
Tax cut backfires

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Nobody knows the health and profitability of a business than their executives. With that in mind over the last 12 years US companies have increasingly used free cash to buy back stock. If business fundamentals within the corporation would have been stronger they could have used that cash to reinvest in plants and machinery. Could have used the money to expand by aquisition.

The Ugly Truth Behind Stock Buybacks
American companies have been spending wildly lately, but that cash isn’t being used for R&D or innovation. Rather, it’s being spent to buy up gobs of company stock.

Corporate debt is at new highs

and the smart:
Buffett Nears a Milestone He Doesn't Want: $100 Billion in Cash
"Berkshire doesn’t pay a dividend and rarely buys back its own stock, Buffett is on the hook to find ways to invest those funds.

“To put that money to work would be great,” said David Rolfe, chief investment officer at Wedgewood Partners, a money manager overseeing about $6 billion including Berkshire stock. But the “list of companies that he would like to own is very, very small.”

Bulls, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered
"So often, when I bring this adage up, people ask me "How do you know when you are being a pig?" I know there's not supposed to be any stupid questions out there, but the answer is, frankly, you don't need me to tell you. If you weren't feeling piggish after we hit an all-time high on the Nasdaq in 2000, you needed a shrink, pronto.

Remember, my goal is to stay in the game. The people who got wiped out by the Nasdaq crash tended to be people who never took anything off the table, who never felt greedy, who got slaughtered by their own piggishness.

Unlike so many others I see and hear on television or read in articles, I have no regrets about liking the market during that period. To have avoided those 3,000 points would have been sinful. It would have been suicidal for a professional manager"

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You didn't click on the NYT link embedded in that article...did you? You only read the Breitbart part, and probably only the headline right?

You never learn. You have fallen face deep in your own shit so many times, yet you refuse to learn.

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