
America First Energy Policy

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The next reactor license will be for a fusion reactor.

We already have a working fusion reactor at a safe distance. We just need to learn to use it better.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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It only works < half of the time.

Yes, that's "learning to use better part". Do you really think that the challenges of making a fusion reactor are less the challenges of energy storage? Fusion power is a pie in the sky someday maybe technology. There is no energy shortage, there is just an engineering task to figure out.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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I am all for solar, and if I lived in SoCal I might have some solar panels on my roof, but I don't. Here in Central PA, we have not seen the sun in a week. I don't care how good your battery is, one can not heat a house on solar in this neck of the woods. OTOH I am sitting on a trillion square feet of clean cheap natural gas so forgive me for advocating for what works.

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Yes, forced air gas heating. Life in a Winnipeg bungalow would hardly be bearable without it. And electric car? Not here. I can't imagine batteries lasting very long at -30C. You can't even start your car in the morning without a 1000 watt block heater keeping the engine warm overnight. And the cabin would be very cold without the waste heat from the gas engine to warm it.

But you were not advocating natural gas. You were advocating economic nationalism in an energy market that is worldwide. The sun shines on the USA quite a bit. You might consider grabbing some of that energy as well. Or you could turn your back on the future and leave it to China.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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It will take oil to build both your cars. The case around the batteries, the body panels, interior. You think you're getting away from it but you're not
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The U.S. is now the dominant player in the world's energy markets, and will only get stronger as we bring more resources to bear. Not only will we be exporting LNG to Europe, we will drive the cost of oil so low that Canada's oil sands will no longer be economically viable. Sorry about that.

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The U.S. is now the dominant player in the world's energy markets, and will only get stronger as we bring more resources to bear. Not only will we be exporting LNG to Europe, we will drive the cost of oil so low that Canada's oil sands will no longer be economically viable. Sorry about that.

Easy there big boy...Easy there!!!

"Except for fracking. Unlike conventional projects, shale wells enjoy an extremely short life. In the Bakken region straddling Montana and North Dakota, a well that starts out pumping 1,000 barrels a day will decline to just 280 barrels by the start of year two, a shrinkage of 72%. By the beginning of year three, more than half the reserves of that well will be depleted, and annual production will fall to a trickle. To generate constant or increasing revenue, producers need to constantly drill new wells, since their existing wells span a mere half-life by industry standards....

On average, the “all-in,” breakeven cost for U.S. hydraulic shale is $65 per barrel, according to a study by Rystad Energy and Morgan Stanley Commodity Research. So, with the current price at $48, the industry is under siege. To be sure, the frackers will continue to operate older wells so long as they generate revenues in excess of their variable costs. But the older wells—unlike those in the Middle East or the North Sea—produce only tiny quantities. To keep the boom going, the shale gang must keep doing what they’ve been doing to thrive; they need to drill many, many new wells.'

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You need to get up to speed there Junebug! Your source is two years old.

"The U.S. Geological Survey recently discovered the largest continuous oil and gas deposit ever found in the United States, officials said Tuesday.

The agency announced that the Wolfcamp shale, located in the Midland Basin portion of Texas’ Permian Basin, contains 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquid.

The Permian Basin is one of the most productive oil and gas areas in the country, and more than 3,000 horizontal wells have been drilled in the Wolfcamp shale section, the agency said in a statement.

“The fact that this is the largest assessment of continuous oil we have ever done just goes to show that, even in areas that have produced billions of barrels of oil, there is still the potential to find billions more,” said Walter Guidroz, program coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Energy Resources Program.

The oil is worth around $900 billion at current prices, Bloomberg News reported.

The discovery is nearly three times larger than oil found in 2013 in the Bakken and Three Forks formations in the Williston Basin Province of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, according to the USGS."

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The U.S. is now the dominant player in the world's energy markets, and will only get stronger as we bring more resources to bear. Not only will we be exporting LNG to Europe, we will drive the cost of oil so low that Canada's oil sands will no longer be economically viable. Sorry about that.

It won't get quite that low. Because at that price American production falls. As I'm sure you've heard, the cure for low oil prices is low oil prices. Tight oil has almost as high a cost as shale oil. And the US dollar is so high that we can keep on sending heavy crude to Louisiana for refining at a profit. Especially when Keystone is finished.

On a lighter note here is one of the first lessons I learned about the dangers of trade.

Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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You need to get up to speed there Junebug! Your source is two years old.

"The U.S. Geological Survey recently discovered the largest continuous oil and gas deposit ever found in the United States, officials said Tuesday.

The agency announced that the Wolfcamp shale, located in the Midland Basin portion of Texas’ Permian Basin, contains 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquid.

The Permian Basin is one of the most productive oil and gas areas in the country, and more than 3,000 horizontal wells have been drilled in the Wolfcamp shale section, the agency said in a statement.

“The fact that this is the largest assessment of continuous oil we have ever done just goes to show that, even in areas that have produced billions of barrels of oil, there is still the potential to find billions more,” said Walter Guidroz, program coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Energy Resources Program.

The oil is worth around $900 billion at current prices, Bloomberg News reported.

The discovery is nearly three times larger than oil found in 2013 in the Bakken and Three Forks formations in the Williston Basin Province of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota, according to the USGS."


