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CNBC closes Climate Desk

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20 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Apparently pandering in climate porn doesn’t get the eyeballs it used to. Another sign that the tide is turning.

Since when? Last month when you falsely claimed your source said the majority of the world's population was scared of climate change?

You gotta get your story straight, man.

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1 hour ago, jakee said:

Since when? Last month when you falsely claimed your source said the majority of the world's population was scared of climate change?

You gotta get your story straight, man.

Horses mouth

“For 13 years running, I have continued a tradition with and for myself where I pick a country I have never been to before and travel there alone on my birthday. Being alone in a new country forces me into an immediately new perspective from which to consider the world and my place in it. Inevitably, things happen on these trips that I could never have anticipated. This year, on Tuesday night of my solo birthday trip in Istanbul, I got an urgent message from my editor’s boss that he needed to speak with me. As part of wider newsroom headcount reductions, there would no longer be any staff at CNBC dedicated to covering climate, this boss said. The climate desk at CNBC was being dismantled and my position covering climate tech and innovation was being eliminated, this boss told me.“


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3 hours ago, brenthutch said:

Apparently pandering in climate porn doesn’t get the eyeballs it used to. Another sign that the tide is turning.


They closed it because its no longer a developing story. Its become a fact, like gravity.

In other climate news. Canadair is developing a new water bomber after a 12 plane EU order with another 12 orders expected. New water bombers were last produced in 2015.


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8 hours ago, brenthutch said:

Horses mouth

So again, last month you ran a whole thread saying climate change was a political scare tactic and you had loads of links to prove it was working because everyone was scared of climate change.

Now you’re saying CNBCs climate desk is closing because no one cares about climate change.

Which is it?

Edited by jakee

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9 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

They closed it because its no longer a developing story. Its become a fact, like gravity.

In other climate news. Canadair is developing a new water bomber after a 12 plane EU order with another 12 orders expected. New water bombers were last produced in 2015.


“The Great Miramichi fire, which destroyed forests and devastated communities across northern New Brunswick in 1825, was the largest and one of the most deadly wildfires in North American history.

The Saguenay and Ottawa Valley fires in 1870 could have been just as deadly when they forced the evacuations of several thousand people. The capital city would have burned down that summer had it not been for a quick-thinking engineer who ordered the gates of the St. Louis dam on the Rideau Canal to be breached so that it would flood city streets.

Seventeen villages were levelled in Wisconsin the following year, killing between 1,200 and 1,500 people.

In 1881, the Michigan’s Thumb fires burned 1,480 barns, 1,521 houses and 51 schools, while killing 283 people and injuring many others. Smoke from those fires coloured the sky over Toronto.“

Canadian wildfires are nothing new. Phil you seem to have a habit of blaming everything on climate change. Currently no meteorological phenomena outside the range of natural variability.  The IPCC concurs 

Edited by brenthutch

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7 hours ago, jakee said:

So again, last month you ran a whole thread saying climate change was a political scare tactic and you had loads of links to prove it was working because everyone was scared of climate change.

Now you’re saying CNBCs climate desk is closing because no one cares about climate change.

Which is it?

Both.  The scare tactic is what some are selling but fewer and fewer people are buying. A trend that is sure to accelerate as the costs and futility become more apparent.


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Just now, brenthutch said:

Both.  The scare tactic is what some are selling but fewer and fewer people are buying. A trend that is sure to accelerate as the costs and futility become more apparent.

Again - last month you were so determined to push the idea that the scare tactic was working that you lied about the contents of a source you posted, saying it showed the majority of the planet was scared of climate change. You were adamant that the climate scare tactics were working and more and more people were becoming worried about climate change.

So again, which is it? You can't have both, you've got to admit you're lying about one of them.

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6 minutes ago, jakee said:

Again - last month you were so determined to push the idea that the scare tactic was working that you lied about the contents of a source you posted, saying it showed the majority of the planet was scared of climate change. You were adamant that the climate scare tactics were working and more and more people were becoming worried about climate change.

So again, which is it? You can't have both, you've got to admit you're lying about one of them.

Can you point me to the post where I said that?  While it is true that a certain percentage of the population (aka Democrats) will buy into the Chicken Little narrative of catastrophic man-made global warming, that number will likely decline as more folks realize the astronomical cost and the immeasurably small impact of CO2 mitigation schemes.

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33 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Can you point me to the post where I said that?  


Note that your link does not actually say the majority of the planet is scared of climate change, but you were so keen to push that message that you lied and said it did.

33 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

While it is true that a certain percentage of the population (aka Democrats) 

So now you think 2/3rds of the population are Democrats? Gosh, I hope you're right about that one.

