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It’s up to the Democrats to save us

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54 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Two things…

First,  Trump is no longer In office Biden is

You started this thread to discuss the upcoming election that Trump will be running in. Honestly man - this was yesterday. It really shows how badly you think your argument is going if you already have to deny the premise of your own thread.

57 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Second, please explain how I am supporting him, at most I just pointed out how some folks might remember his administration. I was a never Trumper from the beginning, I wrote in “Mickey Mouse” on my ballot as I felt a cartoon rodent would make a better choice. 

You credulously parrot every single Trumpist / MAGA attack on Biden, no matter how imaginary the accusations. At the same time, you flatly refuse to acknowledge anything that Trump has done wrong. Even things as obvious as the unprecedented level of nepotism show by appointing his own family to numerous high level White House position, all you are willing to say about it is 'mumble mumble Clinton mumble' (and I'm still waiting to hear what you think you meant by that).

No one but a dyed in the wool Trump supporter would constantly defend him the way you do. The idea that you actually want the Republicans to lose an election in which he is the candidate is simply laughable.

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50 minutes ago, jakee said:

You credulously parrot every single Trumpist / MAGA attack on Biden, no matter how imaginary the accusations. At the same time, you flatly refuse to acknowledge anything that Trump has done wrong. 

I didn’t know Bill Maher was a MAGA Trumpist.  As far as Trump’s malfeasance, that will be sorted out in the courts and he will get what he deserves.

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51 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

I didn’t know Bill Maher was a MAGA Trumpist.  As far as Trump’s malfeasance, that will be sorted out in the courts and he will get what he deserves.

Why do you think Bill Maher is a MAGA Trumpist? I just said he isn’t and you are. 

But again - just look at you steer the conversation away from any criticism of Trump. You cannot say anything bad about the man. You complain that we’re talking about Trump because he’s not the President anymore (even though this is a thread you started about Trump) and yet you just threw back to Clinton to avoid having to comment on Trump’s outrageous nepotism. And again, what did you even mean by that?

How is anyone supposed to believe that you don’t want Trump to win the election if he is the Republican nominee?

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50 minutes ago, jakee said:

But again - just look at you steer the conversation away from any criticism of Trump. You cannot say anything bad about the man. You complain that we’re talking about Trump because he’s not the President anymore (even though this is a thread you started about Trump) and yet you just threw back to Clinton to avoid having to comment on Trump’s outrageous nepotism.

1) Trump didn't do it
2) Why are we talking about Trump?
3) Clinton did it first.

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21 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

And if the Ds can’t nominate a guaranteed loser, we will all be talking about Trump as he will be our next president 

Say that again in a way that makes sense?

Regardless - Joe Biden is a winner. He is the only guy who has beat Trump. The only way Trump could possibly beat him is if you and the people you support are successful with the evidenceless character assassination campaign you are running. Which, by the way, we all you know you would do with any candidate the Dems put up. No matter the facts, you'd loudly and constantly accuse them of some imaginary malfeasance, all while staying utterly silent on any of Trump's real, proven crimes and corruption. 

Unless you just blame it on Clinton. And seriously, what did you mean by deflecting Trump's nepotism onto Clinton? Or was it just a mindless knee jerk response and you really have no idea what you were talking about?

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21 minutes ago, jakee said:

Say that again in a way that makes sense?

Regardless - Joe Biden is a winner. He is the only guy who has beat Trump.

But a woman (Clinton) also beat Trump in the popular vote.

Thank the last institutional relic of the slavery era (EC) for installing the loser into the Whitehouse.

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16 minutes ago, jakee said:

Say that again in a way that makes sense?

Regardless - Joe Biden is a winner. He is the only guy who has beat Trump. The only way Trump could possibly beat him is if you and the people you support are successful with the evidenceless character assassination campaign you are running. Which, by the way, we all you know you would do with any candidate the Dems put up. No matter the facts, you'd loudly and constantly accuse them of some imaginary malfeasance, all while staying utterly silent on any of Trump's real, proven crimes and corruption. 

Unless you just blame it on Clinton. And seriously, what did you mean by deflecting Trump's nepotism onto Clinton? Or was it just a mindless knee jerk response and you really have no idea what you were talking about?

Let me rephrase that, the Ds need to nominate someone who will not lose to Trump.  As of now, it doesn’t matter what I think or what you think, if the election were to be held today, Trump wins, America loses.  The only way to avoid this is for the Democrats to nominate a young centrist. Unfortunately the Ds are in the grip of the far left crazies.  If Obama ran today, he would not stand a chance given his support for marriage between a man and a woman.  We are doomed 

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11 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

Let me rephrase that, the Ds need to nominate someone who will not lose to Trump. 

There's no reason for Biden to lose to Trump. After all, he's a normal, honest politician and Trump is a corrupt, thieving rapist who shit all over the US government in favour of his own family when he was in the White House. If you don't want Trump to win, why don't you talk about that?

11 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

As of now, it doesn’t matter what I think or what you think, if the election were to be held today, Trump wins, America loses.  

The election won't be held today. It'll be held late next year, by which time Trump will be a many times convicted felon on treason and corruption related charges. If you don't want Trump to win, why don't you talk about that?

11 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

 If Obama ran today, he would not stand a chance given his support for marriage between a man and a woman.

Obama supports gay marriage today. He's supported it for a decade. See this is what I'm talking about - it doesn't matter who the Dem candidate is, you'll fnd any way possible to attack them. They could nominate the second coming of Jesus and you'd say he's unelectable against Trump because he used to hang out with hookers - and completely fail to see the irony.


And seriously, what were you talking about with the Clinton nepotism thing? If you can't explain it, but you also refuse to say Trump was guilty of unprecedented nepotism with official White House positions, don't you see that you're just proving me right?

Edited by jakee

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