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It definitely is! And rabbits, and coyotes, and bluejays, and lizards.

We had our 1st tarantulla sighting a couple of weeks ago.

They actually taste pretty good! :)

Little crunchy.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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but there arent as big as the pic suggests.

thats two anf they are holding it close to the lens. its an old fishermans trick.

they ARE BIG. probably enough to lay across your face while you sleep. if that doesn't give you the warm fuzzies, i don't know what will

In my army days I have seen those things up close and personal. You wake up in a tent, laying in a bunk bed (the top one), and the first thing you see is this THING sitting on the ceiling of a tent about a feet above your face... Tell you, it freaked me out! :S We used to put them in a jar with scorpions (comparably sized) -- guess who would win the fight? I actually thought they were poisonous, but apparently they are not...

I like spiders, but these... Nasty!.. :S
We were not born to fly. And all we can do is to try not to fall...

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No, it's definitely a Garden Spider. I've got one as well and she, as the females are the larger ones that dominate the orb web, has produced two egg sacs so far and seems to be building up to a third. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I regularly toss a cricket or two in her web. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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About the only animals that cause us trouble are lizards, who get into the house during the winter because it's warm.

We have screens, but the lizards can still get up under them and into the house in the cooler months (it's been wonderfully cool with the ocean breeze in the last couple days and I've had all the windows open.:)
I keep a super-clean house :D so your trick would not work for me. But, they're not too hard to catch. The issue is catching them before the cats, but the cats are excellent helpers. Even if the kitties catch one, they rarely kill it. They like to play with it so they pick it up in their mouths and then drop it until it runs again.

We have a lot of tailless lizards running around, needless to say. But we have a lot of lizards, too, and I love them! I've even named two we see pretty often w/ distinctive features; There's Rex who hangs out on the top of the fence & is the biggest of all the lizards around the house. And Lenny, a beautiful lime-green lizard who blends beautifully (and lives in) my hanging plant--he even gets a purple stripe down his back so that he matches my plant perfectly.:)
I've said before we've had maybe one bug inside the house since we bought it 4 years ago. I attribute that to the lizards. We've only had to spray for bugs once in that four years due to ant infestations outside in the yard....

Anywho....I'm rambling. I like nature, though and I rarely kill anything. It's always capture & release; including snakes. We also tend to get garter snakes & black racers once in a while. The black racer was by far the freakiest to try and capture. We only had to capture it b/c it liked to lay under the porch concrete and my kitty kept sticking his paw under and trying to play with it. I didn't want him to get bitten.B| We eventually caught it and relocated it, but what a task!

I can't wait to move into a more wooded area on the intracoastal.:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Found this guy by our compost pile this morning. (Hard to tell scale, but his body alone is over an inch long.)

I use to see those spiders (or ones just like it) on huge webs between two pines trees near Ft. Bragg. You'd avoid them in daylight, but at night you'd walk right into them and be covered with the web and you know that big sucker is on you somewhere. :S


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Hey Jen!

I will be sure to bring some back for you! >:(

Oh and because of the body composition it really is not a Spider.


K-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B|


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Look what I discovered today on our side porch?

It's a spiny orb weaver. This is just a quick shot I took. The way the web is, and the ocean wind is blowing crazy, I was afraid to get under him. I read their bites are not known to cause serious damage to humans--does anyone know about animals? I worry for my furry babies that like to sun in a spot just under the new web.[:/]
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Look what I discovered today on our side porch?

It's a spiny orb weaver. This is just a quick shot I took. The way the web is, and the ocean wind is blowing crazy, I was afraid to get under him. I read their bites are not known to cause serious damage to humans--does anyone know about animals? I worry for my furry babies that like to sun in a spot just under the new web.[:/]

Crablike Spiny Orb Weaver. Harmless.
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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Cool beans.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid Spike will have to be relocated. He is not in a very good spot being that his web (which is quite large for such a small spider) stretches just so that it blocks a side gateway entrance to our yard--which is an entrance/exit I and Billy use quite often.

Don't worry. I'm no killer. I'm sure Spike will find the new place I have chosen for him a Spider paradise.B|
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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