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4 minutes ago, jakee said:


Note that your link does not actually say the majority of the planet is scared of climate change, but you were so keen to push that message that you lied and said it did.

So now you think 2/3rds of the population are Democrats? Gosh, I hope you're right about that one.

You are correct, the link I posted referred to “young people” I conflated that with the overall population. My mistake, good catch Sir.

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27 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

You are correct, the link I posted referred to “young people” I conflated that with the overall population. My mistake, good catch Sir.

After you selectively quoted the article to avoid referencing the demographic, and (while still trying to make the point that most people do care about climate change) tried everything to avoid admitting it I think we both know it wasn't a mistake.

Anyway - now we've conclusively proved that last month you were trying to persuade us that the majority of the world is scared of climate change, and this month are trying to persuade us that hardly anyone cares about climate change, which one of those are you completely wrong about?

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26 minutes ago, jakee said:

After you selectively quoted the article to avoid referencing the demographic, and (while still trying to make the point that most people do care about climate change) tried everything to avoid admitting it I think we both know it wasn't a mistake.

Anyway - now we've conclusively proved that last month you were trying to persuade us that the majority of the world is scared of climate change, and this month are trying to persuade us that hardly anyone cares about climate change, which one of those are you completely wrong about?

Many if not most consider climate change to be a concern yet hardly anyone wants to do anything about it especially if it involves personal sacrifice.  From a business perspective climate change is looking like a loser, no wonder CNBC is dropping its climate desk.

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5 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Many if not most consider climate change to be a concern yet hardly anyone wants to do anything about it especially if it involves personal sacrifice. 

And yet, just last month you were trying to convince us it was an instrument successfully being used to control the population. Were you completely wrong then, or are you completely wrong now?

7 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

From a business perspective climate change is looking like a loser, no wonder CNBC is dropping its climate desk.

And yet, just last month you were trying to convince us that the majority of the world’s population was scared of climate change because they were paying attention to all the news coverage of it. Were you completely wrong then, or are you completely wrong now? 

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27 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Many if not most consider climate change to be a concern yet hardly anyone wants to do anything about it

25% of cars sold in Califorina are now EVs of one type or another.
We sell over a million ebikes a year, primarily to commuters and delivery people.
CAFE standards have been in place for 40 years and continue to climb in efficiency
Coal is being phased out in the US
Solar and wind are growing by 50% a year
New peaker plants are battery based
First new nuclear plant in the US in 40 years just opened - even though it's the most expensive form of power we have

Sort of the opposite of "hardly anyone wants to do anything about it."


From a business perspective climate change is looking like a loser

Clean energy is a hundred billion dollar business, and currently three million Americans work in the space.  Again, sort of the opposite of a loser from a business perspective.

Are you next going to flip to the claim "well, businesses are just doing it for the money because it's such a winner financially?"


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3 minutes ago, billvon said:

25% of cars sold in Califorina are now EVs of one type or another.
We sell over a million ebikes a year, primarily to commuters and delivery people.
CAFE standards have been in place for 40 years and continue to climb in efficiency
Coal is being phased out in the US
Solar and wind are growing by 50% a year
New peaker plants are battery based
First new nuclear plant in the US in 40 years just opened - even though it's the most expensive form of power we have

Sort of the opposite of "hardly anyone wants to do anything about it."


Global coal use is at an all time high and growing. India and China are building hundreds of new coal plants. CO2 emissions are rising.  Demand for EVs is slackening. Globally the increase in renewables isn’t even enough to keep up with increased demand let alone reducing fossil fuel consumption.

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1 minute ago, brenthutch said:

Global coal use is at an all time high and growing. India and China are building hundreds of new coal plants. CO2 emissions are rising.  Demand for EVs is slackening. Globally the increase in renewables isn’t even enough to keep up with increased demand let alone reducing fossil fuel consumption.

Ah so you have flipped from "hardly anyone wants to do anything about it" to "not enough people outside the US are doing anything about it."  I agree.  Hence the international efforts to teach people about climate change.

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1 hour ago, billvon said:

Ah so you have flipped from "hardly anyone wants to do anything about it" to "not enough people outside the US are doing anything about it."  I agree.  Hence the international efforts to teach people about climate change.

Climate change ranks #17 in national issues. Hardly a priority and CNBC seems to agree.

BTW California’s CO2 emissions rose 1.8% in 2022 and is projected to rise an additional .5% in 2023 according to the EIA. This despite spending billions and crushing consumers with the highest electricity rates in the US. 

Edited by brenthutch

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