads, big parties, etc....i heard about them 7 or 8 years ago when i worked at UPS, i saw it on a bumpersticker in the parking lot. havent seen another one since though. also, humorously, our University of Louisville football head coach made a promise that if his team beat the #3 ranked Florida State this year, he would do a tandem jump. Funny enough, we beat them, and his jump was in the papers, on TV news, and UL web pages. Im not sure if it brought any business in though, but surely a jumper here and there....also, i heard some radio call in contest a few months back where as an additional prize to the main prize, the winner got a free tandem jump at our DZ. Im glad to hear the word get out, its a lotta fun that most people probably never seriously consider.

hey, i was stupid before stupid was cool!

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We are very proud of our tandem videos and consider them as an important part of our advertising plan... Be sure to use a leader ( a few minutes of images and music, and the phone number etc. for the DZ. ) on all your videos,, if you can create one..manifest then supplies the video person with the blanks...
It is thought that our videos will be seen by dozens and dozens of our students' family and friends...
Word of Mouth works well too,,, and of course treating people nicely when they visit, is the best way to assure they will return.:)
skydive softly, skydive often, skydive with friends

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