
Questionnaire 4 Skydiverz!

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Greetings Everyone!

Ok, the quick version: I have a survey that I need skydivers to fill out - it is volunteer based (non-probability survey). http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z99ZDSS (more information provided on the actual questionnaire).

The longer version: Ever since my first skydive, skydiving has really become a part of my life. So much so, that even my professors know it! I have 3 assignments with the topic of skydiving. Two of this assignments are feature articles for a newspaper in Jefferson County, WI.

I am here today asking for participates - any and ALL help would be greatly appreciate!!! Like I stated above, there is more information at on the questionnaire site, even a point of contact (offsite of here).

P.S. I was just licensed last weekend! (YAY) Mailing out my form now for my A-license card!!! *So excited!*
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
---Kollege Kay--,--'-@
Newbie Skydiver

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Since you want USPA info for verification purposes, are you only wanting input from USPA members? I am Canadian and as such not a USPA member.

Survey froze when I entered None for USPA ratings and text explaining I am not a USPA member
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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For supposedly being in college, spelling things with a 'Z' instead of an 'S' immediately brings into question the integrity of any analysis you would be able to do with my information. It also makes me sad overall that text speak routinely makes it into real documents.

Just something for you to think about as you go forth in life, your education, and career.

Yes, I know this comment makes me look like an ass but it's a personal pet peeve.

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I have not used do0d5p34k in the survey itself, just on the forum where it is an accepted form of communication and in no way reflects my intelligence level. Forums are for informal communication, just like facebook. :-)

Everyone has their own perspective, I hope that clarifies my perspective. The assignment is not to be taken too seriously either, it is seeking out personal experiences and stories to share. The questionnaire is non-probability, volunteer based survey = cannot be used for statistic purposes, nor was it ever intended for such use.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
---Kollege Kay--,--'-@
Newbie Skydiver

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I have not used do0d5p34k in the survey itself, just on the forum where it is an accepted form of communication and in no way reflects my intelligence level. Forums are for informal communication, just like facebook. :-)

Everyone has their own perspective, I hope that clarifies my perspective. The assignment is not to be taken too seriously either, it is seeking out personal experiences and stories to share. The questionnaire is non-probability, volunteer based survey = cannot be used for statistic purposes, nor was it ever intended for such use.

Right on, I'm just in a crotchety old fuck "get off my lawn" mood this morning.

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Corrections below. There's more than one crotchety old fart here whose mind grates when he sees poor writing skills...


Greetings Everyone!

Ok OK, the quick version: I have a survey that I need would like skydivers to fill out - it is volunteer based volunteer-based (non-probability survey). http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z99ZDSS (more information provided on the actual questionnaire).

The longer version: Ever since my first skydive, skydiving has really become a part of my life. So much so, that even my professors know it! I have 3 three assignments with the topic of skydiving. Two of this these assignments are feature articles for a newspaper in Jefferson County, WI.

I am here today asking for participates participants - any and ALL help would be greatly appreciate appreciated!!! Like As I stated above, there is more information at on the questionnaire site, even a point of contact (offsite of from here).

P.S. I was just licensed last weekend! (YAY) Mailing out my form now for my A-license card!!! *So excited!*

So you're in college, and are writing an article for a newspaper, therefore it's time to start practicing correct English right now. Congratulations on your new license.

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Corrections below.


Greetings Everyone!

Ok OK, the quick version: I have a survey that I need would like skydivers to fill out - it is volunteer based volunteer-based (non-probability survey). http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z99ZDSS (more information provided on the actual questionnaire).

The longer version: Ever since my first skydive, skydiving has really become a part of my life. So much so, that even my professors know it! I have 3 three assignments with the topic of skydiving. Two of this these assignments are feature articles for a newspaper in Jefferson County, WI.

I am here today asking for participates participants - any and ALL help would be greatly appreciate appreciated!!! Like As I stated above, there is more information at on the questionnaire site, even a point of contact (offsite of from here).

P.S. I was just licensed last weekend! (YAY) Mailing out my form now for my A-license card!!! *So excited!*

So you're in college, and are writing an article for a newspaper, therefore it's time to start practicing correct English right now. Congratulations on your new license.

And that is "get off my lawn" with a shotgun in hand.

/had to John.

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Seriously, I am not in English class and did not request a lesson in grammar. Can we stay on topic please.

That is all.

I did the survey just fyi.

BUT at the end it says the info is going to be used for an article. So I sure as hell hope you use correct grammar in that... but I'll agree that here it doesn't matter as much.:P

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Seriously, I am not in English class and did not request a lesson in grammar. Can we stay on topic please.

That is all.