If we all work together we'll get you a job in the new trump administration.

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>Not only will we be exporting LNG to Europe, we will drive the cost of oil so low
>that Canada's oil sands will no longer be economically viable.

If we drive the cost of oil that low, our tight oil wells will no longer be profitable, and Saudi Arabia will once again take the lead in oil production. Basic economics.

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One often-overlooked but very important point, is that break-even costs have fallen as companies have traversed the learning curve. As operators gain experience in optimizing hydraulic fracturing the portion of the break even costs that are a function of the well cost have, and will continue to, decline. The recent drop in price have driven out inefficientcys and culled the weaker players, leaving a more robust and productive industry. Simple capitalism.

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Well for trump all is not lost. With directional drilling he could license all the oil companies to put rigs right on the park borders and drill under all national parks.

here you go - since Trump is pretty much Monte Burns

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***Well for trump all is not lost. With directional drilling he could license all the oil companies to put rigs right on the park borders and drill under all national parks.

here you go - since Trump is pretty much Monte Burns

Careful there we all know that trump likes to carry a grudge. Now the NPS has been caught poking fun at trump and telling the truth about global warming.


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One often-overlooked but very important point, is that break-even costs have fallen as companies have traversed the learning curve.

Very true - and even more so for newer technologies, like solar, wind and grid-scale storage.


- cut wages by 30% in the oil industry.
- cut service costs by 30%
- cut rig lease rates.

Devastated balance sheets of the smaller oil companies.


"A report published earlier this month by Haynes and Boone found that ninety gas and oil producers in the United States (US) and Canada have filed for bankruptcy from 3 January, 2015 to 1 August, 2016.

Approximately US$66.5 billion in aggregate debt has been declared in dozens of bankruptcy cases including Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 15, based on the analysis from the international corporate law firm.

Texas leads the number of bankruptcy filings with 44 during the time period measured by Haynes and Boone, and also has the largest number of debt declared in courts with around US$29.5 billion."

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One often-overlooked but very important point, is that break-even costs have fallen as companies have traversed the learning curve.

Very true - and even more so for newer technologies, like solar, wind and grid-scale storage.


- cut wages by 30% in the oil industry.
- cut service costs by 30%
- cut rig lease rates.

Devastated balance sheets of the smaller oil companies.


"A report published earlier this month by Haynes and Boone found that ninety gas and oil producers in the United States (US) and Canada have filed for bankruptcy from 3 January, 2015 to 1 August, 2016.

Approximately US$66.5 billion in aggregate debt has been declared in dozens of bankruptcy cases including Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 15, based on the analysis from the international corporate law firm.

Texas leads the number of bankruptcy filings with 44 during the time period measured by Haynes and Boone, and also has the largest number of debt declared in courts with around US$29.5 billion."

"The recent drop in price have driven out inefficientcys and culled the weaker players, leaving a more robust and productive industry. Simple capitalism."

Capitalism is about profit AND loss.

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The recent reductions in the cost per bbl of tight oil extraction would seem to have several causes. Firstly, the most expensive sites have been abandoned of now. Secondly, the companies that service the wells and do the work are all scrambling for contracts and are bidding lower. And thirdly, experience is teaching them how to raise the yield at a lower cost. It's not like the price is going to just keep falling.

Supply and demand is affecting the cost structure as well. But the short story is that the world is now in an era of sufficient or even plentiful supply and declining demand. Despite the new regime oil pricing will remain a global, and not a national matter.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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>A report published earlier this month by Haynes and Boone found that ninety gas
>and oil producers in the United States (US) and Canada have filed for bankruptcy
>from 3 January, 2015 to 1 August, 2016.

When dozens of oil companies (in an industry supported by tens of billions in taxpayer money) go into bankruptcy and default on their debts, it is an indication that efficient capitalism is culling the weaker players, making American industry more robust and productive. It's what makes America great (again.)

When a single renewables company (supported by hundreds of millions in taxpayer money) goes into bankruptcy, it is an indication of the evils of the government "picking winners," proof of the failure of socialism and a nail in the coffin of renewable energy. It's an indication of everything that is wrong with America.

It is very important in the age of Trump to get the spin correct.

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>A report published earlier this month by Haynes and Boone found that ninety gas
>and oil producers in the United States (US) and Canada have filed for bankruptcy
>from 3 January, 2015 to 1 August, 2016.

When dozens of oil companies (in an industry supported by tens of billions in taxpayer money) go into bankruptcy and default on their debts, it is an indication that efficient capitalism is culling the weaker players, making American industry more robust and productive. It's what makes America great (again.)

When a single renewables company (supported by hundreds of millions in taxpayer money) goes into bankruptcy, it is an indication of the evils of the government "picking winners," proof of the failure of socialism and a nail in the coffin of renewable energy. It's an indication of everything that is wrong with America.

It is very important in the age of Trump to get the spin correct.

Then again today there was a trump hack explaining to the wide eyed journalists on CNN, that the EPA was responsible for the lead contamination of drinking water in Flint Mich. If its up to them there will be free lead for all Americans.

Thats why the EPA needs to be disbanded according to this buffoon.

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