Since this is for a newspaper article, I'm pretty sure that grammar does matter, so is very topical to discuss. I would not want my opinions as a skydiver to be written by someone with a clearly remedial grasp of the language, as a poorly written article would then reflect very poorly on me.

Congrats on the A licence.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Go do some reading -- future employers treat everything on the internet as being fair game for their research on whether you're appropriate for a job. Unlike college, where the only thing that enters into your grade is the actual work, in the real world, your presentation also matters.

Take your audience seriously enough to treat them with respect. Yeah, I know you don't want grammar lessons, but HTF is someone going to know that you can write a grammatical sentence for them when they need it, if you don't pay much attention to spelling, grammar, or typos?

And yes, I filled out the survey.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I can only credit those who provided a name (even a nickname). I have to give the option to remain anonymous, though.

If you completed the questionnaire, at the end it asks you to provide a name and license # voluntarily for citing you as a source. :)

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
---Kollege Kay--,--'-@
Newbie Skydiver

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For supposedly being in college, spelling things with a 'Z' instead of an 'S' immediately brings into question the integrity of any analysis you would be able to do with my information. It also makes me sad overall that text speak routinely makes it into real documents.

Just something for you to think about as you go forth in life, your education, and career.

Yes, I know this comment makes me look like an ass but it's a personal pet peeve.

I agree which is why I skipped taking this "Questionnaire".

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Rap is to music what etch-a-sketch is to art.

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This will be the first time I ever wrote into a paper, let alone a feature article. I personally do not feel that confident that my article will be selected, since the whole class will be sending theirs into the editor. I definitely need to improve my writing skills, but it won't be the end of the world if the article is not published this time around. Feature articles generally go through several drafts before it becomes worthy of print.

OT: This past Spring semester I switched from a Biology major to a Communication major. I still have the Biology as a minor because I love science stuff, but with all my involvement on campus, I figured Public Relations was geared towards my personality with planning and organizing. B|

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
---Kollege Kay--,--'-@
Newbie Skydiver

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This will be the first time I ever wrote into a paper, let alone a feature article. I personally do not feel that confident that my article will be selected, since the whole class will be sending theirs into the editor. I definitely need to improve my writing skills, but it won't be the end of the world if the article is not published this time around. Feature articles generally go through several drafts before it becomes worthy of print.

OT: This past Spring semester I switched from a Biology major to a Communication major. I still have the Biology as a minor because I love science stuff, but with all my involvement on campus, I figured Public Relations was geared towards my personality with planning and organizing. B|

Now see, a whole post I can comfortably read without getting a headache :)
Seriously though, it may be all the rage to talk like that online, but for some reason this forum seems to manage to avoid most of that. "Bad English" is excused if it's not your native language, but if it is, ...

Plus, any excuse for thread drift :P

If you want posts like that to show up when you're looking for a job, that's a whole 'nother thing, but it would be something I would worry about, myself (might be a generation gap thing though).

Anyway, I'm not USPA so you don't want my input, but had you written your first post like your last, you would have gotten it B| Good luck anyway.

ciel bleu,

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Seriously though, it may be all the rage to talk like that online, but for some reason this forum seems to manage to avoid most of that. "Bad English" is excused if it's not your native language, but if it is, ...

I think it's because of all the old people. Who would have known so many old farts knew how to use a computer? :o

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Rap is to music what etch-a-sketch is to art.

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Seriously though, it may be all the rage to talk like that online, but for some reason this forum seems to manage to avoid most of that. "Bad English" is excused if it's not your native language, but if it is, ...

I think it's because of all the old people. Who would have known so many old farts knew how to use a computer? :o


You blew it again.

Luckily for you, I'm not hiring ATM ;)

ciel bleu,

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...but had you written your first post like your last, you would have gotten it B|

I really do not see how my last post differs from the first when I got my message across, the purpose of written communication. I think people are just bored and as soon as they find something, they jump right at the opportunity.

Everyone has their own perspective and language is arbitrary. Depending on how you were taught, where you were taught, and other surrounding factors, communication will vary. A simple example is the word "gay." Today it means something totally different then it did 60+ years ago, which was "happy."

Just saying.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
---Kollege Kay--,--'-@
Newbie Skydiver

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...but had you written your first post like your last, you would have gotten it B|

I really do not see how my last post differs from the first when I got my message across, the purpose of written communication. I think people are just bored and as soon as they find something, they jump right at the opportunity.

Everyone has their own perspective and language is arbitrary.
Just saying.

I think you will find that language is anything BUT "arbitrary"
People judge you by your written communications when that is the only medium they have.
Choose your words wisely, as they will eventually come back to you in the arse ESPECIALLY if you commit those words to text.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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